Title 46--Shipping



TEXT PDF115.100 When required.
TEXT PDF115.103 Description.
TEXT PDF115.105 How to obtain or renew.
TEXT PDF115.107 Period of validity for a Certificate of Inspection.
TEXT PDF115.110 Routes permitted.
TEXT PDF115.112 Total persons permitted.
TEXT PDF115.113 Passengers permitted.
TEXT PDF115.114 Alternative requirements for a vessel operating as other than a small passenger vessel.
TEXT PDF115.120 Certificate of Inspection amendment.
TEXT PDF115.202 Permit to proceed.
TEXT PDF115.204 Permit to carry excursion party.
TEXT PDF115.302 Certificates and permits.
TEXT PDF115.306 Stability letter.
TEXT PDF115.310 Certification expiration date stickers.
TEXT PDF115.400 General.
TEXT PDF115.402 Initial inspection for certification.
TEXT PDF115.404 Subsequent inspections for certification.
TEXT PDF115.500 When required.
TEXT PDF115.502 Certificate of Inspection: Conditions of validity.
TEXT PDF115.600 Drydock and internal structural examination intervals.
TEXT PDF115.610 Scope of drydock and internal structural examinations.
TEXT PDF115.612 Notice and plans required.
TEXT PDF115.630 Tailshaft examinations.
TEXT PDF115.670 Extension of examination intervals.
TEXT PDF115.700 Permission for repairs and alterations.
TEXT PDF115.702 Installation tests and inspections.
TEXT PDF115.704 Breaking of safety valve seals.
TEXT PDF115.710 Inspection and testing prior to hot work.
TEXT PDF115.800 Inspection standards.
TEXT PDF115.801 Notice of inspection deficiencies and requirements.
TEXT PDF115.802 Hull.
TEXT PDF115.804 Machinery.
TEXT PDF115.806 Electrical.
TEXT PDF115.808 Lifesaving.
TEXT PDF115.810 Fire protection.
TEXT PDF115.812 Pressure vessels and boilers.
TEXT PDF115.814 Steering systems.
TEXT PDF115.816 Miscellaneous systems and equipment.
TEXT PDF115.818 Sanitary inspection.
TEXT PDF115.830 Unsafe practices.
TEXT PDF115.840 Additional tests and inspections.
TEXT PDF115.900 Applicability.
TEXT PDF115.910 Passenger Ship Safety Certificate.
TEXT PDF115.920 Exemptions.
TEXT PDF115.925 Safety Management Certificate.
TEXT PDF115.930 Equivalents.

