Title 17--Commodity and Securities Exchanges



TEXT PDF259.0-1 Availability of forms.
TEXT PDF259.5a Form U5A, for notification of registration filed under section 5(a) of the Act.
TEXT PDF259.5b Form U5B, for registration statement filed under section 5(b) of the Act.
TEXT PDF259.5s Form U5S, for annual reports filed under section 5(c) of the Act.
TEXT PDF259.101 Form U-1, application or declaration under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.
TEXT PDF259.113 Form U-13-1, for applications for approval of mutual service companies pursuant to Rule 88 (250.88 of this chapter).
TEXT PDF259.206 Form U-6B-2, for notification of security issues exempt under section 6(b) of the Act.
TEXT PDF259.207 Form U-57, for notification of foreign utility company status pursuant to Rule 57(a) (250.57 of this chapter).
TEXT PDF259.208 Form U-9C-3, for notification of acquisition of securities exempt from section 9(a) pursuant to rule 58 (250.58 of this chapter).
TEXT PDF259.212a Form U-12(I)-A, for statement of activity within scope of section 12(i) of the Act pursuant to Rule 71(a) (250.71(a) of this chapter).
TEXT PDF259.212b Form U-12(I)-B, for advance statement of activity within scope of section 12(i) of the Act pursuant to Rule 71(b) (250.71(b) of this chapter).
TEXT PDF259.213 Form U-13E-1, for report by affiliate companies and independent service companies pursuant to Rule 95 (250.95 of this chapter).
TEXT PDF259.221 Form U-R-1, for solicitations pursuant to Rule 62 (250.62 of this chapter), in connection with reorganizations.
TEXT PDF259.313 Form U-13-60, for annual reports pursuant to Rule 94 (250.94 of this chapter) by mutual and subsidiary service companies required by section 13 of the Act.
TEXT PDF259.402 Form U-3A-2, for annual reports pursuant to Rule 2 (250.2 of this chapter) for exempt holding companies which are intrastate or predominantly operating companies.
TEXT PDF259.403 Form U-3A3-1, for annual reports pursuant to Rule 3 (250.3 of this chapter) for banks which are exempt holding companies.
TEXT PDF259.404 Certificate to be filed pursuant to 250.7(d) of this chapter.
TEXT PDF259.405 Form U-33-S, for annual reports pursuant to Rule 57(b) (250.57 of this chapter).
TEXT PDF259.601 Form ET, transmittal form for electronic format documents on magnetic tape or diskette to be filed on the EDGAR system.
TEXT PDF259.602 Form ID, uniform application for access codes to file on EDGAR.
TEXT PDF259.603 Form SE, form for submission of paper format exhibits by electronic filers.
TEXT PDF259.604 Form TH--Notification of reliance on temporary hardship exemption.
