Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management



TEXT PDF101-27.000 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF101-27.101 General.
TEXT PDF101-27.102 Economic order quantity principle.
TEXT PDF101-27.102-1 Applicability.
TEXT PDF101-27.102-2 Guidelines.
TEXT PDF101-27.102-3 Limitations on use.
TEXT PDF101-27.103 Acquisition of excess property.
TEXT PDF101-27.201 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF101-27.202 Applicability.
TEXT PDF101-27.203 Program objectives.
TEXT PDF101-27.204 Types of shelf-life items.
TEXT PDF101-27.205 Shelf-life codes.
TEXT PDF101-27.206 Procurement of shelf-life materials.
TEXT PDF101-27.206-1 General considerations.
TEXT PDF101-27.206-2 Identification and shipping requirements.
TEXT PDF101-27.206-3 Packaging.
TEXT PDF101-27.207 Control and inspection.
TEXT PDF101-27.207-1 Agency controls.
TEXT PDF101-27.207-2 Inspection.
TEXT PDF101-27.207-3 Marking material to show extended shelf life.
TEXT PDF101-27.208 Inventory analyses.
TEXT PDF101-27.209 Utilization and distribution of shelf-life items.
TEXT PDF101-27.209-1 GSA stock items.
TEXT PDF101-27.209-2 Items to be reported as excess.
TEXT PDF101-27.209-3 Disposition of unneeded property.
TEXT PDF101-27.300 Scope.
TEXT PDF101-27.302 Applicability.
TEXT PDF101-27.303 Reducing long supply.
TEXT PDF101-27.303-1 Cancellation or transfer.
TEXT PDF101-27.303-2 Redistribution.
TEXT PDF101-27.304 Criteria for economic retention limits.
TEXT PDF101-27.304-1 Establishment of economic retention limit.
TEXT PDF101-27.304-2 Factors affecting the economic retention limit.
TEXT PDF101-27.305 Disposition of long supply.
TEXT PDF101-27.400 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF101-27.402 Applicability.
TEXT PDF101-27.403 General.
TEXT PDF101-27.404 Review of items.
TEXT PDF101-27.405 Criteria for elimination.
TEXT PDF101-27.406 Disposition of stock.
TEXT PDF101-27.500 Scope and applicability of subpart.
TEXT PDF101-27.501 Eligibility for return.
TEXT PDF101-27.502 Criteria for return.
TEXT PDF101-27.503 Allowable credit.
TEXT PDF101-27.504 Notice to GSA.
TEXT PDF101-27.505 Notice to activity.
TEXT PDF101-27.506 Determination of acceptability for credit.
TEXT PDF101-27.507 Transportation and other costs.
