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Significant Earthquakes of the World



                                          SIGNIFICANT EARTHQUAKES OF THE WORLD, 2002

Earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 or greater or ones that caused fatalities, injuries or substantial damage.
   BRK--Berkeley.  PAS--Pasadena.  

 UTC       UTC         COORDINATES                        STA
        HR MN SEC     LAT       LONG                      USED

JAN 02  17 22 48.7  17.600 S  167.856 E   21 G  7.2  0.9  427  VANUATU ISLANDS. MW 7.2 (HRV), 7.1 (GS), 7.3 (OBN). mb 6.3 (GS).    
                                                                MS 7.5 (GS). ME 7.2 (GS). Mo 7.7*10**19 Nm (HRV), 5.5*10**19 Nm 
                                                                (GS), 8.7*10**19 Nm (OBN), 1.4*10**20 Nm (PPT). Es 1.6*10**15 Nm 
                                                                (GS). Several people injured, two bridges destroyed and 
                                                                buildings and roads damaged on Efate. Rockslides blocked access 
                                                                to the wharf at Port-Vila. A tsunami with wave heights of 40 cm 
                                                                (peak-to-trough) recorded at Port-Vila.

JAN 03  07 05 27.6  36.088 N   70.687 E  129 D  6.2  0.9  431  HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN. MW 6.2 (GS), 6.1 (HRV). mb 5.8    
                                                                (GS). ME 5.7 (GS). Mo 1.9*10**18 Nm (GS), 1.5*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                Es 8.8*10**12 Nm (GS). At least one person injured and felt 
                                                                strongly in the Mazar-e Sharif-Kabul area. Felt (V) at Dushanbe, 
                                                                Jerino and Khorugh, Tajikistan. Felt (IV) at Samarqand and (III) 
                                                                at Jizzax, Qarshi and Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Felt at Islamabad, 
                                                                Lahore, Multan, Peshawar and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Also felt in 
                                                                northwestern India.

JAN 03  10 17 36.3  17.664 S  168.004 E   10 G  6.6  1.1  386  VANUATU ISLANDS. MW 6.6 (HRV), 6.4 (GS). mb 5.8 (GS). MS 6.4    
                                                                (GS). ME 6.2 (GS). Mo 9.9*10**18 Nm (HRV), 5.2*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                Es 4.4*10**13 Nm (GS). Felt on Efate.

JAN 09  06 45 57.5  38.673 N   69.902 E   33 N  5.3  0.8  240  TAJIKISTAN. MW 5.3 (HRV). mb 5.2 (GS). MS 5.2 (GS). Mo 8.8*10**16    
                                                                Nm (HRV). At least 3 people killed, 50 injured and 209 buildings 
                                                                damaged in the Roghun area. Felt (IV) at Dushanbe.

JAN 10  11 14 56.9   3.212 S  142.427 E   11 G  6.7  1.2  333  NEAR NORTH COAST OF NEW GUINEA, P.N.G. MW 6.7 (HRV), 6.6 (GS). mb    
                                                                6.0 (GS). MS 6.6 (GS). ME 6.7 (GS). Mo 1.4*10**19 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                1.0*10**19 Nm (GS), 1.7*10**19 Nm (PPT). Es 2.2*10**14 Nm (GS). 
                                                                One person killed and 200 houses and 250 water tanks destroyed 
                                                                in the Aitape area.

JAN 17  20 01 29.2   1.684 S   29.077 E   15 D  4.7  0.9   40  LAC KIVU REGION, DEM. REP. OF THE CONGO. mb 4.7 (GS). mbLg 4.9    
                                                                (GS). Several people killed and at least 307 buildings destroyed 
                                                                in the Gisenyi area, Rwanda. Felt at Kimironko, Rwanda. This is 
                                                                one of the largest of a series of earthquakes associated with 
                                                                the eruption of Volcan Nyiragongo, Congo. Lava flows from this 
                                                                eruption killed at least 45 people, destroyed parts of 14 
                                                                villages and caused damage to about one-half of the city of 
                                                                Goma, Congo. The series of earthquakes has caused subsidence of 
                                                                about 70 cm at Bukavu, 50 cm at Goma and 50 cm on Idjwi, Congo.

JAN 19  17 09 29.1*  1.931 S   29.579 E   10 G  4.6  1.3   35  RWANDA. mb 4.6 (GS). mbLg 4.7 (GS). Casualties and damage are    
                                                                included with the event of January 17 at 20:01 UTC.

JAN 20  00 14 44.3   1.681 S   28.981 E   10 G  5.1  1.0   77  LAC KIVU REGION, DEM. REP. OF THE CONGO. MW 5.1 (HRV). mb 4.9    
                                                                (GS). MS 4.6 (GS). mbLg 5.2 (GS). Mo 5.9*10**16 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                Casualties and damage are included with the event of January 17 
                                                                at 20:01 UTC. Felt strongly at Kimironko; felt at Ruhengeri, 
                                                                Rwanda. Also felt at Bukavu and Goma, Congo.

JAN 21  01 19 32.6*  1.726 S   28.854 E   10 G  4.6  1.3   40  LAC KIVU REGION, DEM. REP. OF THE CONGO. mb 4.6 (GS). mbLg 4.9    
                                                                (GS). Casualties and damage are included with the event of 
                                                                January 17 at 20:01 UTC.

JAN 21  04 39 21.6   1.776 S   29.041 E   10 G  5.1  1.0   97  LAC KIVU REGION, DEM. REP. OF THE CONGO. MW 5.1 (HRV). mb 4.9    
                                                                (GS). MS 4.5 (GS). mbLg 5.1 (GS). Mo 5.2*10**16 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                Casualties and damage are included with the event of January 17 
                                                                at 20:01 UTC. Felt at Kimironko, Rwanda.

JAN 21  10 55 03.7   1.903 S   29.117 E   10 G  4.7  1.0   36  LAC KIVU REGION, DEM. REP. OF THE CONGO. mb 4.7 (GS). mbLg 5.1    
                                                                (GS). Casualties and damage are included with the event of 
                                                                January 17 at 20:01 UTC.

JAN 21  14 34 23.3  38.664 N   27.881 E   10 G  4.6  1.1  206  TURKEY. mb 4.6 (GS). MS 4.0 (GS). ML 4.8 (ATH), 4.1 (NIC). MD 4.7    
                                                                (ISK). One person killed at Izmir. Felt at Aydin, Balikesir, 
                                                                Izmir and Manisa.

JAN 22  04 53 52.6  35.790 N   26.617 E   88 G  6.2  0.9  390  CRETE, GREECE. MW 6.2 (GS), 6.2 (HRV). mb 6.2 (GS). ME 6.0 (GS).    
                                                                Mo 2.2*10**18 Nm (GS), 2.1*10**18 Nm (HRV). Es 2.4*10**13 Nm 
                                                                (GS). One person died of a heart attack at Antalya, Turkey. Felt 
                                                                strongly in southwestern Turkey and in eastern Greece. Felt 
                                                                (III) throughout Cyprus. Also felt in southern Greece, northern 
                                                                Israel, parts of Lebanon and in the Cairo area, Egypt.

