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Arizona Waste Programs

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Hazardous Waste
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Arizona Department of Environmental Quality  
Office of Waste and Water Quality (602) 771-2300
RCRA Notification / ID Number Information Line (602) 771-4147
Biennial Report (602) 771-4214

Municipal Solid Waste

Arizona received approval from EPA for its solid waste program in December of 1994. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality administers the state’s solid waste program.

Arizona State Agencies
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The Solid Waste Section of Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) manages Arizona's solid waste stream. ADEQ also promotes source reduction, reuse, recycling and buying recycled through grants, a hotline, recycling market development programs, and data management.

The Arizona Department of Commerce offers assistance to businesses that use, process, or manufacture recycled materials.

Arizona does not have a state goal or mandate for waste reduction or recycling.

Arizona Solid Waste Grants
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In 1997, Arizona provided more than $1.5 million for waste reduction initiatives. Arizona offers two different grant programs - Waste Reduction Assistance (WRA) grants and Waste Reduction Initiative Through Education (WRITE) grants. These grants provide assistance to private business, nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies for demonstration projects, research, recycling market development, waste prevention projects, and waste reduction education. Check with ADEQ for specific requirements.

Arizona State Contacts

Juli Boles (Boles.juli@azdeq.gov)
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Manager, Recycling and Brownfields Unit
1110 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 771-4170
Fax: (602) 771-2383

Annette Tripke (Tripke.Annette@azdeq.gov)
Recycling Program
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
1110 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 771-4134
Fax: (602) 771-2383

Additional Resource

Earth's 911 HotlineExiting EPA (disclaimer) enables you to type in your zip code to find information about a variety of environmental subjects, including local reuse, recycling, and household hazardous waste disposal center information.

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