Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management



TEXT PDF101-29.000 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF101-29.101 Federal product descriptions.
TEXT PDF101-29.102 Use of metric system of measurement in Federal product descriptions.
TEXT PDF101-29.201 Specification.
TEXT PDF101-29.202 Standard.
TEXT PDF101-29.203 Federal specification.
TEXT PDF101-29.204 Interim Federal specification.
TEXT PDF101-29.205 Federal standard.
TEXT PDF101-29.206 Interim Federal standard.
TEXT PDF101-29.207 Qualified products list (QPL).
TEXT PDF101-29.208 Commercial item description (CID).
TEXT PDF101-29.209 Purchase description.
TEXT PDF101-29.210 Product.
TEXT PDF101-29.211 Product description.
TEXT PDF101-29.212 Tailoring.
TEXT PDF101-29.213 Commercial product.
TEXT PDF101-29.214 Commercial-type product.
TEXT PDF101-29.215 Departmental specification or standard.
TEXT PDF101-29.216 Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS).
TEXT PDF101-29.217 Military specification or standard.
TEXT PDF101-29.218 Voluntary standards.
TEXT PDF101-29.219 Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and Commercial Item Descriptions.
TEXT PDF101-29.220 Market research and analysis.
TEXT PDF101-29.221 Federal Specifications, Standards and Commercial Item Description Program (Federal Standardization Program).
TEXT PDF101-29.301 General Services Administration.
TEXT PDF101-29.301-1 Policies and procedures.
TEXT PDF101-29.301-2 Federal Standardization Handbook.
TEXT PDF101-29.301-3 Availability of Federal product descriptions.
TEXT PDF101-29.301-4 Periodic review of Federal product descriptions.
TEXT PDF101-29.302 Other Federal agencies.
TEXT PDF101-29.303 All Federal executive agencies.
TEXT PDF101-29.401 Federal product descriptions listed in the GSA Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and Commercial Item Descriptions.
TEXT PDF101-29.402 Exceptions to mandatory use of Federal product descriptions.
TEXT PDF101-29.403 Federal product description exceptions and tailoring.
TEXT PDF101-29.403-1 Authorization of exceptions.
TEXT PDF101-29.403-2 Agency responsibility relative to exceptions to Federal product descriptions.
TEXT PDF101-29.403-3 Tailoring of Federal product descriptions.
TEXT PDF101-29.501 Optional use of interim Federal specifications.
TEXT PDF101-29.502 Use of Federal specifications and interim Federal specifications in Federal construction contracts.
TEXT PDF101-29.503 Agency product descriptions.

