Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management



TEXT PDF102-33.5 To whom do these rules apply?
TEXT PDF102-33.10 May we request approval to deviate from these rules?
TEXT PDF102-33.15 How does this part relate to the Federal Aviation Regulations?
TEXT PDF102-33.20 What definitions apply to this part?
TEXT PDF102-33.25 What are our responsibilities under this part?
TEXT PDF102-33.30 What are the duties of an agency's Senior Aviation Management Official (SAMO)?
TEXT PDF102-33.35 How can we get help in carrying out our responsibilities?
TEXT PDF102-33.40 What are GSA's responsibilities for Federal aviation management?
TEXT PDF102-33.45 What is a Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.50 Under what circumstances may we acquire Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.55 Are there restrictions on acquiring Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.60 What methods may we use to acquire Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.65 What is the process for acquiring Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.70 What directives must we follow when planning to acquire Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.75 What other guidance is available to us in planning to acquire Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.80 Must we comply with OMB Circular A-76 before we acquire Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.85 Where should we send our OMB Circular A-76 Cost-Comparison Studies?
TEXT PDF102-33.90 What is the process for budgeting to acquire a Federal aircraft (including a Federal aircraft transferred from another executive agency)?
TEXT PDF102-33.95 What is the process for budgeting to acquire commercial aviation services (CAS)?
TEXT PDF102-33.100 What are our responsibilities when contracting to purchase or lease-purchase a Federal aircraft or to award a CAS contract?
TEXT PDF102-33.105 What special requirements must we put into our CAS contracts?
TEXT PDF102-33.110 What are our responsibilities when acquiring aircraft parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.115 Are there special requirements for acquiring military Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Parts (FSCAP)?
TEXT PDF102-33.120 Are there special requirements for acquiring life-limited parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.125 If we use Federal aircraft, what are our management responsibilities?
TEXT PDF102-33.130 If we hire CAS, what are our management responsibilities?
TEXT PDF102-33.135 Do we have to follow the direction in OMB Circular A-123, ``Management Accountability and Control,'' June 21, 1995, for establishing management controls for our aviation program?
TEXT PDF102-33.140 What are Flight Program Standards?
TEXT PDF102-33.145 Why must we establish Flight Program Standards?
TEXT PDF102-33.150 Is any agency exempt from establishing Flight Program Standards under this part?
TEXT PDF102-33.155 How must we establish Flight Program Standards?
TEXT PDF102-33.160 What standards must we establish or require (contractually, where applicable) for management/administration of our flight program?
TEXT PDF102-33.165 What standards must we establish or require (contractually, where applicable) for operation of our flight program?
TEXT PDF102-33.170 What standards must we establish or require (contractually, where applicable) for maintenance of our Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.175 What standards must we establish or require (contractually, where applicable) to train our flight program personnel?
TEXT PDF102-33.180 What standards must we establish or require (contractually, where applicable) for flight program safety?
TEXT PDF102-33.185 What standards must we establish or require (contractually, where applicable) for responding to aircraft accidents and incidents?
TEXT PDF102-33.190 What are the aircraft operations and ownership costs for which we must account?
TEXT PDF102-33.195 Do we need an automated system to account for aircraft costs?
TEXT PDF102-33.200 Must we periodically justify owning and operating Federal aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.205 When we use our aircraft to support other executive agencies, must we recover the operating costs?
TEXT PDF102-33.210 How do we account for the use of our Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.215 May we use Government aircraft to carry passengers?
TEXT PDF102-33.220 What are the responsibilities of an agency's aviation program in justifying the use of a Government aircraft to transport passengers?
TEXT PDF102-33.225 How must we manage aircraft parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.230 May we use military FSCAP on non-military FAA-type certificated Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.235 What documentation must we maintain for life-limited parts and FSCAP?
TEXT PDF102-33.240 What must we consider before disposing of aircraft and aircraft parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.245 May we report as excess, or replace (i.e., by exchange/sale), both operational and non-operational aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.250 May we report as excess, or replace, declassified aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.255 Must we document FSCAP or life-limited parts installed on aircraft that we will report as excess or replace?
TEXT PDF102-33.260 When we report as excess, or replace, an aircraft (including a declassified aircraft), must we report the change in inventory to the Federal Aviation Interactive Reporting System (FAIRS)?
TEXT PDF102-33.265 What are our options if aircraft are excess to our needs?
TEXT PDF102-33.270 What is the process for reporting an excess aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.275 Are there restrictions on replacing aircraft by exchange or sale?
TEXT PDF102-33.280 What are our options if we need a replacement aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.285 Do we need to include any special disclaimers in our exchange/sale agreements for uncertificated aircraft or aircraft that we have operated as public aircraft (i.e., not in compliance with the Federal Aviation Regulations, 14 CFR chapter I)?
TEXT PDF102-33.290 What other disclaimers must we include in our exchange/sale agreements for aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.295 May we exchange or sell an aircraft through reimbursable transfer to another executive agency?
TEXT PDF102-33.300 What must we consider before disposing of aircraft parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.305 May we report as excess, or replace, FSCAP and life-limited parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.310 May we report as excess, or replace, unsalvageable aircraft parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.315 What are the procedures for mutilating unsalvageable aircraft parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.320 What must we do if we are unable to perform required mutilation of aircraft parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.325 What documentation must we furnish with excess/surplus or replaced parts when they are transferred, donated, exchanged, or sold?
TEXT PDF102-33.330 What must we do with aircraft parts that are excess to our needs?
TEXT PDF102-33.335 What are the receiving agency's responsibilities in the transfer or donation of aircraft parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.340 What are GSA's responsibilities in disposing of excess and surplus aircraft parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.345 What are a State agency's responsibilities in the donation of Federal Government aircraft parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.350 Do we need approval from GSA to replace aircraft parts by exchange or sale?
TEXT PDF102-33.355 May we do a reimbursable transfer of parts with another executive agency?
TEXT PDF102-33.360 What is the process for selling or exchanging aircraft parts for replacement?
TEXT PDF102-33.365 Must we report exchange or sale of parts to FAIRS?
TEXT PDF102-33.370 What must we do to dispose of military FSCAP or life-limited parts?
TEXT PDF102-33.375 What is a FSCAP Criticality Code?
TEXT PDF102-33.380 Who must report information to GSA on Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.385 Is any civilian executive agency exempt from the requirement to report information to GSA on Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.390 What information must we report on Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.395 What is FAIRS?
TEXT PDF102-33.400 How must we report to FAIRS?
TEXT PDF102-33.405 When must we report to FAIRS?
TEXT PDF102-33.410 What are Federal inventory data?
TEXT PDF102-33.415 When may we declassify an aircraft and remove it from our Federal aircraft inventory?
TEXT PDF102-33.420 How must we declassify an aircraft?
TEXT PDF102-33.425 What Federal aircraft cost and utilization data must we report?
TEXT PDF102-33.430 Who must report Federal aircraft cost and utilization data?
TEXT PDF102-33.435 What CAS cost and utilization data must we report?
TEXT PDF102-33.440 Who must report CAS cost and utilization data?
TEXT PDF102-33.445 What accident and incident data must we report?
TEXT PDF102-33.450 How must we report accident and incident data?
TEXT PDF102-33.455 What is C-AMIS?
TEXT PDF102-33.460 What is our responsibility in relation to C-AMIS?