JAN 22  15 32 05.5   1.515 S   28.993 E   10 G  5.2  1.0   58  LAC KIVU REGION, DEM. REP. OF THE CONGO. MW 5.2 (HRV). mb 4.9    
                                                                (GS). MS 4.7 (GS). mbLg 5.2 (GS). Mo 7.4*10**16 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                Casualties and damage are included with the event of January 17 
                                                                at 20:01 UTC. Felt at Kimironko, Rwanda.

FEB 03  07 11 28.4& 38.573 N   31.271 E    5    6.5       482  WESTERN TURKEY. <ISK>. MW 6.5 (HRV), 6.2 (GS), 6.0 (CSEM). mb 5.7    
                                                                (GS). MS 6.4 (GS). ME 5.7 (GS). MD 6.0 (ISK). ML 5.7 (THE). Mo 
                                                                6.0*10**18 Nm (HRV), 2.4*10**18 Nm (GS), 1.1*10**18 Nm (CSEM). 
                                                                Es 8.0*10**12 Nm (GS). At least 44 people killed, 318 injured 
                                                                and 622 buildings damaged in Afyon Province. Felt in much of 
                                                                west-central Turkey. Also felt in the Dodecanese Islands, Greece 
                                                                and (II) at Nicosia, Cyprus. Maximum acceleration of 0.113 g was 
                                                                recorded at Afyon. Preliminary reports indicate 30 km of surface 
                                                                faulting with vertical offset in the Cay-Sultandagi area. Two 
                                                                new hot springs formed in the area and others changed their flow 
                                                                rates. Most of this information was obtained from reports on the 
                                                                websites of Bogazici University, Turkey and GeoForschungZentrum 
                                                                Potsdam, Germany.

FEB 03  20 59 27.6  38.773 N   69.924 E   44 *  4.9  1.0  147  TAJIKISTAN. mb 4.9 (GS). Several people injured and several    
                                                                buildings damaged in the Roghun area.

FEB 05  13 27 24.6   5.345 S  151.248 E   39 G  6.6  0.9  444  NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA. MW 6.6 (GS), 6.6 (HRV). mb    
                                                                5.8 (GS). MS 6.3 (GS). ME 5.6 (GS). Mo 9.0*10**18 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                8.4*10**18 Nm (GS), 9.7*10**18 Nm (PPT). Es 5.6*10**12 Nm (GS).

FEB 17  13 03 52.7  28.093 N   51.755 E   33 N  5.4  1.1  343  SOUTHERN IRAN. MW 5.4 (GS), 5.4 (HRV). mb 5.6 (GS). MS 5.0 (GS).    
                                                                Mo 1.5*10**17 Nm (GS), 1.2*10**17 Nm (HRV). One person killed, 
                                                                30 injured and 80 percent of houses damaged at Baghan.

FEB 20  11 27 43.6& 51.561 N   16.082 E    1    4.9       158  POLAND. <WAR>. mb 4.9 (GS). ML 5.0 (STR), 4.9 (GRF), 4.6 (ZAMG).    
                                                                Mining induced event. At least 3 people injured, equipment 
                                                                damaged and several tunnels collapsed in the Rudna mine. Also 
                                                                minor damage to buildings at Polkowice.

MAR 03  12 08 19.7  36.502 N   70.482 E  226 D  7.4  1.1  138  HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN. MW 7.4 (HRV), 7.3 (GS). mb 6.6    
                                                                (GS). ME 7.4 (GS). Mo 1.3*10**20 Nm (HRV), 1.1*10**20 Nm (GS), 
                                                                1.3*10**20 Nm (PPT). Es 2.7*10**15 Nm (GS). At least 150 people 
                                                                killed, several injured and 400 houses damaged or destroyed by a 
                                                                landslide that dammed and flooded Surkundara Valley, Samangan 
                                                                Province. At least 13 people killed at Kabul and Rostaq and 3 
                                                                people killed in Bajaur, Pakistan. At least 300 houses destroyed 
                                                                in Badakhshan and Takhar Provinces. A 45 meter wide fissure 
                                                                opened in Xiker Reservoir in Xinjiang, China. Felt in much of 
                                                                Afghanistan and Pakistan. Felt (VI) at Dushanbe, Tajikistan. 
                                                                Felt (V) at Qarshi, Samarqand and Tashkent; (IV) at Andijon and 
                                                                Namangan, Uzbekistan. Felt (V) at Osh; (IV) at Batken and Sufi-
                                                                Kurgan; (III) at Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Felt (III) at Shymkent, 
                                                                Taraz and Zhambyl, Kazakhstan. Also felt in India and Xinjiang, 

MAR 05  21 16 09.1   6.033 N  124.249 E   31 G  7.5  0.9  321  MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES. MW 7.5 (HRV), 7.2 (GS), 7.1 (OBN). mb 6.3    
                                                                (GS). MS 7.2 (GS). ME 7.1 (GS). Mo 8.1*10**19 Nm (GS), 
                                                                1.9*10**20 Nm (HRV), 4.8*10**19 Nm (OBN). Es 1.1*10**15 Nm (GS). 
                                                                At least 15 people killed, 100 injured and 800 buildings damaged 
                                                                or destroyed in southern and central Mindanao. In South Cotabato 
                                                                Province landslides breached the crater wall of Parker Volcano 
                                                                and fell into Maughan Lake, creating a flood which washed away 
                                                                houses and flooded 9 sub-districts. Local tsunamis with heights 
                                                                estimated at 3 meters caused damage at Kiamba, Maitum and 
                                                                Palimbang. Felt (IX PIVS) at Palimbang; (VIII PIVS) at Kiamba 
                                                                and Maitum; (VII PIVS) at Alabel, General Santos and Sebu; (VI 
                                                                PIVS) at Koronadal; (V PIVS) at Cotabato; (IV PIVS) at Davao 
                                                                City, Kidapawan and Zamboanga; (III PIVS) at Bislig, Malaybalay, 
                                                                Mati and Pagadian; (II PIVS) at Butuan; (I PIVS) at Hibok-Hibok.

MAR 25  14 56 33.8  36.062 N   69.315 E    8 G  6.1  1.1  416  HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN. MW 6.1 (HRV), 6.0 (GS). mb 5.9    
                                                                (GS). MS 6.2 (GS). ME 6.2 (GS). Mo 1.6*10**18 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                1.2*10**18 Nm (GS). Es 4.5*10**13 Nm (GS). At least 1,000 people 
                                                                killed, several hundred injured and several thousand homeless in 
                                                                Baghlan Province. At least 1,500 houses destroyed or damaged at 
                                                                Nahrin and several hundred more in other areas of Baghlan 
                                                                Province. Landslides blocked many roads in the epicentral area. 
                                                                Felt strongly in much of northern Afghanistan. Also felt in the 
                                                                Islamabad-Peshawar area, Pakistan and at Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

MAR 27  08 52 52.2  36.023 N   69.338 E   10 G  5.6  0.9  433  HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN. MW 5.6 (GS), 5.6 (HRV). mb 5.9    
                                                                (GS). MS 5.4 (GS). Mo 2.8*10**17 Nm (HRV), 2.5*10**17 Nm (GS). 
                                                                Casualties are included with the event of March 25 at 14:56 UTC. 
                                                                Additional landslides and damage in the epicentral area. Felt in 
                                                                the Islamabad-Peshawar area, Pakistan.

