Title 22--Foreign Relations



TEXT PDF1203.735-101 Purpose.
TEXT PDF1203.735-102 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1203.735-103 Interpretation and advisory service.
TEXT PDF1203.735-104 Applicability to detailed employees.
TEXT PDF1203.735-105 Disciplinary action.
TEXT PDF1203.735-201 General.
TEXT PDF1203.735-202 Gifts, entertainment, and favors.
TEXT PDF1203.735-203 Gifts from foreign governments.
TEXT PDF1203.735-204 Outside employment and other activity.
TEXT PDF1203.735-205 Financial interests.
TEXT PDF1203.735-206 Economic and financial activities of employees abroad.
TEXT PDF1203.735-207 Use of Government property.
TEXT PDF1203.735-208 Misuse of information.
TEXT PDF1203.735-209 Indebtedness.
TEXT PDF1203.735-210 Gambling, betting, and lotteries.
TEXT PDF1203.735-211 Activities relating to private organizations and politics.
TEXT PDF1203.735-212 Wearing of uniforms.
TEXT PDF1203.735-213 Recommendations for employment.
TEXT PDF1203.735-214 Transmitting communications and gifts.
TEXT PDF1203.735-215 General conduct prejudicial to the Government.
TEXT PDF1203.735-216 Miscellaneous statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF1203.735-217 Requesting exceptions from certain statutory prohibitions.
TEXT PDF1203.735-301 Conflicts of interest.
TEXT PDF1203.735-302 Use of Government employment.
TEXT PDF1203.735-303 Use of inside information.
TEXT PDF1203.735-304 Coercion.
TEXT PDF1203.735-305 Gifts, entertainment, and favors.
TEXT PDF1203.735-306 Miscellaneous statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF1203.735-401 Employees required to submit statements.
TEXT PDF1203.735-402 Employees not required to submit statements.
TEXT PDF1203.735-403 Employee's complaint on filing requirement.
TEXT PDF1203.735-404 Time and place of submission, and forms.
TEXT PDF1203.735-405 Information required.
TEXT PDF1203.735-406 Submission of position description.
TEXT PDF1203.735-407 Supplementary statements.
TEXT PDF1203.735-408 Review of statements and determination as to conflicts of interest.
TEXT PDF1203.735-409 Confidentiality of employees' statements.
TEXT PDF1203.735-410 Effect of employees' statements on other requirements.
TEXT PDF1203.735-411 Disqualification procedures.

