Title 40--Protection of Environment



TEXT PDF142.1 Applicability.
TEXT PDF142.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF142.3 Scope.
TEXT PDF142.4 State and local authority.
TEXT PDF142.10 Requirements for a determination of primary enforcement responsibility.
TEXT PDF142.11 Initial determination of primary enforcement responsibility.
TEXT PDF142.12 Revision of State programs.
TEXT PDF142.13 Public hearing.
TEXT PDF142.14 Records kept by States.
TEXT PDF142.15 Reports by States.
TEXT PDF142.16 Special primacy requirements.
TEXT PDF142.17 Review of State programs and procedures for withdrawal of approved primacy programs.
TEXT PDF142.18 EPA review of State monitoring determinations.
TEXT PDF142.19 EPA review of State implementation of national primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper.
TEXT PDF142.20 State-issued variances and exemptions under Section 1415(a) and Section 1416 of the Act.
TEXT PDF142.21 State consideration of a variance or exemption request.
TEXT PDF142.22 Review of State variances, exemptions and schedules.
TEXT PDF142.23 Notice to State.
TEXT PDF142.24 Administrator's rescission.
TEXT PDF142.30 Failure by State to assure enforcement.
TEXT PDF142.32 Petition for public hearing.
TEXT PDF142.33 Public hearing.
TEXT PDF142.34 Entry and inspection of public water systems.
TEXT PDF142.40 Requirements for a variance.
TEXT PDF142.41 Variance request.
TEXT PDF142.42 Consideration of a variance request.
TEXT PDF142.43 Disposition of a variance request.
TEXT PDF142.44 Public hearings on variances and schedules.
TEXT PDF142.45 Action after hearing.
TEXT PDF142.46 Alternative treatment techniques.
TEXT PDF142.50 Requirements for an exemption.
TEXT PDF142.51 Exemption request.
TEXT PDF142.52 Consideration of an exemption request.
TEXT PDF142.53 Disposition of an exemption request.
TEXT PDF142.54 Public hearings on exemption schedules.
TEXT PDF142.55 Final schedule.
TEXT PDF142.56 Extension of date for compliance.
TEXT PDF142.57 Bottled water, point-of-use, and point-of-entry devices.
TEXT PDF142.60 Variances from the maximum contaminant level for total trihalomethanes.
TEXT PDF142.61 Variances from the maximum contaminant level for fluoride.
TEXT PDF142.62 Variances and exemptions from the maximum contaminant levels for organic and inorganic chemicals.
TEXT PDF142.63 Variances and exemptions from the maximum contaminant level for total coliforms.
TEXT PDF142.64 Variances and exemptions from the requirements of part 141, subpart H--Filtration and Disinfection.
TEXT PDF142.72 Requirements for Tribal eligibility.
TEXT PDF142.76 Request by an Indian Tribe for a determination of eligibility.
TEXT PDF142.78 Procedure for processing an Indian Tribe's application.
TEXT PDF142.80 Review procedures.
TEXT PDF142.81 Notice to the State.
TEXT PDF142.301 What is a small system variance?
TEXT PDF142.302 Who can issue a small system variance?
TEXT PDF142.303 Which size public water systems can receive a small system variance?
TEXT PDF142.304 For which of the regulatory requirements is a small system variance available?
TEXT PDF142.305 When can a small system variance be granted by a State?
TEXT PDF142.306 What are the responsibilities of the public water system, State and the Administrator in ensuring that sufficient information is available and for evaluation of a small system variance application?
TEXT PDF142.307 What terms and conditions must be included in a small system variance?
TEXT PDF142.308 What public notice is required before a State or the Administrator proposes to issue a small system variance?
TEXT PDF142.309 What are the public meeting requirements associated with the proposal of a small system variance?
TEXT PDF142.310 How can a person served by the public water system obtain EPA review of a State proposed small system variance?
TEXT PDF142.311 What procedures allow the Administrator to object to a proposed small system variance or overturn a granted small system variance for a public water system serving 3,300 or fewer persons?
TEXT PDF142.312 What EPA action is necessary when a State proposes to grant a small system variance to a public water system serving a population of more than 3,300 and fewer than 10,000 persons?
TEXT PDF142.313 How will the Administrator review a State's program under this subpart?