MAR 28  04 56 22.4  21.663 S   68.329 W  125 D  6.5  1.0  486  CHILE-BOLIVIA BORDER REGION. MW 6.5 (GS), 6.5 (HRV). mb 6.1 (GS).    
                                                                ME 6.6 (GS). Mo 6.9*10**18 Nm (GS), 5.9*10**18 Nm (HRV). Es 
                                                                1.7*10**14 Nm (GS). Landslides blocked roads and power outages 
                                                                occurred at Pica, Chile. Felt (V) at Calama, Camina, 
                                                                Chuquicamata, Guatacondo, Huara, Huatacondo, La Tirana, Mamina, 
                                                                Oficina Pedro de Valdivia, Pica, Pozo Almonte, Tarapaca and 
                                                                Tocopilla; (IV) at Azapa, Camar, Camarones, Cuya and Iquique; 
                                                                (III) at Antofagasta, Arica and Putre, Chile. Felt (III) at 
                                                                Arequipa, Peru. Also felt in parts of southwestern Bolivia.

MAR 31  06 52 50.4  24.279 N  122.179 E   33    7.1  1.0  550  TAIWAN REGION. MW 7.1 (GS), 7.1 (HRV). mb 6.4 (GS). MS 7.4 (GS).    
                                                                ME 6.9 (GS). ML 6.8 (TAP). Mo 5.5*10**19 Nm (GS), 5.4*10**19 Nm 
                                                                (HRV). Es 5.1*10**14 Nm (GS). At least 5 people killed, 200 
                                                                injured, 3 buildings collapsed and 100 houses destroyed in the 
                                                                T'ai-pei area. Water and gas lines were broken and some bridges 
                                                                were damaged. Landslides blocked highways in eastern Taiwan. 
                                                                Felt throughout Taiwan. A tsunami of 20 cm (peak-to-trough) 
                                                                occurred on Yonaguni-jima, Ryukyu Islands. Recorded (6 TAP) in I-
                                                                lan; (5 TAP) in Hua-lien and Miao-li; (4 TAP) in Hsin-chu, Nan-
                                                                t'ou, T'ai-chung, T'ai-pei, T'ao-yuan and Yun-lin; (3 TAP) in 
                                                                Chia-i and T'ai-tung; (2 TAP) in T'ai-nan Counties. Also 
                                                                recorded (5 TAP) at T'ai-pei and I-lan. Recorded (3 JMA) on 
                                                                Yonaguni-jima; (2 JMA) on Iriomote-jima and Ishigaki-jima; (1 
                                                                JMA) on Miyako-jima, Ryukyu Islands.

APR 01  06 14 15.2   6.191 S  147.421 E   81 D  5.3  1.0  122  EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA. MW 5.3 (HRV). mb 5.0    
                                                                (GS). Mo 1.0*10**17 Nm (HRV). Thirty-six people presumed killed 
                                                                by a landslide in Morobe Province.

APR 12  04 00 23.7  35.959 N   69.417 E   10 G  5.9  1.3  361  HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN. MW 5.9 (HRV), 5.8 (GS). mb 5.8    
                                                                (GS). MS 5.9 (GS). ME 5.9 (GS). Mo 7.2*10**17 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                4.8*10**17 Nm (GS). Es 1.5*10**13 Nm (GS). At least 50 people 
                                                                killed, 150 injured, 160 houses destroyed and 250 damaged in the 
                                                                Do Abi-Nahrin area. Landslides blocked a road to Nahrin. Felt at 
                                                                Kabul. Felt at Islamabad, Lahore and Peshawar, Pakistan. Also 
                                                                felt at Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

APR 18  05 02 46.1  16.985 N  100.865 W   25    6.8  1.1  292  OFFSHORE GUERRERO, MEXICO. MW 6.8 (HRV), 6.1 (GS). mb 5.4 (GS).    
                                                                MS 6.0 (GS). ME 6.0 (GS). MD 6.3 (UNM). Mo 1.5*10**19 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                1.4*10**18 Nm (GS). Es 2.3*10**13 Nm (GS). Two buildings damaged 
                                                                in Mexico City. Felt in Guerrero and Oaxaca.

APR 18  16 08 36.7  27.535 S   70.586 W   62 D  6.7  1.1  462  NEAR THE COAST OF NORTHERN CHILE. MW 6.7 (GS), 6.6 (HRV). mb 6.2    
                                                                (GS). ME 6.5 (GS). Mo 8.6*10**18 Nm (HRV), 1.2*10**19 Nm (GS). 
                                                                Es 1.2*10**14 Nm (GS). At least 19 people injured, 2,424 
                                                                homeless, 34 homes destroyed and 575 damaged (VII) in Atacama. 
                                                                Rockslides blocked roads near Copiapo. Power and telephone 
                                                                outages occurred at Copiapo and water lines were broken at 
                                                                Chanaral. Felt (VI) at Chanaral, Taltal and Vallenar; (V) at 
                                                                Alto del Carmen, Caldera, Diego del Almagro, Huasco and 
                                                                Mejillones; (IV) at Antofagasta, Calama, La Serena, Maria Elena, 
                                                                Ovalle and San Pedro de Atacama; (III) at Quillota, San Antonio, 
                                                                Santiago and Valparaiso; (II) at Rancagua and Talca.

APR 22  04 57 02.4* 12.386 S   76.518 W   67 *  4.4  1.3   27  NEAR THE COAST OF PERU. mb 4.4 (GS). Felt (IV) at Chilca and    
                                                                (III) at Lima. This earthquake caused panic in parts of Lima, 
                                                                where a girl died of a heart attack.

APR 24  10 51 50.9  42.436 N   21.466 E   10 G  5.7  1.1  522  SERBIA, YUGOSLAVIA. MW 5.7 (HRV), 5.6 (GS). mb 5.6 (GS).
                                                                MS 5.6 (GS). ME 5.3 (GS). ML 5.5 (ATH), 5.4 (THE), 5.3 
                                                                (PDG), 5.3 (ROM), 5.2 (SKO). Mo 4.5*10**17 Nm (HRV), 3.2*10**17 
                                                                Nm (GS). Es 2.3*10**12 Nm (GS). One person killed and at least 
                                                                60 injured in Kosovo. Power outages and broken gas lines 
                                                                occurred at Gnjilane. Minor damage in southern Serbia and the 
                                                                northern part of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macdeonia. Felt 
                                                                (VII) at Kumanovo and Skopje; (V) at Kocani, Stip, Tetovo and 
                                                                Veles; (III) at Bitola, Gostivar, Kavadarci, Ohrid, Prilep, 
                                                                Radovis and Strumica, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. 
                                                                Felt throughout Yugoslavia and at Sofia, Bulgaria.

APR 24  19 48 07.1  34.642 N   47.400 E   33 N  5.4  1.1  261  WESTERN IRAN. MW 5.4 (HRV). mb 5.2 (GS). MS 5.2 (GS). Mo    
                                                                1.4*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least 2 people killed, 56 injured, 10 
                                                                villages destroyed and 50 villages damaged in Kermanshah 
                                                                Province. Felt at Heris, Kangavar, Qorveh and Sahneh.

APR 25  17 41 21.5  41.765 N   44.960 E   10 G  4.8  1.1   72  GEORGIA (SAK'ART'VELO). mb 4.8 (GS). MS 4.3 (GS). At least 5    
                                                                people killed, 52 injured and 2,400 buildings damaged or 
                                                                destroyed (VI) at Tbilisi. Power and telephone outages occurred 
                                                                and landslides partially blocked roads at Tbilisi.

