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Project Status

Cleaning Products Pilot Project (CPPP)

Project History
Project Status
Lessons Learned

In addition to promoting and quantifying the use of the environmental attribute matrix, the GSA/EPA team is working to refine it. The team will be evaluating customer and vendor feedback to identify and remove attributes that have only minimal impacts on procurement decisions. Additional attributes related to human health impacts are also being considered, including increased dermal sensitization, chronic health risks, birth defects, and cancer risks.

Federal contracting officials are revising contract language and procedures to facilitate environmentally preferable purchasing by contractors. When new PBS cleaning service contracts are negotiated, for example, contractors are advised to consult the environmental attribute matrix in GSA's Commercial Cleaning Supplies catalog during pre-bid and post-award meetings with PBS officials.

GSA and EPA are also working closely with other Executive agencies and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to incorporate environmentally preferable cleaning products into existing procurement programs. In addition, the GSA/EPA team has provided information to USPS to develop a procurement training module emphasizing the environmental effects of procurement decisions, using the results of the Cleaning Products Pilot Project as a starting point.

GSA is also interested in expanding its customer base because it must be financially self-supporting and is no longer a mandatory source for government purchases. The Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA) of 1995 allows GSA to expand their customer base by permitting state and local governments to buy products and services from GSA's FSS schedules. Although implementation of this section of FASA is currently on hold, if the GSA schedule is opened to non-federal customers, the environmental attribute matrix developed by the GSA/EPA Cleaning Products Pilot Project will enjoy greater visibility, which will likely increase GSA's cleaning product sales.

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