Title 29--Labor



TEXT PDF516.0 Display of OMB control numbers.
TEXT PDF516.1 Form of records; scope of regulations.
TEXT PDF516.2 Employees subject to minimum wage or minimum wage and overtime provisions pursuant to section 6 or sections 6 and 7(a) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.3 Bona fide executive, administrative, and professional employees (including academic administrative personnel and teachers in elementary or secondary schools), and outside sales employees employed pursuant to section 13(a)(1) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.4 Posting of notices.
TEXT PDF516.5 Records to be preserved 3 years.
TEXT PDF516.6 Records to be preserved 2 years.
TEXT PDF516.7 Place for keeping records and their availability for inspection.
TEXT PDF516.8 Computations and reports.
TEXT PDF516.9 Petitions for exceptions.
TEXT PDF516.11 Employees exempt from both minimum wage and overtime pay requirements under section 13(a) (2), (3), (4), (5), (8), (10), (12), or 13(d) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.12 Employees exempt from overtime pay requirements pursuant to section 13(b) (1), (2), (3), (5), (9), (10), (15), (16), (17), (20), (21), (24), (27), or (28) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.13 Livestock auction employees exempt from overtime pay requirements under section 13(b)(13) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.14 Country elevator employees exempt from overtime pay requirements under section 13(b)(14) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.15 Local delivery employees exempt from overtime pay requirements pursuant to section 13(b)(11) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.16 Commission employees of a retail or service establishment exempt from overtime pay requirements pursuant to section 7(i) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.17 Seamen exempt from overtime pay requirements pursuant to section 13(b)(6) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.18 Employees employed in certain tobacco, cotton, sugar cane or sugar beet services, who are partially exempt from overtime pay requirements pursuant to section 7(m), 13(h), 13(i) or 13(j) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.20 Employees under certain collective bargaining agreements who are partially exempt from overtime pay requirements as provided in section 7(b)(1) or section 7(b)(2) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.21 Bulk petroleum employees partially exempt from overtime pay requirements pursuant to section 7(b)(3) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.22 Employees engaged in charter activities of carriers pursuant to section 7(n) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.23 Employees of hospitals and residential care facilities compensated for overtime work on the basis of a 14-day work period pursuant to section 7(j) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.24 Employees employed under section 7(f) ``Belo'' contracts.
TEXT PDF516.25 Employees paid for overtime on the basis of ``applicable'' rates provided in sections 7(g)(1) and 7(g)(2) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.26 Employees paid for overtime at premium rates computed on a ``basic'' rate authorized in accordance with section 7(g)(3) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.27 ``Board, lodging, or other facilities'' under section 3(m) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.28 Tipped employees.
TEXT PDF516.29 Employees employed by a private entity operating an amusement or recreational establishment located in a national park or national forest or on land in the National Wildlife Refuge System who are partially exempt from overtime pay requirements pursuant to section 13(b)(29) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.30 Learners, apprentices, messengers, students, or handicapped workers employed under special certificates as provided in section 14 of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.31 Industrial homeworkers.
TEXT PDF516.33 Employees employed in agriculture pursuant to section 13(a)(6) or 13(b)(12) of the Act.
TEXT PDF516.34 Exemption from overtime pay for time spent by certain employees receiving remedial education pursuant to section 7(q) of the Act.

