Title 25--Indians



TEXT PDF163.1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF163.2 Information collection.
TEXT PDF163.3 Scope and objectives.
TEXT PDF163.4 Secretarial recognition of tribal laws.
TEXT PDF163.10 Management of Indian forest land.
TEXT PDF163.11 Forest management planning and sustained yield management.
TEXT PDF163.12 Harvesting restrictions.
TEXT PDF163.13 Indian tribal forest enterprise operations.
TEXT PDF163.14 Sale of forest products.
TEXT PDF163.15 Advertisement of sales.
TEXT PDF163.16 Forest product sales without advertisement.
TEXT PDF163.17 Deposit with bid.
TEXT PDF163.18 Acceptance and rejection of bids.
TEXT PDF163.19 Contracts for the sale of forest products.
TEXT PDF163.20 Execution and approval of contracts.
TEXT PDF163.21 Bonds required.
TEXT PDF163.22 Payment for forest products.
TEXT PDF163.23 Advance payment for timber products.
TEXT PDF163.24 Duration of timber contracts.
TEXT PDF163.25 Forest management deductions.
TEXT PDF163.26 Forest product harvesting permits.
TEXT PDF163.27 Free-use harvesting without permits.
TEXT PDF163.28 Fire management measures.
TEXT PDF163.29 Trespass.
TEXT PDF163.30 Revocable road use and construction permits for removal of commercial forest products.
TEXT PDF163.31 Insect and disease control.
TEXT PDF163.32 Forest development.
TEXT PDF163.33 Administrative appeals.
TEXT PDF163.34 Environmental compliance.
TEXT PDF163.35 Indian forest land assistance account.
TEXT PDF163.36 Tribal forestry program financial support.
TEXT PDF163.37 Forest management research.
TEXT PDF163.40 Indian and Alaska Native forestry education assistance.
TEXT PDF163.41 Postgraduation recruitment, continuing education and training programs.
TEXT PDF163.42 Obligated service and breach of contract.
TEXT PDF163.60 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF163.61 Evaluation committee.
TEXT PDF163.62 Annual funding needs assessment and rating.
TEXT PDF163.63 Contract, grant, or agreement application and award process.
TEXT PDF163.70 Purpose of agreements.
TEXT PDF163.71 Agreement funding.
TEXT PDF163.72 Supervisory relationship.
TEXT PDF163.80 Periodic assessment report.
TEXT PDF163.81 Assessment guidelines.
TEXT PDF163.82 Annual status report.
TEXT PDF163.83 Assistance from the Secretary of Agriculture.

