Title 20--Employees' Benefits



TEXT PDF669.100 What is the purpose of the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) and the other services and activities established under WIA section 167?
TEXT PDF669.110 What definitions apply to this program?
TEXT PDF669.120 How do we administer the NFJP program?
TEXT PDF669.130 What unit within the Department administers the National Farmworker Jobs Program funded under WIA section 167?
TEXT PDF669.140 How does the Division of Seasonal Farmworker Programs (DSFP) assist the MSFW grantee organizations to serve farmworker customers?
TEXT PDF669.150 How are regulations established for this program?
TEXT PDF669.160 How do we consult with NFJP organizations in developing rules, regulations and standards of accountability, and other policy guidance for the NFJP?
TEXT PDF669.170 What WIA regulations apply to the programs funded under WIA section 167?
TEXT PDF669.200 Who is eligible to receive a NFJP grant?
TEXT PDF669.210 How does an eligible entity become an NFJP grantee?
TEXT PDF669.220 What is the role of the NFJP grantee in the One-Stop delivery system?
TEXT PDF669.230 Can an NFJP grantee's designation be terminated?
TEXT PDF669.240 How do we use funds appropriated under WIA section 167 for the NFJP?
TEXT PDF669.300 What are the general responsibilities of the NFJP grantees?
TEXT PDF669.310 What are the basic components of an NFJP service delivery strategy?
TEXT PDF669.320 Who is eligible to receive services under the NFJP?
TEXT PDF669.330 How are services delivered to the customer?
TEXT PDF669.340 What core services are available to eligible MSFW's?
TEXT PDF669.350 How are core services delivered to MSFW's?
TEXT PDF669.360 May grantees provide emergency assistance to MSFW's?
TEXT PDF669.370 What intensive services may be provided to eligible MSFW's?
TEXT PDF669.380 What is the objective assessment that is authorized as an intensive service?
TEXT PDF669.400 What are the elements of the Individual Employment Plan that is authorized as an intensive service?
TEXT PDF669.410 What training services may be provided to eligible MSFW's?
TEXT PDF669.420 What must be included in an on-the-job training contract?
TEXT PDF669.430 What Related Assistance services may be provided to eligible farmworkers?
TEXT PDF669.440 When may farmworkers receive related assistance?
TEXT PDF669.500 What performance measures and standards apply to the NFJP?
TEXT PDF669.510 What planning documents must an NFJP grantee submit?
TEXT PDF669.520 What information is required in the NFJP grant plans?
TEXT PDF669.530 What are the submission dates for these plans?
TEXT PDF669.540 Under what circumstances are the terms of the grantee's plan modified by the grantee or the Department?
TEXT PDF669.550 How are costs classified under the NFJP?
TEXT PDF669.555 Do the WIA administrative cost limits for States and local areas apply to NFJP grants?
TEXT PDF669.560 Are there regulatory and/or statutory waiver provisions that apply to WIA section 167?
TEXT PDF669.570 What information is required to document a requested waiver?
TEXT PDF669.600 What is the purpose of the WIA section 167 MSFW Youth Program?
TEXT PDF669.610 What is the relationship between the MSFW youth program and the NFJP authorized at WIA section 167?
TEXT PDF669.620 How do the MSFW youth program regulations apply to the NFJP program authorized under WIA section 167?
TEXT PDF669.630 What are the requirements for designation as an ``MSFW youth program grantee''?
TEXT PDF669.640 What is the process for applying for designation as an MSFW youth program grantee?
TEXT PDF669.650 How are MSFW youth funds allocated to section 167 youth grantees?
TEXT PDF669.660 What planning documents and information are required in the application for MSFW youth grants and when must they be filed?
TEXT PDF669.670 Who is eligible to receive services under the section 167 MSFW youth program?
TEXT PDF669.680 What activities and services may be provided under the MSFW youth program?