APR 26  16 06 07.0  13.088 N  144.619 E   86    7.1  1.0  257  MARIANA ISLANDS. MW 7.1 (GS), 7.1 (HRV), 7.4 (OBN). mb 6.5 (GS).    
                                                                ME 7.0 (GS). Mo 5.2*10**19 Nm (GS), 4.3*10**19 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                3.9*10**19 Nm (PPT), 1.2*10**20 Nm (OBN). Es 7.7*10**14 Nm (GS). 
                                                                At least 5 people slightly injured and some minor damage (VII) 
                                                                to buildings on Guam. Water and sewer lines broke and power 
                                                                outages occurred throughout the island. Felt on Saipan.

MAY 15  03 46 05.7  24.636 N  121.922 E   10 G  6.2  1.0  335  TAIWAN. MW 6.2 (GS), 6.2 (HRV). mb 5.5 (GS). MS 6.2 (GS). ML 6.2    
                                                                (TAP). Mo 2.2*10**18 Nm (GS), 1.9*10**18 Nm (HRV). One person 
                                                                killed, one injured and 2 houses damaged at Tung-shan. Felt in 
                                                                northern Taiwan. Also felt in Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces. 
                                                                Landslides occurred on Kuei-shan Tao. Recorded (5 TAP) in I-lan; 
                                                                (4 TAP) in Hua-lien and T'ai-pei; (3 TAP) in Hsin-chu, Miao-li, 
                                                                Nan-t'ou, T'ai-chung and T'ao-yuan; (2 TAP) in Chang-hua, Chia-i 
                                                                and Yun-lin Counties. Recorded (3 JMA) on Yonaguni-jima, (2 JMA) 
                                                                on Iriomote-jima and (1 JMA) on Ishigaki-jima, Ryukyu Islands.

MAY 18  15 15 08.8   2.907 S   33.733 E   10 G  5.5  0.9  172  LAKE VICTORIA REGION, TANZANIA. MW 5.5 (HRV). mb 5.2 (GS). MS 5.5    
                                                                (GS). Mo 2.3*10**17 Nm (HRV). Two people killed, more than 400 
                                                                families homeless, at least 690 huts collapsed and 700 damaged 
                                                                in the Bunda area, Tanzania. Felt in the Nairobi-Nakuru-Kericho 
                                                                area, Kenya.

MAY 24  20 42 26.7  44.761 N   21.611 E   10 G  4.7  1.2  227  ROMANIA. mb 4.7 (GS). Five people slightly injured and some    
                                                                buildings damaged in southwestern Romania.

MAY 28  04 04 22.5  28.937 S   66.797 W   22 D  6.0  1.0  354  CATAMARCA PROVINCE, ARGENTINA. MW 6.0 (HRV), 5.9 (GS). mb 6.0    
                                                                (GS). MS 5.7 (GS). ME 6.0 (GS). ML 5.6 (GUC). Mo 9.2*10**17 Nm 
                                                                (GS), 1.2*10**18 Nm (HRV). Es 2.4*10**13 Nm (GS). Twenty-seven 
                                                                people injured and at least 40 houses destroyed at Aminga, 
                                                                Anillaco, Agua Blanca and Chuquis. Fifty percent of houses 
                                                                damaged in Castro Barros Department, La Rioja. Landslides 
                                                                occurred in the epicentral area. Felt strongly in Catamarca, 
                                                                Cordoba, San Juan, Santiago del Estero and Tucuman Provinces.

MAY 25  05 36 31.9  53.815 N  161.116 W   33    6.5  1.3  307  SOUTH OF ALASKA. MW 6.5 (HRV), 6.4 (GS). mb 5.5 (GS). MS 6.1    
                                                                (GS). ML 5.9 (PMR). Mo 5.5*10**18 Nm (HRV), 4.4*10**18 Nm (GS).

JUN 13  01 27 19.4  47.801 S   99.751 E   10 G  6.6  1.1  153  SOUTHEAST INDIAN RIDGE. MW 6.6 (HRV), 6.5 (GS). mb 5.5 (GS). MS    
                                                                6.6 (GS). Mo 7.8*10**18 Nm (HRV), 6.6*10**18 Nm (GS).

JUN 14  02 42 47.2  36.222 N  139.850 E   52 D  4.9  0.9  205  EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN. mb 4.9 (GS). One person injured at Toride.    
                                                                Felt in the Tokyo area. Bullet train service was interrupted on 
                                                                several lines. Recorded (4 JMA) in Chiba, Ibaraki and Saitama; 
                                                                (3 JMA) in Gumma, Kanagawa, Tochigi and Tokyo; (2 JMA) in 
                                                                Fukushima and Shizuoka; (1 JMA) in Miyagi, Nagano, Niigata and 
                                                                Yamanashi Prefectures. Also recorded (1 JMA) on Miyake-jima and 

JUN 17  21 26 22.9  12.592 S  166.383 E   33 N  6.7  1.1  272  SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS. MW 6.7 (HRV), 6.6 (GS). mb 6.0 (GS). MS 6.7    
                                                                (GS). ME 6.2 (GS). Mo 1.4*10**19 Nm (HRV), 1.0*10**19 Nm (GS), 
                                                                2.2*10**19 Nm (PPT). Es 4.1*10**13 Nm (GS).

JUN 18  13 56 22.8  30.805 S   71.124 W   54 G  6.6  1.0  420  NEAR THE COAST OF CENTRAL CHILE. MW 6.6 (GS), 6.5 (HRV). mb 6.0    
                                                                (GS). ME 6.4 (GS). Mo 8.5*10**18 Nm (GS), 5.4*10**18 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                Es 7.5*10**13 Nm (GS). Two houses destroyed at Illapel and one 
                                                                at Monte Patria. Several schools slightly damaged in Limari 
                                                                Province. Felt (VII) at Combarbala and Ovalle; (VI) at Illapel, 
                                                                La Serena and Monte Patria; (V) at La Higuera, Paihuano, 
                                                                Salamanca and Vicuna; (IV) at Concon, La Ligua, Quintero, San 
                                                                Antonio, San Felipe, Santiago, Valparaiso and Vina del Mar; 
                                                                (III) at Copiapo, Curico and Rancagua; (II) at Cauquenes and 
                                                                Talca. Some damage at Mendoza, Argentina. Also felt by people in 
                                                                high-rise buildings at Buenos Aires, Argentina.

JUN 20  05 40 43.3  25.842 N   88.932 E   40 *  4.5  1.1   30  INDIA-BANGLADESH BORDER REGION. mb 4.5 (GS). Fifty people injured    
                                                                at Rangpur, 5 people injured at Thakurgaon and some buildings 
                                                                damaged at Rangpur and Almanagar, Bangladesh. Felt throughout 
                                                                Bangladesh. Also felt in much of West Bengal, India.

