Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management



TEXT PDF102-75.5 What is the scope of this part?
TEXT PDF102-75.10 What basic real property disposal policy governs Executive agencies?
TEXT PDF102-75.15 What real property disposal services must Executive agencies provide?
TEXT PDF102-75.20 What are Executive agencies' responsibilities concerning the utilization of excess property?
TEXT PDF102-75.25 What are Executive agencies' responsibilities concerning real property surveys?
TEXT PDF102-75.30 When may landholding Federal agencies grant rights for non-Federal interim use of excess property reported to GSA?
TEXT PDF102-75.35 What are Executive agencies' responsibilities concerning the disposal of surplus property?
TEXT PDF102-75.40 When may Executive agencies dispose of surplus real property by exchange for privately owned property?
TEXT PDF102-75.45 When may Executive agencies outlease surplus real property for non-Federal interim use?
TEXT PDF102-75.50 What are Federal agencies' reporting responsibilities under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11411)?
TEXT PDF102-75.55 What are Executive agencies' responsibilities concerning public benefit conveyances?
TEXT PDF102-75.60 When may Executive agencies conduct negotiated sales?
TEXT PDF102-75.65 What are Executive agencies' responsibilities concerning negotiated sales?
TEXT PDF102-75.70 What can Executive agencies do to eliminate the potential for windfall profits to public agencies in negotiated sales?
TEXT PDF102-75.75 What is a negotiated sale for economic development purposes?
TEXT PDF102-75.80 What are Executive agencies' responsibilities concerning public sales?
TEXT PDF102-75.85 How can Federal agencies obtain related disposal services?
TEXT PDF102-75.90 What type of appraisal value must be obtained for real property disposal transactions?
TEXT PDF102-75.95 Are appraisals required for all real property disposal transactions?
TEXT PDF102-75.100 Who must appraise the real property?

