Title 7--Agriculture



TEXT PDF1435.1 Applicability.
TEXT PDF1435.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1435.3 Maintenance and inspection of records.
TEXT PDF1435.4 Administration.
TEXT PDF1435.5 Other regulations
TEXT PDF1435.100 Applicability.
TEXT PDF1435.101 Loan rates.
TEXT PDF1435.102 Eligibility requirements.
TEXT PDF1435.103 Availability, disbursement, and maturity of loans.
TEXT PDF1435.104 Loan maintenance.
TEXT PDF1435.105 Loan settlement and foreclosure.
TEXT PDF1435.106 Miscellaneous provisions.
TEXT PDF1435.200 Information reporting.
TEXT PDF1435.201 Civil penalties.
TEXT PDF1435.300 Applicability.
TEXT PDF1435.301 Annual estimates and quarterly re-estimates.
TEXT PDF1435.302 Establishment and suspension of allotments.
TEXT PDF1435.303 Overall allotment quantity.
TEXT PDF1435.304 Adjustment of the overall allotment quantity.
TEXT PDF1435.305 Beet and cane sugar allotments.
TEXT PDF1435.306 State cane sugar allotments.
TEXT PDF1435.307 Allocation of marketing allotments to processors.
TEXT PDF1435.308 Transfer of allocation, new entrants.
TEXT PDF1435.309 Reassignment of deficits.
TEXT PDF1435.310 Sharing processors' allocations with producers.
TEXT PDF1435.311 Proportionate shares for sugarcane producers.
TEXT PDF1435.312 Establishment of acreage bases under proportionate shares.
TEXT PDF1435.313 Permanent transfer of acreage base histories under proportionate shares.
TEXT PDF1435.314 Temporary transfer of proportionate share due to disasters.
TEXT PDF1435.315 Adjustments to proportionate shares.
TEXT PDF1435.316 Acreage reports for purposes of proportionate shares.
TEXT PDF1435.317 Revisions of allocations and proportionate shares.
TEXT PDF1435.318 Penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF1435.319 Appeals and arbitration.
TEXT PDF1435.400 General statement.
TEXT PDF1435.401 Bid submission procedures.
TEXT PDF1435.402 Bid selection procedures.
TEXT PDF1435.403 In-kind payments.
TEXT PDF1435.404 Timing of distribution of CCC-owned sugar.
TEXT PDF1435.405 Miscellaneous provisions.
