Title 45--Public Welfare



TEXT PDF650.1 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF650.2 National Science Foundation patent policy.
TEXT PDF650.3 Source of authority.
TEXT PDF650.4 Standard patent rights clause.
TEXT PDF650.5 Special patent provisions.
TEXT PDF650.6 Awards not primarily for research.
TEXT PDF650.7 Awards affected by international agreements.
TEXT PDF650.8 Retention of rights by inventor.
TEXT PDF650.9 Unwanted inventions.
TEXT PDF650.10 Inventions also supported by another Federal Agency.
TEXT PDF650.11 Utilization reports.
TEXT PDF650.12 Waivers and approvals.
TEXT PDF650.13 Exercise of march-in rights.
TEXT PDF650.14 Request for conveyance of title to NSF.
TEXT PDF650.15 Appeals.
TEXT PDF650.16 Background rights.
TEXT PDF650.17 Subcontracts.
TEXT PDF650.18 Delegation of authority.
TEXT PDF650.19 Electronic invention handling.

