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Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

Funding Sources
Purpose Low-interest loan program established by the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Amendments.  U.S. EPA provides funds to each State for establishing ongoing loan programs.  The State administers the State Revolving Fund (SRF) and makes loans to drinking water systems for projects which will ensure that drinking water remains safe and affordable.  States may also fund wellhead and source water protection projects.
Eligible Applicants Only state and Tribal community water systems and non-profit non-community water systems can apply for these loans.  Loan applications must be sent to:
Award Amount

Loan amounts vary by state.

Total Awarded in Fiscal Year Annual EPA awards to states:
AZ $23M, CA $86M, HI $8M, NV $8M.
Matching Share

No matching share required.

Key Dates:
Application Due Selection
Due: Open
Selection: Varies

        Priorities vary by State.

Contact Person
EPA Office/Division
Jose Caratini (caratini.jose@epa.gov)
Water Division
(415) 972-3566

See websites for more info:



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