Title 19--Customs Duties



TEXT PDF151.0 Scope.
TEXT PDF151.1 Merchandise to be examined.
TEXT PDF151.2 Quantities to be examined.
TEXT PDF151.3 Disclosure of examination packages.
TEXT PDF151.4 Time of examination.
TEXT PDF151.5 Conditions for examination prior to entry.
TEXT PDF151.6 Place of examination.
TEXT PDF151.7 Examination elsewhere than at place of arrival or public stores.
TEXT PDF151.8 Examination after assembly.
TEXT PDF151.9 Immediate transportation entry delivered outside port limits.
TEXT PDF151.10 Sampling.
TEXT PDF151.11 Request for samples or additional examination packages after release of merchandise.
TEXT PDF151.13 Commercial gaugers and commercial laboratories.
TEXT PDF151.14 Use of commercial laboratory tests in liquidation.
TEXT PDF151.15 Movement of merchandise to a centralized examination station.
TEXT PDF151.21 Definitions.
TEXT PDF151.22 Estimated duties on raw sugar.
TEXT PDF151.23 Allowance for moisture in raw sugar.
TEXT PDF151.24 Unlading facilities for bulk sugar.
TEXT PDF151.25 Mixing classes of sugar.
TEXT PDF151.26 Molasses in tank cars.
TEXT PDF151.27 Weighing and sampling done at time of unlading.
TEXT PDF151.28 Gauging of sirup or molasses discharged into storage tanks.
TEXT PDF151.29 Expense of unlading and handling.
TEXT PDF151.30 Sugar closets.
TEXT PDF151.41 Information on entry summary.
TEXT PDF151.42 Controls on unlading and gauging.
TEXT PDF151.44 Storage tanks.
TEXT PDF151.45 Storage tanks bonded as warehouses.
TEXT PDF151.46 Allowance for detectable moisture and impurities.
TEXT PDF151.47 Optional entry of net quantity of petroleum or petroleum products.
TEXT PDF151.51 Sampling requirements.
TEXT PDF151.52 Sampling procedures.
TEXT PDF151.53 Sample lockers.
TEXT PDF151.54 Testing by Customs laboratory.
TEXT PDF151.55 Deductions for loss during processing.
TEXT PDF151.61 Definitions.
TEXT PDF151.62 Information on invoices.
TEXT PDF151.63 Information on entry summary.
TEXT PDF151.64 Extra copy of entry summary.
TEXT PDF151.65 Duties.
TEXT PDF151.66 Duty on samples.
TEXT PDF151.67 Sampling by importer.
TEXT PDF151.68 Merchandise to be sampled and tested by Customs.
TEXT PDF151.69 Transfer or exportation of part of sampling unit.
TEXT PDF151.70 Method of sampling by Customs.
TEXT PDF151.71 Laboratory testing for clean yield.
TEXT PDF151.73 Importer's request for commercial laboratory test.
TEXT PDF151.74 Retest at port director's request.
TEXT PDF151.75 Final determination of clean yield.
TEXT PDF151.76 Grading of wool.
TEXT PDF151.81 Definition of staple length.
TEXT PDF151.82 Information on invoices.
TEXT PDF151.83 Method of sampling.
TEXT PDF151.84 Determination of staple length.
TEXT PDF151.85 Importer's request for redetermination.
TEXT PDF151.91 Brix values of unconcentrated natural fruit juices.
TEXT PDF151.111 Cigars, cigarillos, and tobacco of Cuban origin.

