Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property



TEXT PDF1254.1 What kinds of archival materials may I use for research?
TEXT PDF1254.2 Does NARA provide information about documents?
TEXT PDF1254.4 Where and when are documents available to me for research?
TEXT PDF1254.6 Do I need a researcher identification card to use archival materials at a NARA facility?
TEXT PDF1254.8 What information do I need to provide when applying for a researcher identification card?
TEXT PDF1254.10 For how long and where is my researcher identification card valid?
TEXT PDF1254.12 Will NARA log or inspect my computer, other equipment, and notes?
TEXT PDF1254.14 Are some procedures in regional archives and Presidential libraries different from those in the Washington, DC, area?
TEXT PDF1254.20 What general policies apply in all NARA facilities where archival materials are available for research?
TEXT PDF1254.22 Do I need to register when I visit a NARA facility for research?
TEXT PDF1254.24 Whom does NARA allow in research rooms?
TEXT PDF1254.26 What can I take into a research room with me?
TEXT PDF1254.28 What items are not allowed in research rooms?
TEXT PDF1254.30 Does NARA provide any supplies?
TEXT PDF1254.32 What rules apply to public access use of the Internet on NARA-supplied computers?
TEXT PDF1254.34 What are my responsibilities when using documents?
TEXT PDF1254.36 What care must I take when handling documents?
TEXT PDF1254.38 How do I keep documents in order?
TEXT PDF1254.40 How does NARA prevent removal of documents?
TEXT PDF1254.42 What are the rules that apply to using self-service microfilm?
TEXT PDF1254.44 How long may I use a microfilm reader?
TEXT PDF1254.46 Are there other rules of conduct that I must follow?
TEXT PDF1254.48 When does NARA revoke research privileges?
TEXT PDF1254.50 Does NARA consider reinstating research privileges?
TEXT PDF1254.52 Can NARA extend the period of revoked research privileges?
TEXT PDF1254.60 What are NARA's copying services?
TEXT PDF1254.62 Does NARA have archival materials protected by copyright?
TEXT PDF1254.64 Will NARA certify copies?
TEXT PDF1254.70 How may I make my own copies of documents?
TEXT PDF1254.72 What procedures do I follow to copy documents?
TEXT PDF1254.74 What documents are unsuitable for copying on a self-service or personal copier or scanner?
TEXT PDF1254.76 What procedures do I follow to copy formerly national security-classified documents?
TEXT PDF1254.80 Does NARA allow me to use scanners or other personal copying equipment?
TEXT PDF1254.82 What limitations apply to my use of self-service card-operated copiers?
TEXT PDF1254.84 How may I use a debit card for copiers in the Washington, DC, area?
TEXT PDF1254.86 May I use a personal paper-to-paper copier at the National Archives at College Park?
TEXT PDF1254.88 What are the rules for the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Research Room at the National Archives at College Park?
TEXT PDF1254.90 What is the scope of this subpart?
TEXT PDF1254.92 How do I submit a request to microfilm records and donated historical materials?
TEXT PDF1254.94 What must my request include?
TEXT PDF1254.96 What credits must I give NARA?
TEXT PDF1254.98 May NARA make subsequent use of my publication?
TEXT PDF1254.100 How does NARA evaluate requests?
TEXT PDF1254.102 What requests does NARA not approve?
TEXT PDF1254.104 How does NARA determine fees to prepare documents for microfilming?
TEXT PDF1254.106 What are NARA's equipment standards?
TEXT PDF1254.108 What are NARA's requirements for the microfilming process?
TEXT PDF1254.110 Does NARA ever rescind permission to microfilm?