JUN 22  02 58 21.3  35.626 N   49.047 E   10 G  6.5  1.1  555  WESTERN IRAN. MW 6.5 (GS), 6.5 (HRV), 6.4 (CSEM). mb 6.2 (GS). MS    
                                                                6.4 (GS). ME 6.5 (GS). Mo 7.0*10**18 Nm (HRV), 6.9*10**18 Nm 
                                                                (GS), 4.5*10**18 Nm (CSEM). Es 1.1*10**14 Nm (GS). At least 261 
                                                                people killed, 1,300 injured and thousands of buildings 
                                                                destroyed or damaged (VIII) in the Ab Garm-Abhar-Avaj-Shirin Su 
                                                                area. Water and irrigation systems were severely damaged in the 
                                                                area. Surface fissures were observed between Abdarreh and 
                                                                Changureh, which were the villages that sustained the heaviest 
                                                                damage. Damage was estimated at 91 million U.S. dollars. Felt 
                                                                strongly in much of western Iran, including Tehran. For detailed 
                                                                information about this earthquake, see the International 
                                                                Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, online at 

JUN 24  01 20 35.6  35.767 N    9.870 E   10 G  5.0  1.4  113  TUNISIA. mb 5.0 (GS). MS 4.7 (GS). Twelve people injured and some    
                                                                houses collapsed in the Kairouan area. Felt in much of northern 

JUN 26  18 18 14.4  35.487 N   48.861 E   10 G  4.6  1.0   45  WESTERN IRAN. mb 4.6 (GS). Two people injured at Razan. Felt in    
                                                                parts of Hamadan and Qazvin Provinces.

JUN 27  05 50 35.1   6.963 S  104.181 E   11 G  6.5  1.1  428  SUNDA STRAIT, INDONESIA. MW 6.5 (GS), 6.5 (HRV). mb 6.0 (GS). MS    
                                                                6.9 (GS). ME 6.6 (GS). Mo 6.6*10**18 Nm (HRV), 6.0*10**18 Nm 
                                                                (GS). Es 1.6*10**14 Nm (GS). Felt (II) at Bengkulu and Jakarta.

JUN 28  17 19 30.2  43.752 N  130.666 E  566 G  7.3  0.9  712  JILIN-HEILONGJIANG BORDER REGION, CHINA. MW 7.3 (GS), 7.3 (HRV).    
                                                                mb 6.7 (GS). ME 7.1 (GS). Mo 8.9*10**19 Nm (GS), 1.1*10**20 Nm 
                                                                (HRV), 8.0*10**19 Nm (PPT). Es 9.4*10**14 Nm (GS). Felt 
                                                                throughout Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and in parts of Hebei, 
                                                                Henan, Inner Mongolia, Shandong and Zhejiang Provinces. Felt at 
                                                                Beijing. Also felt at Seoul, South Korea and Vladivostok, 
                                                                Russia. Recorded (2 JMA) in parts of eastern Honshu and south-
                                                                central Hokkaido, Japan. Recorded (1 JMA) in central and 
                                                                northern Honshu and southern Hokkaido.

JUN 30  21 29 36.3  22.201 S  179.250 E  620 D  6.5  0.9  534  SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS. MW 6.5 (GS), 6.4 (HRV). mb 5.5 (GS).    
                                                                ME 5.7 (GS). Mo 6.6*10**18 Nm (GS), 4.9*10**18 Nm (HRV). Es 
                                                                8.2*10**12 Nm (GS).

JUL 31  00 16 44.6   7.929 N   82.793 W   10 G  6.5  1.2  533  SOUTH OF PANAMA. MW 6.5 (GS), 6.5 (HRV). mb 6.0 (GS). MS 6.4    
                                                                (GS). ME 6.6 (GS). MD 5.9 (CASC). Mo 6.3*10**18 Nm (GS), 
                                                                6.3*10**18 Nm (HRV), 5.5*10**18 Nm (PPT). Es 1.6*10**14 Nm (GS). 
                                                                At least 11 people injured, some houses collapsed and many 
                                                                buildings damaged (VII) in Baru. Buildings damaged at Alanje and 
                                                                David. A wharf was damaged at Puerto Armuelles. Felt strongly in 
                                                                Bocas del Toro and Chiriqui Provinces. Four people injured, 6 
                                                                homes collapsed and dozens damaged at Laurel, Costa Rica. Four 
                                                                people injured and some houses damaged at Neily, Costa Rica. 
                                                                Felt strongly in Buenos Aires, Corredores, Coto Brus and Golfito 
                                                                Cantons, Costa Rica.

AUG 14  13 57 52.1  14.101 N  146.199 E   30 G  6.5  1.0  260  ROTA REGION, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. MW 6.5 (HRV), 6.4 (GS). mb    
                                                                6.1 (GS). MS 6.4 (GS). ME 6.5 (GS). Mo 7.1*10**18 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                5.3*10**18 Nm (GS). Es 1.2*10**14 Nm (GS). Minor damage to some 
                                                                buildings on Saipan. Felt strongly on Guam.

AUG 15  05 30 26.2   1.196 S  121.333 E   10 G  6.2  1.0  169  SULAWESI, INDONESIA. MW 6.2 (HRV), 6.1 (GS). mb 5.7 (GS). MS 5.8    
                                                                (GS). ME 6.0 (GS). Mo 2.2*10**18 Nm (HRV), 1.4*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                Es 2.2*10**13 Nm (GS). At least 48 people injured and several 
                                                                hundred buildings damaged in the Tojo area. Felt (V) at Poso, 
                                                                (IV) at Soroako and (III) at Luwuk and Palu.

AUG 19  11 01 01.1  21.696 S  179.513 W  580 G  7.7  0.9  670  FIJI REGION. MW 7.7 (HRV), 7.6 (GS). mb 6.7 (GS). ME 7.8 (GS). Mo    
                                                                3.5*10**20 Nm (HRV), 2.4*10**20 Nm (GS), 3.5*10**20 Nm (PPT). Es 
                                                                1.2*10**16 Nm (GS).

AUG 19  11 08 24.3  23.884 S  178.495 E  675 D  7.7  1.1  302  SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS. MW 7.7 (GS), 7.7 (HRV). mb 7.0 (GS).    
                                                                ME 7.6 (GS). Mo 4.3*10**20 Nm (HRV), 3.6*10**20 Nm (GS), 
                                                                1.7*10**20 Nm (PPT). Es 5.1*10**15 Nm (GS). Felt at Suva. Also 
                                                                felt in the Auckland area, New Zealand.

SEP 06  01 21 28.6& 38.381 N   13.701 E    5 G  6.0       528  SICILY, ITALY. <ROM>. MW 6.0 (HRV), 5.9 (GS), 5.8 (CSEM). mb 5.8    
                                                                (GS). MS 5.5 (GS). ME 5.9 (GS). ML 5.6 (ROM). Mo 9.7*10**17 Nm 
                                                                (HRV), 8.5*10**17 Nm (GS), 6.2*10**17 Nm (CSEM). Es 1.4*10**13 
                                                                Nm (GS). Two people died from heart attacks, twenty injured and 
                                                                several buildings damaged in the Palermo area. Also felt at 
                                                                Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Catania, Enna, Messina and Trapani.

