Title 33--Navigation and Navigable Waters



TEXT PDF149.101 Purpose.
TEXT PDF149.105 Licensee.
TEXT PDF149.201 Applicability.
TEXT PDF149.203 Enginering drawings and specifications.
TEXT PDF149.205 Design standards.
TEXT PDF149.206 Construction.
TEXT PDF149.209 SPM's.
TEXT PDF149.211 Emergency equipment.
TEXT PDF149.213 Helicopter fueling facilities.
TEXT PDF149.215 Interference with helicopter operations.
TEXT PDF149.217 First aid station.
TEXT PDF149.301 Applicability.
TEXT PDF149.303 Overflow and relief valve.
TEXT PDF149.305 Pipeline end manifold (PLEM) shutoff valve.
TEXT PDF149.307 Blank flange and shutoff valve.
TEXT PDF149.309 Manually operated shutoff valve.
TEXT PDF149.311 Malfunction detection system.
TEXT PDF149.313 Oil transfer system alarm.
TEXT PDF149.315 Marking of oil transfer system alarm.
TEXT PDF149.317 Communications equipment.
TEXT PDF149.319 Discharge containment and removal material, and equipment.
TEXT PDF149.321 Special requirement for onloading ports.
TEXT PDF149.401 Applicability.
TEXT PDF149.402 Equipment not required on a PPC.
TEXT PDF149.403 Curbs, gutters, drains, and reservoirs.
TEXT PDF149.411 Emergency power.
TEXT PDF149.421 Means of escape from platform.
TEXT PDF149.423 Means of escape from helicopter landing pad.
TEXT PDF149.431 Personnel landings.
TEXT PDF149.433 Personnel landing illumination.
TEXT PDF149.441 Open sided deck, deck opening, catwalk, and helicopter pad protection.
TEXT PDF149.451 Fixed fire main system for water.
TEXT PDF149.453 Fire pumps.
TEXT PDF149.455 Fire pump location.
TEXT PDF149.457 Fire hydrants.
TEXT PDF149.459 Fire hydrant outlet.
TEXT PDF149.461 Fire hydrant and control valve shutoff valve.
TEXT PDF149.463 Fire hydrant access.
TEXT PDF149.465 Spanner.
TEXT PDF149.467 Fire hose rack.
TEXT PDF149.469 Fire hose size.
TEXT PDF149.471 Fire hose coupling.
TEXT PDF149.473 Fire hose nozzle.
TEXT PDF149.477 Spray applicator.
TEXT PDF149.479 International shore connection.
TEXT PDF149.481 Other fire extinguishing systems.
TEXT PDF149.483 Fire fighting system for helicopter pads.
TEXT PDF149.491 Fire detection and alarm systems.
TEXT PDF149.501 Portable and semiportable fire extinguishers.
TEXT PDF149.503 Location of extinguishers.
TEXT PDF149.505 Spare charges.
TEXT PDF149.507 Marking.
TEXT PDF149.511 Landing area with no fueling facility.
TEXT PDF149.513 Landing area with a fueling facility.
TEXT PDF149.515 Fire axes.
TEXT PDF149.517 Fireman's outfits.
TEXT PDF149.521 Lifeboats and inflatable life rafts: general.
TEXT PDF149.522 Lifeboats.
TEXT PDF149.523 Inflatable life rafts.
TEXT PDF149.524 Launching equipment for lifeboats.
TEXT PDF149.525 Launching equipment for inflatable life rafts.
TEXT PDF149.526 Approved ring life buoys (Type IV personal flotation devices).
TEXT PDF149.527 Portable radio apparatus.
TEXT PDF149.529 Type I personal flotation devices (PFD's).
TEXT PDF149.533 Litters.
TEXT PDF149.535 Markings on lifeboats, life rafts, paddles, and oars.
TEXT PDF149.537 Markings for personal flotation devices (PFD's).
TEXT PDF149.539 Portable lights.
TEXT PDF149.541 General alarm system.
TEXT PDF149.543 Marking of general alarm system.
TEXT PDF149.545 Public address system.
TEXT PDF149.701 Applicability.
TEXT PDF149.703 Effective intensity: Definition.
TEXT PDF149.705 Applicability of other regulations.
TEXT PDF149.707 Applications for aids to navigation.
TEXT PDF149.721 Light source.
TEXT PDF149.723 Intensity.
TEXT PDF149.724 Focus.
TEXT PDF149.725 Color.
TEXT PDF149.727 Chromaticity.
TEXT PDF149.729 Display of information.
TEXT PDF149.751 Number and location on a platform and SPM.
TEXT PDF149.753 Number and location on a floating hose string.
TEXT PDF149.755 Characteristics.
TEXT PDF149.757 Intensity.
TEXT PDF149.759 Leveling.
TEXT PDF149.771 Number and location.
TEXT PDF149.773 Characteristics.
TEXT PDF149.775 Intensity of lights.
TEXT PDF149.791 Identification of a platform and SPM.
TEXT PDF149.793 Markings for piles and pile clusters.
TEXT PDF149.795 Radar beacon.
TEXT PDF149.797 Rotating lighted beacon.
TEXT PDF149.799 Fog signal.

