Title 7--Agriculture



TEXT PDF70.1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF70.2 Designation of official certificates, memoranda, marks, other identifications, and devices for purposes of the Agricultural Marketing Act.
TEXT PDF70.3 Administration.
TEXT PDF70.4 Grading services available.
TEXT PDF70.5 Nondiscrimination.
TEXT PDF70.6 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.
TEXT PDF70.10 Grading service.
TEXT PDF70.12 Supervision.
TEXT PDF70.13 Ready-to-cook poultry and rabbits and specified poultry food products; eligibility.
TEXT PDF70.14 Squabs and domesticated game birds; eligibility.
TEXT PDF70.15 Equipment and facilities to be furnished for use of graders in performing service on a resident basis.
TEXT PDF70.16 Prerequisites to grading.
TEXT PDF70.17 Accessibility of products.
TEXT PDF70.18 Schedule of operation of official plants.
TEXT PDF70.20 Licensed or authorized graders.
TEXT PDF70.21 Suspension of license; revocation.
TEXT PDF70.22 Surrender of license.
TEXT PDF70.23 Identification.
TEXT PDF70.24 Financial interest of graders.
TEXT PDF70.25 Political activity.
TEXT PDF70.30 Who may obtain grading service.
TEXT PDF70.31 How application for service may be made; conditions of service.
TEXT PDF70.32 Filing of application.
TEXT PDF70.33 Authority of applicant.
TEXT PDF70.34 Application for grading service in official plants; approval.
TEXT PDF70.35 Rejection of application.
TEXT PDF70.36 Withdrawal of application.
TEXT PDF70.37 Order of service.
TEXT PDF70.38 Suspension or withdrawal of plant approval for correctable cause.
TEXT PDF70.40 Debarment.
TEXT PDF70.41 Misrepresentation, deceptive, or fraudulent acts or practices.
TEXT PDF70.42 Use of facsimile forms.
TEXT PDF70.43 Willful violation of the regulations.
TEXT PDF70.44 Interfering with a grader or employee of Service.
TEXT PDF70.45 Misleading labeling.
TEXT PDF70.46 Miscellaneous.
TEXT PDF70.50 Approval of official identification and wording on labels.
TEXT PDF70.51 Form of grademark and information required.
TEXT PDF70.52 Prerequisites to packaging ready-to-cook poultry or rabbits identified with consumer grademarks.
TEXT PDF70.54 Retention authorities.
TEXT PDF70.55 Check grading officially identified product.
TEXT PDF70.60 Report of grading work.
TEXT PDF70.61 Information to be furnished to graders.
TEXT PDF70.62 Reports of violations.
TEXT PDF70.70 Payment of fees and charges.
TEXT PDF70.71 On a fee basis.
TEXT PDF70.72 Fees for appeal grading, or examination or review of a grader's decision.
TEXT PDF70.75 Travel expenses and other charges.
TEXT PDF70.76 Charges for continuous poultry grading performed on a nonresident basis.
TEXT PDF70.77 Charges for continuous poultry or rabbit grading performed on a resident basis.
TEXT PDF70.78 Fees or charges for grading service performed under cooperative agreement.
TEXT PDF70.80 General.
TEXT PDF70.81 Ready-to-cook poultry and rabbits and specified poultry food products.
TEXT PDF70.90 Forms.
TEXT PDF70.91 Issuance and disposition.
TEXT PDF70.92 Advance information.
TEXT PDF70.100 Who may request an appeal grading or review of a grader's decision.
TEXT PDF70.101 Where to file an appeal.
TEXT PDF70.102 How to file an appeal.
TEXT PDF70.103 When an application for an appeal grading may be refused.
TEXT PDF70.104 Who shall perform the appeal.
TEXT PDF70.105 Procedures for appeal gradings.
TEXT PDF70.106 Appeal grading certificates.
TEXT PDF70.110 Requirements for sanitation, facilities, and operating procedures in official plants.

