Title 33--Navigation and Navigable Waters



TEXT PDF127.001 Applicability.
TEXT PDF127.003 Incorporation by reference.
TEXT PDF127.005 Definitions.
TEXT PDF127.007 Letter of intent.
TEXT PDF127.009 Letter of recommendation.
TEXT PDF127.011 Inspections of waterfront facilities.
TEXT PDF127.013 Suspension of transfer operations.
TEXT PDF127.015 Appeals.
TEXT PDF127.017 Alternatives.
TEXT PDF127.019 Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Procedures for examination.
TEXT PDF127.101 Design and construction: General.
TEXT PDF127.103 Piers and wharves.
TEXT PDF127.105 Layout and spacing of marine transfer area for LNG.
TEXT PDF127.107 Electrical power systems.
TEXT PDF127.109 Lighting systems.
TEXT PDF127.111 Communications systems.
TEXT PDF127.113 Warning signs.
TEXT PDF127.201 Sensing and alarm systems.
TEXT PDF127.203 Portable gas detectors.
TEXT PDF127.205 Emergency shutdown.
TEXT PDF127.207 Warning alarms.
TEXT PDF127.301 Persons in charge of shoreside transfer operations: Qualifications and certification.
TEXT PDF127.303 Compliance with suspension order.
TEXT PDF127.305 Operations Manual.
TEXT PDF127.307 Emergency Manual.
TEXT PDF127.309 Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Use.
TEXT PDF127.311 Motor vehicles.
TEXT PDF127.313 Bulk storage.
TEXT PDF127.315 Preliminary transfer inspection.
TEXT PDF127.317 Declaration of inspection.
TEXT PDF127.319 LNG transfer.
TEXT PDF127.321 Release of LNG.
TEXT PDF127.401 Maintenance: General.
TEXT PDF127.403 Inspections.
TEXT PDF127.405 Repairs.
TEXT PDF127.407 Testing.
TEXT PDF127.409 Records.
TEXT PDF127.501 Applicability.
TEXT PDF127.503 Training: General.
TEXT PDF127.601 Fire equipment: General.
TEXT PDF127.603 Portable fire extinguishers.
TEXT PDF127.605 Emergency outfits.
TEXT PDF127.607 Fire main systems.
TEXT PDF127.609 Dry chemical systems.
TEXT PDF127.611 International shore connection.
TEXT PDF127.613 Smoking.
TEXT PDF127.615 Fires.
TEXT PDF127.617 Hotwork.
TEXT PDF127.701 Security on existing facilities.
TEXT PDF127.703 Access to the marine transfer area for LNG.
TEXT PDF127.705 Security systems.
TEXT PDF127.707 Security personnel.
TEXT PDF127.709 Protective enclosures.
TEXT PDF127.711 Communications.
TEXT PDF127.1101 Piping systems.
TEXT PDF127.1102 Transfer hoses and loading arms.
TEXT PDF127.1103 Piers and wharves.
TEXT PDF127.1105 Layout and spacing of marine transfer area for LHG.
TEXT PDF127.1107 Electrical systems.
TEXT PDF127.1109 Lighting systems.
TEXT PDF127.1111 Communication systems.
TEXT PDF127.1113 Warning signs.
TEXT PDF127.1203 Gas detection.
TEXT PDF127.1205 Emergency shutdown.
TEXT PDF127.1207 Warning alarms.
TEXT PDF127.1209 Respiratory protection.
TEXT PDF127.1301 Persons in charge of transfers for the facility: Qualifications and certification.
TEXT PDF127.1302 Training.
TEXT PDF127.1303 Compliance with suspension order.
TEXT PDF127.1305 Operations Manual.
TEXT PDF127.1307 Emergency Manual.
TEXT PDF127.1309 Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Use.
TEXT PDF127.1311 Motor vehicles.
TEXT PDF127.1313 Storage of hazardous materials.
TEXT PDF127.1315 Preliminary transfer inspection.
TEXT PDF127.1317 Declaration of Inspection.
TEXT PDF127.1319 Transfer of LHG.
TEXT PDF127.1321 Release of LHG.
TEXT PDF127.1325 Access to marine transfer area for LHG.
TEXT PDF127.1401 General.
TEXT PDF127.1403 Inspections.
TEXT PDF127.1405 Repairs.
TEXT PDF127.1407 Tests.
TEXT PDF127.1409 Records.
TEXT PDF127.1501 General.
TEXT PDF127.1503 Portable fire extinguishers.
TEXT PDF127.1505 Emergency response and rescue.
TEXT PDF127.1507 Water systems for fire protection.
TEXT PDF127.1509 Equipment for controlling and extinguishing fires.
TEXT PDF127.1511 International shore connection.
TEXT PDF127.1601 Smoking.
TEXT PDF127.1603 Hotwork.
TEXT PDF127.1605 Other sources of ignition.