SEP 08  18 44 23.7   3.302 S  142.945 E   13 G  7.6  1.2  428  NEAR NORTH COAST OF NEW GUINEA, P.N.G. MW 7.6 (HRV), 7.2 (GS),    
                                                                7.5 (OBN). mb 6.5 (GS). MS 7.8 (GS). ME 7.7 (GS). Mo 6.7*10**19 
                                                                Nm (GS), 2.9*10**20 Nm (HRV), 2.5*10**20 Nm (PPT), 2.1*10**20 Nm 
                                                                (OBN). Es 8.3*10**15 Nm (GS). Four people killed and at least 70 
                                                                injured on Kairiru and Muschu Islands and in the Wewak area. At 
                                                                least 500 dwellings destroyed and 200 damaged, water tanks, 
                                                                pipelines and a bridge damaged on the islands and in the Maprik-
                                                                Suain-Wewak area. A local tsunami with an estimated maximum wave 
                                                                height of 1.5 meters damaged some buildings in the area. 
                                                                Landslides occurred and new hot springs appeared on Kairiru 
                                                                Island. Muschu and Kairiru Islands uplifted approximately one 
                                                                half meter. Felt (III) at Jayapura, Indonesia.

SEP 13  22 28 29.4  13.036 N   93.068 E   21 G  6.5  0.9  646  ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION. MW 6.5 (GS), 6.5 (HRV). mb 6.2    
                                                                (GS). MS 6.7 (GS). ME 6.4 (GS). Mo 6.3*10**18 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                6.0*10**18 Nm (GS). Es 8.9*10**13 Nm (GS). Two people killed at 
                                                                Rongat and 40 houses destroyed on Middle Andaman. Several 
                                                                buildings damaged at Diglipur on North Andaman. A local tsunami 
                                                                damaged several shops at Ariel Bay on Middle Andaman and a 
                                                                lighthouse on East Island. The tsunami was observed on Ross and 
                                                                Smith Islands. Felt from Diglipur south to Mayabunder.

SEP 22  23 53 14.6& 52.520 N    2.150 W    9    4.8       268  UNITED KINGDOM. <BGS>. mb 4.8 (GS). ML 5.0 (BGS), 4.8 (STR). MD    
                                                                4.8 (LDG). One person injured at Mansfield. At least one chimney 
                                                                collapsed and other minor damage (VI) in the Dudley area. Items 
                                                                knocked from shelves and utilities disrupted over a wide area in 
                                                                the West Midlands. Felt from Liverpool to London and from 
                                                                Lincolnshire to Wales.

SEP 25  18 14 48.5& 16.870 N  100.113 W    6    5.3       260  OFFSHORE GUERRERO, MEXICO. <UNM>. MW 5.3 (HRV). mb 5.2 (GS). MS    
                                                                4.7 (GS). MD 5.2 (UNM). Mo 1.1*10**17 Nm (HRV). Two people 
                                                                injured and some buildings damaged at Acapulco. Felt strongly at 
                                                                Coyuca. Also felt at Ixtapan de la Sal and Mexico City.

SEP 25  22 28 11.9  31.995 N   49.329 E   10 G  5.6  1.0  417  WESTERN IRAN. MW 5.6 (HRV), 5.5 (GS). mb 5.5 (GS). MS 5.1 (GS).    
                                                                Mo 3.0*10**17 Nm (HRV), 2.2*10**17 Nm (GS). Five people injured, 
                                                                30 livestock killed and at least 30 percent of the houses 
                                                                damaged in villages in the Masjed-e Soleyman area.

OCT 03  16 08 29.6  23.324 N  108.530 W   10 G  6.5  1.4  265  GULF OF CALIFORNIA. MW 6.5 (HRV), 6.4 (GS). mb 5.4 (GS). MS 6.2    
                                                                (GS). ME 6.7 (GS). Mo 6.2*10**18 Nm (HRV), 5.1*10**18 Nm (GS), 
                                                                7.3*10**18 Nm (PPT). Es 2.4*10**14 Nm (GS). Felt at Mazatlan.

OCT 10  10 50 20.5   1.757 S  134.297 E   10 G  7.6  1.1  375  NEAR THE NORTH COAST OF IRIAN JAYA. MW 7.6 (HRV), 7.4 (GS), 7.2    
                                                                (OBN). mb 6.5 (GS). MS 7.7 (GS). ME 8.2 (GS). Mo 2.6*10**20 Nm 
                                                                (HRV), 1.3*10**20 Nm (GS), 7.4*10**19 Nm (OBN), 5.5*10**20 Nm 
                                                                (PPT). Es 5.3*10**16 Nm (GS). Eight people killed, at least 632 
                                                                injured, more than 1,000 houses destroyed or severely damaged 
                                                                and about 900 buildings partially damaged in the Manokwari-
                                                                Oransbari-Ransiki area. Landslides blocked roads in the area. A 
                                                                surface fault 3 km long occurred at Ransiki. Many houses were 
                                                                flooded by a local tsunami with estimated wave heights of 3 to 5 
                                                                meters at Oransbari and Ransiki and 1 meter at Manokwari. 
                                                                Liquefaction occurred along the coast at Manokwari, Oransbari 
                                                                and Ransiki and subsidence of approximately 2 to 3 meters 
                                                                observed at Oransbari. Felt (IV) at Biak, Sorong and Timika; 
                                                                (III) at Nabire and Wamena.

OCT 10  12 28 25.8   1.511 S  133.973 E   10 G  6.7  1.0  250  IRIAN JAYA, INDONESIA. mb 6.2 (GS). MS 6.7 (GS).   

OCT 12  20 09 11.4   8.295 S   71.738 W  534 D  6.9  1.1  700  ACRE, BRAZIL. MW 6.9 (GS), 6.9 (HRV). mb 6.5 (GS). ME 6.7 (GS).    
                                                                Mo 2.7*10**19 Nm (GS), 2.4*10**19 Nm (HRV). Es 2.4*10**14 Nm 
                                                                (GS). Felt (IV) at Pucallpa, Peru.

OCT 23  11 27 19.4& 63.514 N  147.912 W    4    6.7       651  CENTRAL ALASKA. <AEIC>. MW 6.7 (GS), 6.7 (HRV). mb 6.0 (GS). MS    
                                                                6.7 (GS). ME 7.4 (GS). Mo 1.4*10**19 Nm (GS), 1.1*10**19 Nm 
                                                                (HRV), 1.7*10**19 Nm (PPT). Es 2.4*10**15 Nm (GS). Damage (VIII) 
                                                                at Cantwell. Felt (VI) at Denali National Park, Healy and 
                                                                Nenana; (V) at Anderson, Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, Palmer and 
                                                                Talkeetna; (IV) at Anchorage, Chugiak, Copper Center, Delta 
                                                                Junction, Eagle River, Fort Wainwright, Kenai, North Pole, Tok, 
                                                                Valdez, Wasilla and Willow; (III) at Girdwood, Glennallen and 
                                                                Seward. Felt as far as Homer and Juneau. Rockfalls and snow 
                                                                avalanches observed in the epicentral area. Also fresh ground 
                                                                cracks observed in the Denali Highway roadbed.

OCT 24  06 08 37.9   1.884 S   29.004 E   11 G  6.2  1.0  345  LAC KIVU REGION, DEM. REP. OF THE CONGO. MW 6.2 (HRV), 6.1 (GS).    
                                                                mb 5.9 (GS). MS 6.3 (GS). ME 5.7 (GS). Mo 2.2*10**18 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                1.4*10**18 Nm (GS). Es 8.9*10**12 Nm (GS). Two people killed at 
                                                                Goma, several buildings damaged or destroyed at Lwiro and minor 
                                                                damage to buildings at Bukavu and Goma. One building destroyed 
                                                                at Mugera and several buildings damaged at Kigali, Rwanda. Felt 
                                                                as far south as Bujumbura, Burundi and as far north as Rutshuru, 
                                                                Democratic Republic of the Congo.

