Title 46--Shipping

Chapter I--Coast Guard, Department of Transportation


TEXT PDF162.017-1 Applicable specifications.
TEXT PDF162.017-2 Type.
TEXT PDF162.017-3 Materials, construction, and workmanship.
TEXT PDF162.017-4 Inspections and testing.
TEXT PDF162.017-5 Marking.
TEXT PDF162.017-6 Procedure for approval.
TEXT PDF162.018-1 Applicable specifications, and referenced material.
TEXT PDF162.018-2 Scope.
TEXT PDF162.018-3 Materials.
TEXT PDF162.018-4 Construction and workmanship.
TEXT PDF162.018-5 Blow-down adjustment and popping tolerance.
TEXT PDF162.018-6 Marking.
TEXT PDF162.018-7 Flow rating tests.
TEXT PDF162.018-8 Procedure for approval.
TEXT PDF162.027-1 Incorporation by reference.
TEXT PDF162.027-2 Design, construction, testing and marking requirements.
TEXT PDF162.027-3 Approval procedures.
TEXT PDF162.028-1 Applicable specifications.
TEXT PDF162.028-2 Classification.
TEXT PDF162.028-3 Requirements.
TEXT PDF162.028-4 Marine type label.
TEXT PDF162.028-5 Independent laboratories: Listing.
TEXT PDF162.028-6 Examinations, tests, and inspections.
TEXT PDF162.028-7 Procedure for listing and labeling.
TEXT PDF162.028-8 Termination of listing or labeling.
TEXT PDF162.039-1 Applicable specifications.
TEXT PDF162.039-2 Classification.
TEXT PDF162.039-3 Requirements.
TEXT PDF162.039-4 Marine type label.
TEXT PDF162.039-5 Recognized laboratory.
TEXT PDF162.039-6 Examinations, tests, and inspections.
TEXT PDF162.039-7 Procedure for listing and labeling.
TEXT PDF162.039-8 Termination of listing or labeling.
TEXT PDF162.050-1 Scope.
TEXT PDF162.050-3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF162.050-4 Documents incorporated by reference.
TEXT PDF162.050-5 Contents of application.
TEXT PDF162.050-7 Approval procedures.
TEXT PDF162.050-9 Test report.
TEXT PDF162.050-11 Marking.
TEXT PDF162.050-13 Factory production and inspection.
TEXT PDF162.050-14 Sample collection and preservation.
TEXT PDF162.050-15 Designation of facilities.
TEXT PDF162.050-17 Separator test rig.
TEXT PDF162.050-19 Monitor and bilge alarm test rig.
TEXT PDF162.050-21 Separator: Design specification.
TEXT PDF162.050-23 Separator: Approval tests.
TEXT PDF162.050-25 Cargo monitor: Design specification.
TEXT PDF162.050-27 Cargo monitor: Approval tests.
TEXT PDF162.050-29 Bilge monitor: Design specification.
TEXT PDF162.050-31 Bilge monitor: Approval tests.
TEXT PDF162.050-33 Bilge alarm: Design specification.
TEXT PDF162.050-35 Bilge alarm: Approval tests.
TEXT PDF162.050-37 Vibration test.
TEXT PDF162.050-39 Measurement of oil content.

