Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property



TEXT PDF1228.1 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF1228.10 Authority.
TEXT PDF1228.12 Basic elements of disposition programs.
TEXT PDF1228.20 Authorities.
TEXT PDF1228.22 Developing records schedules.
TEXT PDF1228.24 Formulation of agency records schedules.
TEXT PDF1228.26 Request for records disposition authority.
TEXT PDF1228.28 Scheduling permanent records.
TEXT PDF1228.30 Scheduling temporary records.
TEXT PDF1228.32 Request to change disposition authority.
TEXT PDF1228.40 Authority.
TEXT PDF1228.42 Applicability.
TEXT PDF1228.44 Current schedules.
TEXT PDF1228.46 Availability.
TEXT PDF1228.50 Application of schedules.
TEXT PDF1228.52 Withdrawal of disposal authority.
TEXT PDF1228.54 Temporary extension of retention periods.
TEXT PDF1228.56 Transfer of permanent records.
TEXT PDF1228.58 Destruction of temporary records.
TEXT PDF1228.60 Donation of temporary records.
TEXT PDF1228.70 Authority.
TEXT PDF1228.72 Approval.
TEXT PDF1228.74 Agency action.
TEXT PDF1228.76 NARA action on request.
TEXT PDF1228.78 Retrieval of records.
TEXT PDF1228.90 General provisions.
TEXT PDF1228.92 Menaces to human life or health or to property.
TEXT PDF1228.94 State of war or threatened war.
TEXT PDF1228.100 Responsibilities.
TEXT PDF1228.102 Criminal penalties.
TEXT PDF1228.104 Reporting.
TEXT PDF1228.106 Exclusions.
TEXT PDF1228.120 Authority.
TEXT PDF1228.122 Approval.
TEXT PDF1228.124 Agency request.
TEXT PDF1228.126 Agency concurrences.
TEXT PDF1228.128 Records of terminated agencies.
TEXT PDF1228.130 Equipment.
TEXT PDF1228.132 Costs of transfers.
TEXT PDF1228.134 Restrictions on use of records.
TEXT PDF1228.136 Exceptions.
TEXT PDF1228.150 Authority.
TEXT PDF1228.152 Procedures for transfers to Federal records centers.
TEXT PDF1228.154 Transfers to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC).
TEXT PDF1228.156 Transferring vital records to Federal records centers.
TEXT PDF1228.160 Release of equipment.
TEXT PDF1228.162 Use of records in Federal records centers.
TEXT PDF1228.164 Disposal clearances for records in Federal records centers.
TEXT PDF1228.180 Authority.
TEXT PDF1228.182 Types of records to be transferred.
TEXT PDF1228.183 Certification for retention of records in agency custody.
TEXT PDF1228.184 Audiovisual records.
TEXT PDF1228.186 Cartographic and architectural records.
TEXT PDF1228.188 Electronic records.
TEXT PDF1228.190 Transfer of records.
TEXT PDF1228.192 Restrictions on transferred records.
TEXT PDF1228.194 Records subject to the Privacy Act of 1974.
TEXT PDF1228.196 Release of equipment.
TEXT PDF1228.198 Use of records transferred to the National Archives.
TEXT PDF1228.200 Disposal clearances.
TEXT PDF1228.220 Authority.
TEXT PDF1228.222 Facility standards for agency records centers.
TEXT PDF1228.224 Requests for authority to establish or relocate records centers.

