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  Managing sediment to benefit a region potentially saves money, allows use of natural processes to solve engineering problems, and improves the environment. As a management method, RSM

  • Includes the entire environment, from the watershed to the sea
  • Accounts for the effect of human activities on sediment erosion as well as its transport in streams, lakes, bays, and oceans
  • Protects and enhances the nation's natural resources while balancing national security and economic needs

The Corps of Engineers holds in trust and manages lands and waterways across the U.S. Using regional sediment management concepts will significantly improve the Corps' mission accomplishment. The Corps' engineers and scientists develop new technologies through research to make management decisions more accurate and efficient. Simultaneously, they evaluate RSM concepts through projects that highlight and improve sediment management activities.

Webdate Nov 02
Updated Apr 07

Jack E. Davis, Ph.D.
Technical Director

Jeffrey P. Waters, Ph.D.
Program Manager, RSM
Demonstration Program

James E. Walker
Business Area Leader

Charles B. Chesnutt
Technical Monitor

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