Title 29--Labor



TEXT PDF784.0 Purpose.
TEXT PDF784.1 General scope of the Act.
TEXT PDF784.2 Matters discussed in this part.
TEXT PDF784.3 Matters discussed in other interpretations.
TEXT PDF784.4 Significance of official interpretations.
TEXT PDF784.5 Basic support for interpretations.
TEXT PDF784.6 Interpretations made, continued, and superseded by this part.
TEXT PDF784.7 Definition of terms used in the Act.
TEXT PDF784.8 ``Employer,'' ``employee,'' and ``employ.''
TEXT PDF784.9 ``Person.''
TEXT PDF784.10 ``Enterprise.''
TEXT PDF784.11 ``Establishment.''
TEXT PDF784.12 ``Commerce.''
TEXT PDF784.13 ``Production.''
TEXT PDF784.14 ``Goods.''
TEXT PDF784.15 ``State.''
TEXT PDF784.16 ``Regular rate.''
TEXT PDF784.17 Basic coverage in general.
TEXT PDF784.18 Commerce activities of employees.
TEXT PDF784.19 Commerce activities of enterprise in which employee is employed.
TEXT PDF784.20 Exemptions from the Act's provisions.
TEXT PDF784.21 Guiding principles for applying coverage and exemption provisions.
TEXT PDF784.100 The section 13(a)(5) exemption.
TEXT PDF784.101 The section 13(b)(4) exemption.
TEXT PDF784.102 General legislative history.
TEXT PDF784.103 Adoption of the exemption in the original 1938 Act.
TEXT PDF784.104 The 1949 amendments.
TEXT PDF784.105 The 1961 amendments.
TEXT PDF784.106 Relationship of employee's work to the named operations.
TEXT PDF784.107 Relationship of employee's work to operations on the specified aquatic products.
TEXT PDF784.108 Operations not included in named operations on forms of aquatic ``life.''
TEXT PDF784.109 Manufacture of supplies for named operations is not exempt.
TEXT PDF784.110 Performing operations both on nonaquatic products and named aquatic products.
TEXT PDF784.111 Operations on named products with substantial amounts of other ingredients are not exempt.
TEXT PDF784.112 Substantial amounts of nonaquatic products; enforcement policy.
TEXT PDF784.113 Work related to named operations performed in off- or dead-season.
TEXT PDF784.114 Application of exemptions on a workweek basis.
TEXT PDF784.115 Exempt and noncovered work performed during the workweek.
TEXT PDF784.116 Exempt and nonexempt work in the same workweek.
TEXT PDF784.117 Combinations of exempt work.
TEXT PDF784.118 The exemption is intended for work affected by natural factors.
TEXT PDF784.119 Effect of natural factors on named operations.
TEXT PDF784.120 Application of exemption to ``offshore'' activities in general.
TEXT PDF784.121 Exempt fisheries operations.
TEXT PDF784.122 Operations performed as an integrated part of fishing.
TEXT PDF784.123 Operations performed on fishing equipment.
TEXT PDF784.124 Going to and returning from work.
TEXT PDF784.125 Loading and unloading.
TEXT PDF784.126 Operation of the fishing vessel.
TEXT PDF784.127 Office and clerical employees under section 13(a)(5).
TEXT PDF784.128 Requirements for exemption of first processing, etc., at sea.
TEXT PDF784.129 ``Marine products''.
TEXT PDF784.130 ``At sea.''
TEXT PDF784.131 ``As an incident to, or in conjunction with'', fishing operations.
TEXT PDF784.132 The exempt operations.
TEXT PDF784.133 ``First processing.''
TEXT PDF784.134 ``Canning.''
TEXT PDF784.135 ``Packing.''
TEXT PDF784.136 ``Shore'' activities exempted under section 13(b)(4).
TEXT PDF784.137 Relationship of exemption to exemption for ``offshore'' activities.
TEXT PDF784.138 Perishable state of the aquatic product as affecting exemption.
TEXT PDF784.139 Scope of exempt operations in general.
TEXT PDF784.140 Fabrication and handling of supplies for use in named operations.
TEXT PDF784.141 Examples of nonexempt employees.
TEXT PDF784.142 Meaning and scope of ``canning'' as used in section 13(b)(4).
TEXT PDF784.143 ``Necessary preparatory operations.''
TEXT PDF784.144 Preliminary processing by the canner.
TEXT PDF784.145 Preliminary processing by another employer as part of ``canning.''
TEXT PDF784.146 ``Subsequent operations.''
TEXT PDF784.147 Employees ``employed in'' canning.
TEXT PDF784.148 General scope of processing, freezing, and curing activities.
TEXT PDF784.149 Typical operations that may qualify for exemption.
TEXT PDF784.150 Named operations performed on previously processed aquatic products.
TEXT PDF784.151 Operations performed after product is rendered nonperishable.
TEXT PDF784.152 Operations performed on byproducts.
TEXT PDF784.153 General scope of named operations.
TEXT PDF784.154 Relationship to other operations as affecting exemption.
TEXT PDF784.155 Activities performed in wholesale establishments.
TEXT PDF784.156 Establishments exclusively devoted to named operations.