OCT 29  10 02 21.5  37.670 N   15.267 E   10 G  4.3  1.4   68  SICILY, ITALY. mb 4.3 (GS). ML 4.5 (ROM). MD 4.4 (PDG). At least    
                                                                9 people injured and dozens of buildings damaged (VIII) in the 
                                                                Santa Venerina area. Felt (V) at Catania and (IV) at Messina.

OCT 31  10 32 58.7  41.789 N   14.872 E   10 G  5.9  1.3  471  SOUTHERN ITALY. MW 5.9 (GS), 5.7 (HRV). mb 5.3 (GS). MS 5.6 (GS).    
                                                                ML 5.8 (PDG), 5.6 (ZAG), 5.5 (VIE), 5.4 (ROM), 5.4 (LDG). Mo 
                                                                7.3*10**17 Nm (GS), 4.6*10**17 Nm (HRV). Twenty-nine people 
                                                                killed at San Giuliano di Puglia. At least 135 people injured 
                                                                and seventy percent of the houses damaged (VIII) in the 
                                                                Campobasso area. Some ground cracks and small landslides were 
                                                                observed in the area. Felt throughout central Italy from Rome to 

NOV 01  15 09 00.8  41.726 N   14.875 E   10 G  5.8  1.4  454  SOUTHERN ITALY. MW 5.8 (GS), 5.7 (HRV), 5.5 (CSEM). mb 5.5 (GS).    
                                                                MS 5.6 (GS). ME 6.1 (GS). ML 5.6 (PDG), 5.3 (LDG), 5.2 (THE). Mo 
                                                                6.4*10**17 Nm (GS), 4.6*10**17 Nm (HRV), 2.1*10**17 Nm (CSEM). 
                                                                Es 3.0*10**13 Nm (GS). Three people injured and additional 
                                                                damage at San Giuliano di Puglia.

NOV 01  22 09 29.2  35.517 N   74.654 E   33 N  5.4  1.2  264  NORTHWESTERN KASHMIR. MW 5.4 (HRV). mb 5.3 (GS). MS 5.3 (GS). Mo    
                                                                1.2*10**17 Nm (HRV). At least 11 people killed, 40 injured, 
                                                                4,000 homeless and 1,000 houses damaged in the Gilgit area. 
                                                                Landslides blocked a portion of the Karakoram Highway and killed 
                                                                hundreds of cattle.

NOV 02  01 26 10.7   2.824 N   96.085 E   30 G  7.4  1.2  418  SIMEULUE, INDONESIA. MW 7.4 (GS), 7.3 (HRV), 7.2 (OBN). mb 6.2    
                                                                (GS). MS 7.6 (GS). ME 7.1 (GS). Mo 9.0*10**19 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                1.3*10**20 Nm (GS), 6.4*10**19 Nm (OBN). Es 9.2*10**14 Nm (GS). 
                                                                At least 3 people killed, 65 injured and 994 buildings damaged 
                                                                on Simeulue. Felt (VI) at Tapaktuan; (V) at Meulaboh and 
                                                                Singkil; (IV) at Banda Aceh; (III) at Lhokseumawe and Medan, 
                                                                Sumatra. Also felt at Kuala Lumpur and Port Kelang, Malaysia.

NOV 03  07 33 38.0  35.415 N   74.600 E   33 N  5.3  1.0  211  NORTHWESTERN KASHMIR. MW 5.3 (HRV). mb 5.3 (GS). MS 5.0 (GS). Mo    
                                                                1.0*10**17 Nm (HRV). Casualties and damage are included with the 
                                                                event of November 1 at 22:09 UTC.

NOV 03  22 12 41.0& 63.517 N  147.444 W    5    7.9       771  CENTRAL ALASKA. <AEIC>. MW 7.9 (HRV). mb 7.0 (GS). MS 8.5 (GS).    
                                                                ME 8.1 (GS). Mo 7.5*10**20 Nm (HRV), 8.4*10**20 Nm (PPT), 
                                                                1.5*10**20 Nm (OBN). Es 3.3*10**16 Nm (GS). One person injured 
                                                                and extensive damage to roads and bridges. Structural damage 
                                                                occurred in the villages of Slana and Mentasta Lake, minor 
                                                                structural damage occurred at Fairbanks and items were knocked 
                                                                from shelves at Cantwell, Denali National Park, Glenallen, 
                                                                Paxson and Tok. Damage estimated at 20 million U.S. dollars. 
                                                                Some supports on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline were damaged and 
                                                                operation was suspended temporarily. Maximum intensity IX was 
                                                                assigned to areas where surface rupture occurred. Felt (VIII) at 
                                                                Gakona and (VII) at Cantwell, Denali National Park and Tok. Felt 
                                                                in much of Alaska. Felt (V) in many parts of Yukon Territory and 
                                                                (IV) in parts of northern British Columbia, western Alberta and 
                                                                Northwest Territories. Also felt by people in high-rise 
                                                                buildings in Seattle, Washington. Surface rupture on the Denali 
                                                                fault and Totschunda fault began about 25 kilometers east of the 
                                                                magnitude 6.7 Oct. 23 foreshock and extended east and southeast 
                                                                for about 300 kilometers to an area east of Nabesna, and had a 
                                                                maximum offset of 8.8 meters near the Tok Cutoff Highway. 
                                                                Landslides, rockslides, ground cracks and snow avalanches were 
                                                                observed in the area of the fault rupture. Liquefaction was 
                                                                observed in the Northway area. Seiches and muddied water wells 
                                                                were observed in a large number of states, including Washington, 
                                                                Idaho, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

NOV 07  15 14 06.7  51.197 N  179.334 E   33 N  6.6  1.0  553  RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA. MW 6.6 (HRV), 6.5 (GS). mb    
                                                                5.8 (GS). MS 6.4 (GS). ME 6.1 (GS). ML 6.3 (PMR), 6.2 (AEIC). Mo 
                                                                9.7*10**18 Nm (HRV), 6.5*10**18 Nm (GS), 1.2*10**19 Nm (PPT). Es 
                                                                3.3*10**13 Nm (GS).

NOV 15  19 58 31.7  56.051 S   36.404 W   10 G  6.6  1.5  202  SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND REGION. MW 6.6 (HRV), 6.4 (GS). mb 6.1 (GS).    
                                                                MS 6.6 (GS). Mo 5.1*10**18 Nm (GS), 1.0*10**19 Nm (HRV).

