Title 49--Transportation



TEXT PDF1103.1 Register of practitioners.
TEXT PDF1103.2 Attorneys-at-law--qualifications and requirements to practice before the Board.
TEXT PDF1103.3 Persons not attorneys-at-law--qualifications and requirements for practice before the Board.
TEXT PDF1103.4 Initial appearances.
TEXT PDF1103.5 Discipline.
TEXT PDF1103.10 Introduction.
TEXT PDF1103.11 Standards of ethical conduct in courts of the United States to be observed.
TEXT PDF1103.12 The practitioner's duty to and attitude toward the Board.
TEXT PDF1103.13 Attempts to exert political or personal influence on the Board are prohibited.
TEXT PDF1103.14 Private communications with the Board are prohibited.
TEXT PDF1103.15 The practitioner's duty to clients, generally.
TEXT PDF1103.16 Adverse influences and conflicting interests.
TEXT PDF1103.17 Joint association of practitioners and conflicts of opinion.
TEXT PDF1103.18 Withdrawal from employment.
TEXT PDF1103.19 Advising upon the merits of a client's cause.
TEXT PDF1103.20 Practitioner's fees and related practices.
TEXT PDF1103.21 How far a practitioner may go in supporting a client's cause.
TEXT PDF1103.22 Restraining clients from improprieties.
TEXT PDF1103.23 Confidences of a client.
TEXT PDF1103.24 Use of adverse witnesses.
TEXT PDF1103.25 Treatment of witnesses, litigants and other counsel.
TEXT PDF1103.26 Discussion of pending litigation in the public press.
TEXT PDF1103.27 Candor and fairness in dealing with other litigants.
TEXT PDF1103.28 Negotiations with opposing party.
TEXT PDF1103.29 Public communication and solicitation.
TEXT PDF1103.30 Acceptance of employment.
TEXT PDF1103.31 Responsibility for litigation.
TEXT PDF1103.32 Discovery of imposition and deception and duty to report corrupt or dishonest conduct.
TEXT PDF1103.33 Responsibility when proposing a person for admission to practice before the Board.
TEXT PDF1103.34 Intermediaries.
TEXT PDF1103.35 Partnership or professional corporation names and titles.

