Title 14--Aeronautics and Space



TEXT PDF151.1 Applicability.
TEXT PDF151.3 National Airport Plan.
TEXT PDF151.5 General policies.
TEXT PDF151.7 Grants of funds: General policies.
TEXT PDF151.9 Runway clear zones: General.
TEXT PDF151.11 Runway clear zones; requirements.
TEXT PDF151.13 Federal-aid Airport Program: Policy affecting landing aid requirements.
TEXT PDF151.15 Federal-aid Airport Program: Policy affecting runway or taxiway remarking.
TEXT PDF151.21 Procedures: Application; general information.
TEXT PDF151.23 Procedures: Application; funding information.
TEXT PDF151.24 Procedures: Application; information on estimated proj&chyph;ect costs.
TEXT PDF151.25 Procedures: Application; information as to property interests.
TEXT PDF151.26 Procedures: Applications; compatible land use information; consideration of local community interest; relocation of displaced persons.
TEXT PDF151.27 Procedures: Application, plans, specifications, and appraisals.
TEXT PDF151.29 Procedures: Offer, amendment, and acceptance.
TEXT PDF151.31 Procedures: Grant agreement.
TEXT PDF151.33 Cosponsorship and agency.
TEXT PDF151.35 Airport development and facilities to which subparts B and C apply.
TEXT PDF151.37 Sponsor eligibility.
TEXT PDF151.39 Project eligibility.
TEXT PDF151.41 Project costs.
TEXT PDF151.43 United States share of project costs.
TEXT PDF151.45 Performance of construction work: General requirements.
TEXT PDF151.47 Performance of construction work: Letting of contracts.
TEXT PDF151.49 Performance of construction work: Contract requirements.
TEXT PDF151.51 Performance of construction work: Sponsor force account.
TEXT PDF151.53 Performance of construction work: Labor requirements.
TEXT PDF151.54 Equal employment opportunity requirements: Before July 1, 1968.
TEXT PDF151.54a Equal employment opportunity requirements: After June 30, 1968.
TEXT PDF151.55 Accounting and audit.
TEXT PDF151.57 Grant payments: General.
TEXT PDF151.59 Grant payments: Land acquisition.
TEXT PDF151.61 Grant payments: Partial.
TEXT PDF151.63 Grant payments: Semifinal and final.
TEXT PDF151.65 Memoranda and hearings.
TEXT PDF151.67 Forms.
TEXT PDF151.71 Applicability.
TEXT PDF151.72 Incorporation by reference of technical guidelines in Advisory Circulars.
TEXT PDF151.73 Land acquisition.
TEXT PDF151.75 Preparation of site.
TEXT PDF151.77 Runway paving: General rules.
TEXT PDF151.79 Runway paving: Second runway; wind conditions.
TEXT PDF151.80 Runway paving: Additional runway; other conditions.
TEXT PDF151.81 Taxiway paving.
TEXT PDF151.83 Aprons.
TEXT PDF151.85 Special treatment areas.
TEXT PDF151.86 Lighting and electrical work: General.
TEXT PDF151.87 Lighting and electrical work: Standards.
TEXT PDF151.89 Roads.
TEXT PDF151.91 Removal of obstructions.
TEXT PDF151.93 Buildings; utilities; sidewalks; parking areas; and landscaping.
TEXT PDF151.95 Fences; distance markers; navigational and landing aids; and offsite work.
TEXT PDF151.97 Maintenance and repair.
TEXT PDF151.99 Modifications of programming standards.
TEXT PDF151.111 Advance planning proposals: General.
TEXT PDF151.113 Advance planning proposals: Sponsor eligibility.
TEXT PDF151.115 Advance planning proposals: Cosponsorship and agency.
TEXT PDF151.117 Advance planning proposals: Procedures; application.
TEXT PDF151.119 Advance planning proposals: Procedures; funding.
TEXT PDF151.121 Procedures: Offer; sponsor assurances.
TEXT PDF151.123 Procedures: Offer; amendment; acceptance; advance planning agreement.
TEXT PDF151.125 Allowable advance planning costs.
TEXT PDF151.127 Accounting and audit.
TEXT PDF151.129 Payments.
TEXT PDF151.131 Forms.
