Title 20--Employees' Benefits



TEXT PDF646.100 What is the purpose of the Indian and Native American Welfare-to-Work (INA WtW) Program?
TEXT PDF646.105 What are the purposes of these regulations?
TEXT PDF646.110 What are the administrative requirements for the INA WtW Program?
TEXT PDF646.115 What are the definitions which apply uniquely to the INA WtW program?
TEXT PDF646.200 What entities are eligible to receive INA WtW grants?
TEXT PDF646.205 What entities are eligible to receive INA WtW grants in Alaska?
TEXT PDF646.210 Can a consortium composed of tribes which do not operate TANF or NEW programs still receive an INA WtW grant?
TEXT PDF646.215 How does a tribe document that it is currently providing ``substantial services'' to public assistance recipients?
TEXT PDF646.220 What criteria apply to TANF/NEW tribes regarding the provision of ``substantial services''?
TEXT PDF646.225 If a tribe is awarded an INA WtW grant, is the tribe required to participate in an evaluation of the program?
TEXT PDF646.300 How does my tribe apply for an INA WtW grant?
TEXT PDF646.305 Can a consortium of Federally-recognized tribes apply for an INA WtW grant on behalf of consortium member tribes approved to operate a TANF or NEW program?
TEXT PDF646.310 Some of our consortium members operate their own TANF/NEW programs, and some do not. Can we still apply for an INA WtW grant as a consortium?
TEXT PDF646.315 If our consortium members not operating TANF or NEW programs meet the ``substantial services'' criteria, do we then have to submit two separate INA WtW plans?
TEXT PDF646.320 If we choose to operate a single INA WtW program for our ``mixed consortium'' for FY 1998, must we submit a single plan to the Department for FY 1999?
TEXT PDF646.325 What unique documentation is required of a tribal consortium?
TEXT PDF646.330 If our tribe did not receive an INA WtW grant for FY 1998, can we still receive funding for FY 1999?
TEXT PDF646.400 What TANF recipients are eligible for services under INA WtW grants?
TEXT PDF646.405 What activities are allowable under the Welfare-to-Work program?
TEXT PDF646.410 Are there any special rules governing the use of job vouchers?
TEXT PDF646.415 What kind of ``job readiness'' services are allowable under the INA WtW Program?
TEXT PDF646.420 What assistance can be provided under the ``supportive services'' category?
TEXT PDF646.425 Are any education or training activities allowable under the INA WtW grant?
TEXT PDF646.430 Are there any time limits on client participation under the INA WtW program?
TEXT PDF646.500 We're a TANF/NEW tribe. What is my tribe's service area and/or population under an INA WtW grant?
TEXT PDF646.505 My tribe (or consortium) must qualify for an INA WtW grant under the ``substantial services'' criteria. How will our service area be determined?
TEXT PDF646.510 Are there any special service area provisions made for Indians residing in Oklahoma?
TEXT PDF646.600 How will the INA WtW grant funding allotments be determined?
TEXT PDF646.605 What spending limitations are imposed on the INA WtW program?
TEXT PDF646.610 What definition of ``administration'' is applicable to the INA WtW program?
TEXT PDF646.615 How long does the tribe have to spend INA WtW funds?
TEXT PDF646.620 Are there any other restrictions on the use of INA WtW funds?
TEXT PDF646.700 What are the recordkeeping requirements for the INA WtW program?
TEXT PDF646.705 What are the reporting requirements for the INA WtW program?
TEXT PDF646.710 Are tribes operating a TANF program required to report INA WtW activities under TANF as well?
TEXT PDF646.800 Are statutory waivers allowable under the INA WtW program?
TEXT PDF646.805 What are the performance measures tribes have to meet under the INA WtW program?
TEXT PDF646.900 May a tribe combine its INA WtW grant with other employment and training programs under Pub. L. 102-477, the Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Demonstration Act of 1992?
TEXT PDF646.905 What are the other Federal laws which must be followed by INA WtW grantees?
TEXT PDF646.910 What are a tribe's appeal rights under the INA WtW program?
TEXT PDF646.915 What administrative requirements must be met when the INA WtW program ends?
