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Organizing a Coalition

Stop Red Light Running Logo

Plan your own campaign

Organizing a Coalition

Most coordinators, while committed to the Stop Red Light Running Program, also have other job responsibilities. Because of this fact, it is extremely important that you form a well-rounded coalition of subject matter experts, business people, civic leaders and dedicated community volunteers. Enlisting the support of these allies could make the difference between a successful and mediocre program.

Recruiting Coalition Members
Determine which individuals and/or organizations can best serve your needs. Logical partners for the SRLR Program are parties that have a stake in reducing traffic injuries. You also will need, however, subject area experts to contribute to your efforts. Previous coalitions around the country have included:

  • Public safety officials
  • Local government officials
  • Local law enforcement officials
  • Public health professionals
  • School officials
  • Businesses (insurance companies, etc.)
  • Health care providers

Refer to Table 1 for a more comprehensive list of organizations and individuals that may support this cause.

Conduct the necessary research. Before contacting particular individuals or groups, find out what their needs, interests and goals are. You will need to relate the SRLR cause to their needs, interests and goals when you contact them. If you can show how helping this cause helps them, they're more likely to join forces with you.

Draft letters to potential coalition members. In the letter, invite them to your first meeting or request a one-on-one interview. (See sample letters at the end of this section.) Your purpose is to convince them to consider membership in the SRLR coalition, through a donation of time, money or other resources. Follow-up phone calls are appropriate for those parties you do not hear from within a set time period.

Prepare your pitch. When your invitation is accepted by potential coalition members, you will have to be respectful of their time. Your job is to convince them of the merit of the SRLR Program in short order. Be prepared to explain:

  • What the program is
  • Why it's important
  • What benefits they can reap by participating
  • What this particular person or organization could do to support SRLR

Follow up with thanks. If you've gained a supporter, follow up with written thanks and next steps. If you've been turned down, it is still important to follow up with written thanks. You're creating the first impression of the SRLR Program. You want the word-of-mouth generated within the community to be positive.

Assigning Tasks
Program volunteers will have varying areas of expertise. They should be organized according to those areas. The following task areas should be assigned:

The SRLR Program involves engineering evaluation. Those assigned to this task will ensure that the signal system in your community is up to Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards, and remains so throughout the program. Your local traffic engineer will have access to this document. These coalition members will also ensure that signal timing has recently been analyzed and found appropriate for intersections and traffic flow. Finally, this task area involves applying appropriate traffic safety patterns to your community's traffic flow design. This task area requires a traffic safety engineer, a civil engineer, enforcement personnel and information analysis professionals.

Medical community
Members assigned to this task area serve a twofold purpose. First, they can serve as a voice to the community. They can share firsthand knowledge of the consequences of red light running with local schools and associations. Some may even serve as appropriate media spokespersons, if properly trained in message development and media techniques. Second, they often are associated with hospitals and other healthcare institutions that have strong media contacts already established. These coalition members can be one of your conduits to a strong voice in the community.

Law enforcement
Those assigned to this task area are primarily law enforcement officials. They gather citation data and schedule targeted enforcement of applicable laws. The enforcement component will be crucial to the program's success. Focus group research gleaned from drivers around the country indicates that people are more likely to change their driving behavior if they perceive the threat of enforcement to be real. The law enforcement officials also record citations for media materials, verifying accuracy, and communicate with all enforcement agencies. Law enforcement coalition members also can serve as a voice to the community. After working with them to identify appropriate spokespeople, encourage these spokespeople to make presentations at local schools, associations and town meetings regarding the SRLR Program.

Table 1. Potential Coalition Participants

Advertising/Public Relations
Advertising agencies
Advertising clubs
Event planners
Marketing agencies
Market research firms
Promotions companies
Public relations agencies

Business and Professional
Automotive dealers
Chambers of commerce
Emergency room physicians
Healthcare professionals
Insurance companies
Public bus companies
Trucking companies
Educational institutions
Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
School boards
School bus drivers
University faculty

Local Government/
Law Enforcement

City Council
County Sheriffs
Police Department
Traffic Court Judges
Traffic Engineering Departments


Service Organizations
American Legion Posts
Community centers
Neighborhood associations
Rotary Club
Sororities and fraternities

State Government
Department of Education
Department of Highway Safety
Department of Public Safety
Department of Transportation
Division of Motor Vehicles
Governor's Office
State Police

Transportation & Safety Groups
American Automobile Association
(AAA) - local chapter
Local Association of Chiefs of Police
Citizens for Highway Safety
Highway Users Federation
National Safety Council
National Sheriff's Association - local members
State Driver Education Association

Youth Groups
Boys and Girls Clubs
Student Councils

Data needs to be collected, analyzed, evaluated and summarized prior to the official SRLR Program kickoff. Those assigned to data tasks gather citation data and survey the community (for details on data gathering, see Pre-Program Assessment). National red light running data exists and can be accessed via the Internet at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration site's Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). (See Pre-Program Assessment, for national statistics from the study by the Federal Highway Administration and the American Trauma Society.) The data group is responsible for comparing and analyzing the national and local data to present a more compelling case for local action. For instance, if local red light running crash and citation statistics exceed the national norm, your coalition has a built-in message platform to convey to the community and the media. Members assigned to this task area include a representative from the office of your Governor's Highway Safety Representative (GR), enforcement officials and safety engineering professionals.