NOV 17  04 53 53.5  47.824 N  146.209 E  459 D  7.3  1.0  326  NORTHWEST OF THE KURIL ISLANDS. MW 7.3 (GS), 7.3 (HRV). ME 7.2    
                                                                (GS). Mo 9.6*10**19 Nm (GS), 1.1*10**20 Nm (HRV), 1.3*10**20 Nm 
                                                                (PPT). Es 1.4*10**15 Nm (GS). Felt (III) at Aniva, Chekhov, 
                                                                Kholmsk, Krasnopol'ye, Lesogorsk, Lugovoye, Makarov, 
                                                                Novoaleksandrovsk, Poronaysk, Shakhtersk, Sinegorsk, Uglegorsk, 
                                                                Vostochnyy and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk; (II) at Boshnyakovo, Dolinsk, 
                                                                Tymovskoye and Vzmor'ye, Sakhalin. Also felt (III) at Yuzhno-
                                                                Kuril'sk, Kunashir and (II) at Severo-Kuril'sk, Paramushir. Felt 
                                                                in eastern Hokkaido and in Aomori Prefecture, Honshu. Recorded 
                                                                (3 JMA) in eastern Hokkaido and northern Honshu; (2 JMA) in 
                                                                south-central Hokkaido and northeastern Honshu; (1 JMA) in 
                                                                southwestern Hokkaido and in Akita, Ishikawa, Nagano, Yamagata 
                                                                and Yamanashi Prefectures, Honshu. Also recorded (1 JMA) in 
                                                                Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku and Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu.

NOV 20  21 32 30.8  35.414 N   74.515 E   33 N  6.3  1.0  400  NORTHWESTERN KASHMIR. MW 6.3 (HRV), 6.0 (GS). mb 5.7 (GS). MS 6.5    
                                                                (GS). ME 6.0 (GS). Mo 3.5*10**18 Nm (HRV), 1.1*10**18 Nm (GS). 
                                                                Es 1.9*10**13 Nm (GS). Nineteen people killed, at least 40 
                                                                injured, 100 houses destroyed, at least 1,256 buildings damaged 
                                                                and extensive damage to utilities in the Dashkin-Doian-Mushkin 
                                                                area. Dozens of cattle killed and landslides blocked and damaged 
                                                                many roads in the area. Felt (IV) at Srinagar. Also felt as far 
                                                                as Islamabad and Peshawar, Pakistan.

NOV 27  16 43 17.5  14.490 S  167.827 E   33 N  5.9  1.0  240  VANUATU ISLANDS. MW 5.9 (GS), 5.9 (HRV). mb 5.6 (GS). MS 5.8    
                                                                (GS). ME 5.6 (GS). Mo 7.9*10**17 Nm (GS), 6.8*10**17 Nm (HRV). 
                                                                Es 5.6*10**12 Nm (GS). Three people injured, at least 100 
                                                                buildings damaged, several water lines damaged or destroyed and 
                                                                landslides blocked many roads on Mere Lava.

DEC 02  04 58 55.1  37.747 N   21.087 E   10 G  5.7  1.2  234  SOUTHERN GREECE. MW 5.7 (HRV), 5.5 (GS). mb 5.2 (GS). MS 5.4    
                                                                (GS). ML 5.3 (ATH), 5.2 (THE), 5.2 (PDG). Mo 3.4*10**17 Nm 
                                                                (HRV), 1.8*10**17 Nm (GS). At least 17 people injured when a 
                                                                rockslide near Megalopolis caused a train to derail. At least 8 
                                                                houses destroyed and 100 damaged in the Vartholomion area. Felt 
                                                                strongly on Zakynthos. Also felt in Arkadia and Korinthia 

DEC 12  08 30 42.7   4.786 S  153.275 E   34 G  6.7  1.0  453  NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA. MW 6.7 (GS), 6.6 (HRV). mb    
                                                                5.9 (GS). MS 6.7 (GS). ME 6.5 (GS). Mo 1.1*10**19 Nm (GS), 
                                                                1.0*10**19 Nm (HRV), 1.3*10**19 Nm (PPT). Es 1.3*10**14 Nm (GS). 
                                                                Felt in the epicentral area. Felt strongly on Ghizo and Vella 
                                                                Lavella Island, Solomon Islands.

DEC 14  13 27 29.1  39.736 N   97.443 E   22 D  5.6  0.9  394  GANSU, CHINA. MW 5.6 (GS), 5.5 (HRV). mb 5.6 (GS). MS 5.3 (GS).    
                                                                Mo 3.0*10**17 Nm (GS), 2.3*10**17 Nm (HRV). Two people killed 
                                                                and 13,380 houses, 5 highways and 3 bridges damaged in the Yumen 

DEC 24  17 03 02.9  34.594 N   47.454 E   33 N  5.2  1.1  258  WESTERN IRAN. MW 5.2 (HRV). mb 5.1 (GS). MS 4.4 (GS). Mo    
                                                                7.1*10**16 Nm (HRV). Fifteen people injured and about 3,000 
                                                                homes, previously damaged by the earthquake on April 24 at 17:03 
                                                                UTC, were destroyed in Kermanshah Province. Felt in Hamadan, 
                                                                Kordestan and Lorestan Provinces.


APR 20  10 50 47.5& 44.513 N   73.699 W   11    5.0       375  NEW YORK. <PAL-P>. MW 5.0 (HRV), 5.0 (OTT). mb 5.2 (GS). MS 4.2    
                                                                (GS). ML 5.3 (PAL). mbLg 5.5 (OTT). Mo 3.6*10**16 Nm (HRV), 
                                                                3.4*10**16 Nm (OTT). Some roads, bridges, chimneys and water 
                                                                lines damaged in Clinton and Essex Counties. Many buildings in 
                                                                the area had cracked walls and foundations, broken windows and 
                                                                small items knocked from shelves. Maximum intensity (VII) at Au 
                                                                Sable Forks. Felt from New Brunswick and Maine to Ohio and 
                                                                Michigan and from Ontario and Quebec to Maryland.

MAY 14  05 00 29.5& 36.967 N  121.600 W    8    4.9       136  NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. <NC-P>. MW 4.9 (BRK). mb 4.7 (GS). ML 4.9    
                                                                (NC), 5.2 (BRK). Mo 2.9*10**16 Nm (BRK). Slight damage (VI) at 
                                                                Aromas and Gilroy. Felt (V) at Aptos, Castroville, Freedom, Moss 
                                                                Landing, Salinas, San Juan Bautista, San Martin and Watsonville; 
                                                                (IV) at Atherton, Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek, Campbell, Capitola, 
                                                                Carmel, Daly City, Felton, Hollister, La Honda, Los Gatos, 
                                                                Marina, Monterey, Morgan Hill, San Francisco, San Jose, San 
                                                                Lorenzo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Seaside, Scotts Valley, Soquel 
                                                                and Sunnyvale. Felt throughout the San Francisco Bay area and as 
                                                                far north as Guerneville, east to Fresno and south to San Luis 

JUN 18  17 37 15.1  37.987 N   87.780 W    5 G  4.6  0.5   11  INDIANA. MW 4.6 (PAL). mb 4.3 (GS). mbLg 5.0 (GS), 4.9 (SLM). Mo    
                                                                8.5*10**15 Nm (PAL). Slight damage (VI) at Evansville, Haubstadt 
                                                                and Wadesville. Felt (V) at Fort Branch, Owensville and 
                                                                Poseyville; (IV) at Boonville, Jasper, Mount Vernon, Newburgh, 
                                                                Princeton and Vincennes. Felt (V) at Henderson and (IV) at 
                                                                Morganfield and Owensboro, Kentucky. Also felt (IV) at Mount 
                                                                Carmel, Illinois. Felt in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, 
                                                                Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Compiled by Waverly J. Person and Pamela J. Benfield.