Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF619.201 General policy.
TEXT PDF619.202 Specific policies.
TEXT PDF619.202-70 The Department of State Mentor-Protégé Program.
TEXT PDF619.402 Small Business Administration procurement center representatives.
TEXT PDF619.402-70 DOS designee.
TEXT PDF619.501 General.
TEXT PDF619.505 Rejecting Small Business Administration recommendations.
TEXT PDF619.506 Withdrawing or modifying set asides.
TEXT PDF619.602 Procedures.
TEXT PDF619.602-1 Referral.
TEXT PDF619.705 Responsibilities of the contracting officer under the subcontracting assistance program.
TEXT PDF619.705-1 General support of the program.
TEXT PDF619.705-3 Preparing the solicitation.
TEXT PDF619.705-4 Reviewing the subcontracting plan.
TEXT PDF619.705-6 Postaward responsibilities of the contracting officer.
TEXT PDF619.705-6-70 Reporting responsibilities.
TEXT PDF619.708-70 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
TEXT PDF619.800 General.
TEXT PDF619.803 Selecting acquisitions for the 8(a) program.
TEXT PDF619.803-70 Responsibilities of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (A/SDBU).
TEXT PDF619.803-71 Simplified procedures for 8(a) acquisitions under MOUs.
TEXT PDF619.804 Evaluation, offering, and acceptance.
TEXT PDF619.804-2 Agency offering.
TEXT PDF619.804-3 SBA acceptance.
TEXT PDF619.804-3-70 SBA acceptance under MOUs for acquisitions exceeding $100,000.
TEXT PDF619.805 Competitive 8(a).
TEXT PDF619.805-2 Procedures.
TEXT PDF619.806 Pricing the 8(a) contract.
TEXT PDF619.808 Contract negotiation.
TEXT PDF619.808-1 Sole source.
TEXT PDF619.810 SBA appeals.
TEXT PDF619.811 Preparing the contracts.
TEXT PDF619.811-1 Sole source.
TEXT PDF619.811-2 Competitive.
TEXT PDF619.811-3 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF619.812 Contract administration.
