Title 34--Education



TEXT PDF694.1 To what fiscal year do these regulations apply?
TEXT PDF694.2 What is the maximum amount that the Secretary may award each year to a Partnership or a State under this program?
TEXT PDF694.3 Which students must a Partnership, or a State that chooses to use the cohort approach in its project, serve under the program's early intervention component?
TEXT PDF694.4 What are the requirements for a cohort?
TEXT PDF694.5 Which students must a State or Partnership serve when there are changes in the cohort?
TEXT PDF694.6 What requirements must be met by a Partnership or State that chooses to provide services to private school students under the program's early intervention component?
TEXT PDF694.7 Who may provide GEAR UP services to students attending private schools?
TEXT PDF694.8 What are the matching requirements for a GEAR UP Partnership?
TEXT PDF694.9 What are the requirements that a Partnership must meet in designating a fiscal agent for its project under this program?
TEXT PDF694.10 What are the requirements regarding the amount of a GEAR UP scholarship, and its relationship to other Federal student financial assistance?
TEXT PDF694.11 What requirements must a State, or a Partnership that chooses to include a scholarship component in its project, follow in awarding scholarships under the program's scholarship component?
TEXT PDF694.12 Under what conditions may a Partnership that does not participate in the GEAR UP scholarship component provide financial assistance to students under the GEAR UP early intervention component?
TEXT PDF694.13 How does a State determine which State agency will apply for, and administer, a State grant under this program?
TEXT PDF694.14 What requirements must be met by a Partnership or State participating in GEAR UP with respect to 21st Century Scholar Certificates?
TEXT PDF694.15 What requirements apply to a State that served students under the National Early Intervention Scholarship and Partnership program (NEISP) and that receives a GEAR UP grant?
TEXT PDF694.16 What priority must the Secretary establish?
TEXT PDF694.17 What priorities may the Secretary establish?

