Title 20--Employees' Benefits



TEXT PDF632.2 Scope and purpose.
TEXT PDF632.3 Format for these regulations.
TEXT PDF632.4 Definitions.
TEXT PDF632.10 Eligibility requirements for designation as a Native American grantee.
TEXT PDF632.11 Designation of Native American grantees.
TEXT PDF632.12 Alternative arrangements for the provision of services, nondesignation.
TEXT PDF632.13 Review of denial of designation as a Native American grantee, or rejection of a Comprehensive Annual Plan.
TEXT PDF632.17 Planning process.
TEXT PDF632.18 Regional and national planning meetings.
TEXT PDF632.19 Grant application content.
TEXT PDF632.20 Submission of grant application.
TEXT PDF632.21 Application disapproval.
TEXT PDF632.22 Modification of a Comprehensive Annual Plan (CAP) and/or Master Plan.
TEXT PDF632.23 Termination and corrective action of a CAP and/or Master Plan.
TEXT PDF632.31 General.
TEXT PDF632.32 Financial management systems.
TEXT PDF632.33 Audits.
TEXT PDF632.34 Program income.
TEXT PDF632.35 Native American grantee contracts and subgrants.
TEXT PDF632.36 Procurement standards.
TEXT PDF632.37 Allowable costs.
TEXT PDF632.38 Classification of costs.
TEXT PDF632.39 Administrative cost plan.
TEXT PDF632.40 Administrative staff and personnel standards.
TEXT PDF632.41 Reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF632.42 Grant closeout procedures.
TEXT PDF632.43 Reallocation of funds.
TEXT PDF632.44 Sanctions for violation of the Act.
TEXT PDF632.70 Waiver of regulations under Parts 632 and 636.
TEXT PDF632.75 General responsibilities of Native American grantees.
TEXT PDF632.76 Program management systems.
TEXT PDF632.77 Participant eligibility determination.
TEXT PDF632.78 Training activities.
TEXT PDF632.79 Employment activities.
TEXT PDF632.80 Other activities.
TEXT PDF632.81 Payments to participants.
TEXT PDF632.82 Benefits and working conditions for participants.
TEXT PDF632.84 Non-Federal status of participants.
TEXT PDF632.85 Participant limitations.
TEXT PDF632.86 Nondiscrimination and nonsectarian activities.
TEXT PDF632.87 Equitable provision of services to the eligible population and significant segments.
TEXT PDF632.88 General responsibilities of the Department.
TEXT PDF632.89 Performance standards.
TEXT PDF632.115 General.
TEXT PDF632.116 Conflict of interest.
TEXT PDF632.117 Kickbacks.
TEXT PDF632.118 Nepotism.
TEXT PDF632.119 Political patronage.
TEXT PDF632.120 Political activities.
TEXT PDF632.121 Lobbying activities.
TEXT PDF632.122 Unionization and antiunionization activities; work stoppages.
TEXT PDF632.123 Maintenance of effort.
TEXT PDF632.124 Theft or embezzlement from employment and training funds; improper inducement; obstruction of investigations and other criminal provisions.
TEXT PDF632.125 Responsibilities of Native American grantees, subgrantees and contractors for preventing fraud and program abuse and for general program management.
TEXT PDF632.170 Eligibility for funds.
TEXT PDF632.171 Allocation of funds.
TEXT PDF632.172 Eligibility for participation in title IV, section 401.
TEXT PDF632.173 Allowable program activities.
TEXT PDF632.174 Administrative costs.
TEXT PDF632.250 General.
TEXT PDF632.251 Eligibility for funds.
TEXT PDF632.252 Allocation of funds.
TEXT PDF632.253 Special operating provisions.
TEXT PDF632.254 Program startup.
TEXT PDF632.255 Program planning.
TEXT PDF632.256 Submission of applications.
TEXT PDF632.257 Eligibility for participation.
TEXT PDF632.258 Allowable activities.
TEXT PDF632.259 Vocational exploration program.
TEXT PDF632.260 Worksite standards.
TEXT PDF632.261 Reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF632.262 Termination date for the summer program.
TEXT PDF632.263 Administrative costs.
