Title 22--Foreign Relations



TEXT PDF213.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF213.2 Scope.
TEXT PDF213.3 Subdivision of claims.
TEXT PDF213.4 Late payment, penalty and administrative charges.
TEXT PDF213.5 Demand for payment.
TEXT PDF213.6 Collection by offset.
TEXT PDF213.7 Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies and contracts with collection agencies.
TEXT PDF213.8 Scope.
TEXT PDF213.9 Coordinating offset with another federal agency.
TEXT PDF213.10 Determination of indebtedness.
TEXT PDF213.11 Notice requirements before offset.
TEXT PDF213.12 Request for a hearing.
TEXT PDF213.13 Result if employee fails to meet deadlines.
TEXT PDF213.14 Hearings.
TEXT PDF213.15 Written decision following a hearing.
TEXT PDF213.16 Review of agency records related to the debt.
TEXT PDF213.17 Written agreement to repay debt as alternative to salary offset.
TEXT PDF213.18 Procedures for salary offset.
TEXT PDF213.19 Non-waiver of rights.
TEXT PDF213.20 Refunds.
TEXT PDF213.21 Purpose.
TEXT PDF213.22 Applicability and scope.
TEXT PDF213.23 Administrative charges.
TEXT PDF213.24 Pre-offset notice.
TEXT PDF213.25 Reasonable attempt to notify and clear and concise notification.
TEXT PDF213.26 Consideration of evidence and notification of decision.
TEXT PDF213.27 Change in conditions after submission to IRS.

