Title 20--Employees' Benefits



TEXT PDF802.101 Purpose and scope of this part.
TEXT PDF802.102 Applicability of part 801 of this chapter.
TEXT PDF802.103 Powers of the Board.
TEXT PDF802.104 Consolidation; severance.
TEXT PDF802.105 Stay of payment pending appeal.
TEXT PDF802.201 Who may file an appeal.
TEXT PDF802.202 Appearances by attorneys and other authorized persons; denial or authority to appear.
TEXT PDF802.203 Fees for services.
TEXT PDF802.204 Place for filing notice of appeal.
TEXT PDF802.205 Time for filing.
TEXT PDF802.206 Effect of motion for reconsideration on time for appeal.
TEXT PDF802.207 When a notice of appeal is considered to have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board.
TEXT PDF802.208 Contents of notice of appeal.
TEXT PDF802.209 Transmittal of record to the Board.
TEXT PDF802.210 Acknowledgment of notice of appeal.
TEXT PDF802.211 Petition for review.
TEXT PDF802.212 Response to petition for review.
TEXT PDF802.213 Reply briefs.
TEXT PDF802.214 Intervention.
TEXT PDF802.215 Additional briefs.
TEXT PDF802.216 Service and form of papers.
TEXT PDF802.217 Waiver of time limitations for filing.
TEXT PDF802.218 Failure to file papers; order to show cause.
TEXT PDF802.219 Motions to the Board; orders.
TEXT PDF802.220 Party not represented by an attorney; informal procedure.
TEXT PDF802.221 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF802.301 Scope of review.
TEXT PDF802.302 Docketing of appeals.
TEXT PDF802.303 Decision; no oral argument.
TEXT PDF802.304 Purpose of oral argument.
TEXT PDF802.305 Request for oral argument.
TEXT PDF802.306 Action on request for oral argument.
TEXT PDF802.307 Notice of oral argument.
TEXT PDF802.308 Conduct of oral argument.
TEXT PDF802.309 Absence of parties.
TEXT PDF802.401 Dismissal by application of party.
TEXT PDF802.402 Dismissal by abandonment.
TEXT PDF802.403 Issuance of decisions; service.
TEXT PDF802.404 Scope and content of Board decisions.
TEXT PDF802.405 Remand.
TEXT PDF802.406 Finality of Board decisions.
TEXT PDF802.407 Reconsideration of Board decisions.
TEXT PDF802.408 Notice of request for reconsideration.
TEXT PDF802.409 Grant or denial of request.
TEXT PDF802.410 Judicial review of Board decisions.
TEXT PDF802.411 Certification of record for judicial review.
