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Solid Waste

Resource Management in Clark County, Nevada

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In August, 2002, EPA Region 9 investigated how Resource Management (RM) contracting might assist Clark County, Nevada, to achieve higher recycling rates. Unlike traditional solid waste service contracts, RM compensates waste contractors based on performance in achieving waste reduction goals rather than the volume of waste disposed, creating an incentive to reduce waste, rather than increase it.

EPA's report found that there are significant opportunities to increase both recycling rates and recycling revenues, despite the fact that Clark County’s current franchise agreement and solid waste ordinance provide little incentive to increase recycling. The report is available in PDF format.

Assessing Resource Management Opportunities in Clark County, Nevada (PDF) (45 pp. 691K, About PDF)

Contact Information

Contact Timonie Hood at (415) 972-3282 (hood.timonie@epa.gov) for more information about this report.

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