Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management



TEXT PDF301-70.1 How must we administer the authorization and payment of travel expenses?
TEXT PDF301-70.100 How must we administer the authorization and payment of transportation expenses?
TEXT PDF301-70.101 What factors must we consider in determining which method of transportation results in the greatest advantage to the Government?
TEXT PDF301-70.102 What governing policies must we establish for authorization and payment of transportation expenses?
TEXT PDF301-70.103 In what circumstance may we authorize use of ship service?
TEXT PDF301-70.104 What factors should we consider in determining whether to require an employee to commit to the use of a Government automobile?
TEXT PDF301-70.105 May we prohibit an employee from using a POV on official travel?
TEXT PDF301-70.200 What governing policies must we establish for authorization and payment of per diem expenses?
TEXT PDF301-70.300 How should we administer the authorization and payment of miscellaneous expenses?
TEXT PDF301-70.301 What governing policies must we establish for payment of miscellaneous expenses?
TEXT PDF301-70.400 How should we authorize and administer the payment of additional travel expenses for an employee with a disability or special need?
TEXT PDF301-70.401 What governing policies and procedures must we establish regarding travel of an employee with a disability or special need?
TEXT PDF301-70.500 What governing policies and procedures should we establish relating to emergency travel?
TEXT PDF301-70.501 Does per diem continue when an employee interrupts a travel assignment because of an incapacitating illness or injury?
TEXT PDF301-70.502 Are there any limitations to the payment of these expenses?
TEXT PDF301-70.503 What additional emergency expenses should we allow?
TEXT PDF301-70.504 When the employee is able to travel, should we continue the use of the existing travel authorization?
TEXT PDF301-70.505 May any travel costs be reimbursed if the employee travels to an alternate location for medical treatment?
TEXT PDF301-70.506 How do we define actual cost and constructive cost when an employee interrupts a travel assignment because of an incapacitating illness or injury?
TEXT PDF301-70.507 May we authorize per diem if an employee discontinues a TDY assignment because of a personal emergency situation?
TEXT PDF301-70.508 How do we handle reimbursement if the employee travels to an alternate location and returns to the TDY location because of a personal emergency situation?
TEXT PDF301-70.509 What factors must we consider in expanding the definition of family for emergency travel purposes?
TEXT PDF301-70.600 What governing policies and procedures must we establish related to threatened law enforcement/investigative employees?
TEXT PDF301-70.601 What factors should we consider in determining whether to authorize payment of transportation and subsistence expenses for threatened law enforcement/investigative employees?
TEXT PDF301-70.602 How often must we reevaluate the payment of transportation and subsistence expenses to a threatened law enforcement/investigative employee?
TEXT PDF301-70.700 Must our employees use a Government contractor-issued travel charge card for official travel expenses?
TEXT PDF301-70.701 Who has the authority to grant exemptions to mandatory use of Government contractor-issued travel charge card for official travel?
TEXT PDF301-70.702 Must we notify the Administrator of General Services when we grant an exemption?
TEXT PDF301-70.703 If we grant an exemption, does that prevent the employee from using the card on a voluntary basis?
TEXT PDF301-70.704 What expenses and/or classes of employees are exempt from the mandatory use of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card?
TEXT PDF301-70.705 What methods of payment for official travel expenses may we authorize when an exemption from use of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card is granted?
TEXT PDF301-70.706 May an employee use the Government contractor-issued travel charge card for purposes other than those associated with official travel?
TEXT PDF301-70.707 What are the consequences of using the Government contractor-issued travel charge card for non-official travel purposes?
TEXT PDF301-70.708 What can we do to reduce travel charge card delinquencies?
TEXT PDF301-70.800 Whom may we authorize to travel on Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.801 When may we authorize travel on Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.802 Must we ensure that travel on Government aircraft is the most cost-effective alternative?
TEXT PDF301-70.803 How must we authorize travel on a Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.804 What amount must the Government be reimbursed for travel on a Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.805 Must we include special information on a travel authorization for a senior Federal official or a non-Federal traveler who travels on Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.806 What documentation must we retain for travel on Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.807 Must we make information available to the public about travel by senior Federal officials and non-Federal travelers on Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.808 Do the rules in this part apply to travel on Government aircraft by the President and Vice President or by individuals traveling in support of the President and Vice President?
TEXT PDF301-70.900 May we use our Government aircraft to carry passengers?
TEXT PDF301-70.901 Who may approve use of our Government aircraft to carry passengers?
TEXT PDF301-70.902 Do we have any special responsibilities related to space available travel on our Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.903 What are our responsibilities for ensuring that Government aircraft are the most cost-effective alternative for travel?
TEXT PDF301-70.904 Must travelers whom we carry on Government aircraft be authorized to travel?
TEXT PDF301-70.905 What documentation must we retain for travel on our Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.906 Must we report use of our Government aircraft to carry senior Federal officials and non-Federal travelers?
TEXT PDF301-70.907 What information must we report on the use of Government aircraft to carry senior Federal officials and non-Federal travelers and when must it be reported?
TEXT PDF301-70.908 Must we make information available to the public about travel by senior Federal officials and non-Federal travelers on Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.909 What disclosure information must we give to anyone who flies on our Government aircraft?
TEXT PDF301-70.910 Do the rules in this part apply to travel on Government aircraft by the President and Vice President or by individuals traveling in support of the President and Vice President?
