Title 19--Customs Duties



TEXT PDF181.0 Scope.
TEXT PDF181.1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF181.11 Certificate of Origin.
TEXT PDF181.12 Maintenance and availability of records.
TEXT PDF181.13 Failure to comply with requirements.
TEXT PDF181.21 Filing of claim for preferential tariff treatment upon importation.
TEXT PDF181.22 Maintenance of records and submission of Certificate by importer.
TEXT PDF181.23 Effect of noncompliance; failure to provide documentation regarding transshipment.
TEXT PDF181.31 Right to make post-importation claim and refund duties.
TEXT PDF181.32 Filing procedures.
TEXT PDF181.33 Customs processing procedures.
TEXT PDF181.41 Applicability.
TEXT PDF181.42 Duties and fees not subject to drawback.
TEXT PDF181.43 Eligible goods subject to drawback.
TEXT PDF181.44 Calculation of drawback.
TEXT PDF181.45 Goods eligible for full drawback.
TEXT PDF181.45 Goods eligible for full drawback.
TEXT PDF181.46 Time and place for filing drawback claim.
TEXT PDF181.47 Completion of claim for drawback.
TEXT PDF181.47 Completion of claim for drawback.
TEXT PDF181.48 Person entitled to receive drawback.
TEXT PDF181.49 Retention of records.
TEXT PDF181.50 Liquidation and payment of drawback claims.
TEXT PDF181.51 Prevention of improper payment of claims.
TEXT PDF181.52 Subsequent claims for preferential tariff treatment.
TEXT PDF181.53 Collection and waiver or reduction of duty under duty-deferral programs.
TEXT PDF181.54 Verification of claim for drawback, waiver or reduction of duties.
TEXT PDF181.61 Applicability.
TEXT PDF181.62 Commercial samples of negligible value.
TEXT PDF181.64 Goods re-entered after repair or alteration in Canada or Mexico.
TEXT PDF181.71 Denial of preferential tariff treatment dependent on origin verification and determination.
TEXT PDF181.72 Verification scope and method.
TEXT PDF181.73 Notification of verification visit.
TEXT PDF181.74 Verification visit procedures.
TEXT PDF181.75 Issuance of origin determination.
TEXT PDF181.76 Application of origin determinations.
TEXT PDF181.81 Applicability to NAFTA transactions.
TEXT PDF181.82 Exceptions to application of penalties.
TEXT PDF181.91 Applicability.
TEXT PDF181.92 Definitions and general NAFTA advance ruling practice.
TEXT PDF181.93 Submission of advance ruling requests.
TEXT PDF181.94 Nonconforming requests for advance rulings.
TEXT PDF181.95 Oral discussion of issues.
TEXT PDF181.96 Change in status of transaction.
TEXT PDF181.97 Withdrawal of NAFTA advance ruling requests.
TEXT PDF181.98 Situations in which no NAFTA advance ruling may be issued.
TEXT PDF181.99 Issuance of NAFTA advance rulings or other advice.
TEXT PDF181.100 Effect of NAFTA advance ruling letters; modification and revocation.
TEXT PDF181.101 Publication of decisions.
TEXT PDF181.102 Administrative and judicial review of advance rulings.
TEXT PDF181.111 Applicability.
TEXT PDF181.112 Definitions.
TEXT PDF181.113 Request for basis of adverse marking decision.
TEXT PDF181.114 Customs response to request.
TEXT PDF181.115 Intervention in importer's protest.
TEXT PDF181.116 Petition regarding adverse marking decision.
TEXT PDF181.121 Maintenance of confidentiality.
TEXT PDF181.122 Disclosure to government authorities.
TEXT PDF181.131 Rules of origin.

