Title 40--Protection of Environment



TEXT PDF1065.1 Applicability.
TEXT PDF1065.5 Overview of test procedures.
TEXT PDF1065.10 Other test procedures.
TEXT PDF1065.15 Engine testing.
TEXT PDF1065.20 Limits for test conditions.
TEXT PDF1065.101 Overview.
TEXT PDF1065.105 Dynamometer and engine equipment specifications.
TEXT PDF1065.110 Exhaust gas sampling system; spark-ignition (SI) engines.
TEXT PDF1065.115 Exhaust gas sampling system; compression-ignition engines.
TEXT PDF1065.125 Analyzers (overview/general response characteristics).
TEXT PDF1065.130 Hydrocarbon analyzers.
TEXT PDF1065.135 NOX analyzers.
TEXT PDF1065.140 CO and CO2 analyzers.
TEXT PDF1065.150 Flow meters.
TEXT PDF1065.155 Temperature and pressure sensors.
TEXT PDF1065.201 General requirements for test fuels.
TEXT PDF1065.205 Test fuel specifications for distillate diesel fuel.
TEXT PDF1065.210 Test fuel specifications for gasoline.
TEXT PDF1065.215 Test fuel specifications for natural gas.
TEXT PDF1065.220 Test fuel specifications for liquefied petroleum gas.
TEXT PDF1065.240 Lubricating oils.
TEXT PDF1065.250 Analytical gases.
TEXT PDF1065.301 Overview.
TEXT PDF1065.305 International calibration standards.
TEXT PDF1065.310 CVS calibration.
TEXT PDF1065.315 Torque calibration.
TEXT PDF1065.401 Selecting a test engine.
TEXT PDF1065.405 Preparing and servicing a test engine.
TEXT PDF1065.410 Service limits for stabilized test engines.
TEXT PDF1065.415 Durability demonstration.
TEXT PDF1065.501 Overview of the engine dynamometer test procedures.
TEXT PDF1065.510 Engine mapping procedures.
TEXT PDF1065.515 Test cycle generation.
TEXT PDF1065.520 Engine starting, restarting, and shutdown.
TEXT PDF1065.525 Engine dynamometer test run.
TEXT PDF1065.530 Test cycle validation criteria.
TEXT PDF1065.601 Overview.
TEXT PDF1065.605 Required records.
TEXT PDF1065.610 Bag sample analysis.
TEXT PDF1065.615 Bag sample calculations.
TEXT PDF1065.620 Continuous sample analysis and calculations.
TEXT PDF1065.701 Particulate measurements.
TEXT PDF1065.801 Applicability.
TEXT PDF1065.805 Sampling system.
TEXT PDF1065.810 Calculations.
TEXT PDF1065.901 Applicability.
TEXT PDF1065.905 General provisions.
TEXT PDF1065.910 Measurement accuracy and precision.
TEXT PDF1065.915 Equipment specifications for SI engines.
TEXT PDF1065.920 Equipment setup and test run for SI engines.
TEXT PDF1065.925 Calculations.
TEXT PDF1065.930 Specifications for mass air flow sensors.
TEXT PDF1065.935 Specifications for THC analyzers.
TEXT PDF1065.940 Specifications for NOX and air/fuel sensors.
TEXT PDF1065.945 Specifications for CO analyzers.
TEXT PDF1065.950 Specifications for speed and torque measurement.
TEXT PDF1065.1001 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1065.1005 Symbols, acronyms, and abbreviations.
TEXT PDF1065.1010 Reference materials.
TEXT PDF1065.1015 Confidential information.