If community support and corporate donations comprise a significant portion of your budget, fundraising is an essential task. Finding at least one or two professional fundraisers who will support your cause and direct volunteer fundraisers is crucial to a successful program. Local universities and charitable organizations are usually good sources to tap for experienced fundraisers.

Public relations
You will need individuals who are well skilled at handling the media and generating media interest to call attention to your program. These coalition members adjust the generic press materials provided by the National Stop Red Light Running Program to be locally focused, contact the media to pursue press coverage, oversee production and placement of public service announcements (PSAs), manage production of all promotional items, and plan events such as the program kickoff press conference and traffic safety fairs. Members assigned to this task area include local media representatives, volunteers from local advertising and public relations agencies and your organization's public affairs or media relations expert. A sample "pitch letter" to potential coalition participants is provided at the end of this section.

Shared Resources
Although forming a coalition may sound daunting, it has been done over and over with much success. The secret is to recruit a core group of dedicated individuals and then share resources. Some of the most successful resource-sharing tips are listed below.

Create a contact list
Ask yourself what types of skills you need that your core group cannot provide. Then ask that core group if they know individuals with those talents or skills. You'll be amazed at how quickly the gaps are filled.

Meet at regular intervals to share progress and resources
One group may have found a particularly useful way to accomplish something that would benefit other task areas. Bringing groups of people together to brainstorm about possible ways of doing things (creating media attention, etc.) will ensure no resources are left untapped.

Work the numbers
The larger the number of people you have working with you, the more likely your message is to get out to the community at large (as long as that number is reasonably large - you don't want the coalition to become unwieldy). Ask current coalition members to recruit friends, family and business associates to support your cause. Word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal so make it work for you by encouraging coalition participants to talk up the Stop Red Light Running effort. Numbers count, particularly if you institute a letter-writing program or similar tactic.

Sample Coalition Pitch Letter


Mr. Joe Friendly
Marketing Director
Any Local Insurance Company
P.O. Box 345
Anytown, USA 12345

Dear Mr. Friendly:

Did you know that according to a recent survey of motorists in (community name), (percentage) of respondents admitted they run red lights? In addition, (percentage) of those surveyed say they witness other drivers running red lights at least several times a week. These shocking statistics parallel the national average, which indicates that disregarding traffic control devices is the number one cause of urban crashes in the United States. This translates to devastating loss of life and serious injuries, as well as an economic cost of approximately $7 billion annually - in medical costs, lost work time, and property damage.

Because we are concerned about the safety of our community's citizens as well as the economic drains that have burdened (community name), we are implementing the Stop Red Light Running Program, (a public information and education program sponsored by the Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the American Trauma Society (ATS)).

The goal of the program is to increase the community's awareness of the hazards associated with running red lights, through education and targeted police enforcement. To date, (insert police department agency names) have agreed to increase enforcement in this area. In addition, the Stop Red Light Running Program has been given the support of (list all or selected community and business members supporting the program).

Since your organization would also benefit from a decrease in red light runners, and subsequently decreased traffic crashes, we invite you to join our Stop Red Light Running coalition, particularly by assisting us as a member of our (insert committee name). Your expertise in this area would be very helpful. Involvement in the program will (explain the time commitment needed as well as any other relevant details). In addition, you and your company will be credited whenever possible for your involvement in the program.

I hope you will consider being part of our Stop Red Light Running coalition and would appreciate a chance to discuss this program further with you. I will call you in the near future to set up a time that would meet your schedule.


Stop Red Light Running Program Coordinator

Sample Letter of Invitation to Enforcement Agency


Chief David Q. Friendly
Anytown Police Departments
PO Box 123
Anytown, USA 12345

Dear Chief Friendly:

On behalf of (your organization's name), I invite you to join us by supporting a public information and education program which underscores the hazards of red light running. We welcome your departments insights on traffic safety issues and hope you or your representative can attend a Stop Red Light Running "law enforcement strategy" session on (date, time and location).

The Stop Red Light Running (SRLR) Program, (a public information and education program sponsored by the Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the American Trauma Society (ATS)) involves a coordinated effort with law enforcement in targeting red light running violators. The FHWA has provided us with professionally developed SRLR Program materials which focus on education, engineering and enforcement. In addition to local law enforcement representatives, we have also invited (NHTSA representative, FHWA division safety engineer, any organization members with law enforcement backgrounds, retired police officers who support your program) to share experiences and respond to questions you may have.

While public education helps raise awareness of traffic safety issues, targeted enforcement is an essential link when seeking long-term behavior change. We need your involvement to secure this link for our Stop Red Light Running Program. I look forward to the participation of the (name of law enforcement agency) in (your community's name) SRLR Program and will give you a call to confirm your attendance at our law enforcement strategy session.


[Program Coordinator name(s)]


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