Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF6302.1 How to appeal a contracting officer's decision (Rule 1).
TEXT PDF6302.2 Contents of notice of appeal (Rule 2).
TEXT PDF6302.3 Docketing of appeals (Rule 3).
TEXT PDF6302.4 Preparation, contents, organization, forwarding, and status of appeal file (Rule 4).
TEXT PDF6302.5 Service of documents (Rule 5).
TEXT PDF6302.6 Computation and extension of time limits (Rule 6).
TEXT PDF6302.7 Motions (Rule 7).
TEXT PDF6302.8 Appellant's election of procedures (Rule 8).
TEXT PDF6302.9 The SMALL CLAIMS (EXPEDITED) procedure (Rule 9).
TEXT PDF6302.10 The ACCELERATED procedure (Rule 10).
TEXT PDF6302.11 Submission of appeal without a hearing (Rule 11).
TEXT PDF6302.12 Regular procedure (Rule 12).
TEXT PDF6302.13 Pleadings (Rule 13).
TEXT PDF6302.14 Amendments of pleadings or record (Rule 14).
TEXT PDF6302.15 Prehearing briefs (Rule 15).
TEXT PDF6302.16 Prehearing conference (Rule 16).
TEXT PDF6302.17 The record of the appeal (Rule 17).
TEXT PDF6302.18 Discovery-depositions (Rule 18).
TEXT PDF6302.19 Interrogatories to parties, admission of facts, and inspection of documents (Rule 19).
TEXT PDF6302.20 Time and place of hearing (Rule 20).
TEXT PDF6302.21 Notice of hearing (Rule 21).
TEXT PDF6302.22 Unexcused absence of a party (Rule 22).
TEXT PDF6302.23 Nature of hearings (Rule 23).
TEXT PDF6302.24 Subpoenas (Rule 24).
TEXT PDF6302.25 Copies of papers (Rule 25).
TEXT PDF6302.26 Posthearing briefs (Rule 26).
TEXT PDF6302.27 Transcript of proceedings (Rule 27).
TEXT PDF6302.28 Withdrawal of exhibits (Rule 28).
TEXT PDF6302.29 Representation of the parties (Rule 29).
TEXT PDF6302.30 Alternative dispute resolution methods (Rule 30).
TEXT PDF6302.31 Settlement (Rule 31).
TEXT PDF6302.32 Decisions (Rule 32).
TEXT PDF6302.33 Motion for reconsideration (Rule 33).
TEXT PDF6302.34 Dismissal for lack of jurisdiction (Rule 34).
TEXT PDF6302.35 Dismissal without prejudice (Rule 35).
TEXT PDF6302.36 Dismissal for failure to prosecute or defend (Rule 36).
TEXT PDF6302.37 Sanctions (Rule 37).
TEXT PDF6302.38 Remand from court (Rule 38).
