Title 22--Foreign Relations



TEXT PDF72.1 Consular responsibility.
TEXT PDF72.2 Exceptions to consular responsibility.
TEXT PDF72.3 Telegraphic notifications of death.
TEXT PDF72.4 Normal reporting procedure.
TEXT PDF72.5 Reports of presumptive deaths.
TEXT PDF72.6 Reports of deaths on the high seas.
TEXT PDF72.7 Reports on deceased persons believed to be United States citizens.
TEXT PDF72.8 Disposition of nationality documents.
TEXT PDF72.9 Consular responsibility.
TEXT PDF72.10 Local burial.
TEXT PDF72.11 Cremation.
TEXT PDF72.12 Shipment of remains to the United States.
TEXT PDF72.13 Remains requiring special handling.
TEXT PDF72.14 Fees for disposing remains.
TEXT PDF72.15 Statutory responsibility of consular officer.
TEXT PDF72.16 Regulatory responsibility of consular officer.
TEXT PDF72.17 Responsibility of consular agents.
TEXT PDF72.18 Responsibility if legal representative is present.
TEXT PDF72.19 Responsibility if trustee for personal estate is present.
TEXT PDF72.20 Responsibility if ``partner in trade'' is present.
TEXT PDF72.21 Responsibility if will intended to operate locally exists.
TEXT PDF72.22 Responsibility if will intended to operate in the United States exists.
TEXT PDF72.23 Responsibility in case of Department of Defense personnel.
TEXT PDF72.24 Responsibility in case of Coast Guard personnel.
TEXT PDF72.25 Responsibility in case of citizens dying on the high seas.
TEXT PDF72.26 Responsibility in case of seamen.
TEXT PDF72.27 Responsibility in case of Foreign Service personnel.
TEXT PDF72.28 Effects to be taken into possession.
TEXT PDF72.29 Nominal possessions; property not normally taken into possession.
TEXT PDF72.30 Bank deposits in foreign countries.
TEXT PDF72.31 Action when immediate possession is impracticable.
TEXT PDF72.32 Action when property is in other consular districts.
TEXT PDF72.33 Official notification to legal representative.
TEXT PDF72.35 Procedure for inventorying and appraising effects.
TEXT PDF72.36 Preparation and disposition of inventory.
TEXT PDF72.37 Disposal of perishable property.
TEXT PDF72.38 Collection of debts due deceased.
TEXT PDF72.39 Payment of debts owed by deceased.
TEXT PDF72.40 Consular officer not to act as administrator of estate.
TEXT PDF72.41 Consular officer not to perform legal services or to employ counsel.
TEXT PDF72.42 Consular officer not to assume financial responsibility.
TEXT PDF72.43 Conditions under which estate can be released by consular officer.
TEXT PDF72.44 Evidence of claimant's right to estate.
TEXT PDF72.45 Shipment of personal estate to the United States.
TEXT PDF72.46 Consular action on disagreements between claimants.
TEXT PDF72.47 Consular action on unproved claim to estate.
TEXT PDF72.48 Consular action on unclaimed estates.
TEXT PDF72.49 Disposition of estate upon departure of responsible officer.
TEXT PDF72.50 Final statement of account.
TEXT PDF72.51 Preparation and disposition of final statement of account.
TEXT PDF72.52 Fee services.
TEXT PDF72.53 No-fee services.
TEXT PDF72.54 Estates of Government personnel exempt from fee assessments.
TEXT PDF72.55 Estates of citizens dying on the high seas exempt from fee assessments.
