Title 27--Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms



TEXT PDF44.1 Exportation of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, without payment of tax, or with drawback of tax.
TEXT PDF44.2 Forms prescribed.
TEXT PDF44.3 Delegations of the Director.
TEXT PDF44.11 Meaning of terms.
TEXT PDF44.31 Liability for special tax.
TEXT PDF44.32 Rate of special tax.
TEXT PDF44.33 Special tax returns.
TEXT PDF44.34 Employer identification number.
TEXT PDF44.35 Issuance, distribution, and examination of special tax stamps.
TEXT PDF44.36 Changes in special tax stamps.
TEXT PDF44.61 Removals, withdrawals, and shipments authorized.
TEXT PDF44.61a Deliveries to foreign-trade zones--export status.
TEXT PDF44.62 Restrictions on deliveries of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes to vessels and aircraft, as supplies.
TEXT PDF44.63 Restrictions on disposal of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes on vessels and aircraft.
TEXT PDF44.64 Responsibility for delivery or exportation of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes.
TEXT PDF44.65 Liability for tax on tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes.
TEXT PDF44.66 Relief from liability for tax.
TEXT PDF44.67 Payment of tax.
TEXT PDF44.69 Assessment.
TEXT PDF44.70 Authority of appropriate ATF officers to enter premises.
TEXT PDF44.71 Interference with administration.
TEXT PDF44.72 Alternate methods or procedures.
TEXT PDF44.73 Emergency variations from requirements.
TEXT PDF44.81 Persons required to qualify.
TEXT PDF44.82 Application for permit.
TEXT PDF44.83 Corporate documents.
TEXT PDF44.84 Articles of partnership or association.
TEXT PDF44.85 Trade name certificate.
TEXT PDF44.86 Bond.
TEXT PDF44.87 Power of attorney.
TEXT PDF44.88 Description and diagram of premises.
TEXT PDF44.89 Separation of premises.
TEXT PDF44.90 Restrictions relating to export warehouse premises.
TEXT PDF44.91 Additional information.
TEXT PDF44.92 Investigation of applicant.
TEXT PDF44.93 Issuance of permit.
TEXT PDF44.101 Change in individual name.
TEXT PDF44.102 Change in trade name.
TEXT PDF44.103 Change in corporate name.
TEXT PDF44.104 Fiduciary successor.
TEXT PDF44.105 Transfer of ownership.
TEXT PDF44.106 Change in officers or directors of a corporation.
TEXT PDF44.107 Change in stockholders of a corporation.
TEXT PDF44.108 Change in location.
TEXT PDF44.109 Change in address.
TEXT PDF44.111 Change in export warehouse premises.
TEXT PDF44.112 Emergency premises.
TEXT PDF44.121 Corporate surety.
TEXT PDF44.122 Deposits of bonds, notes, or obligations in lieu of corporate surety.
TEXT PDF44.123 Amount of bond.
TEXT PDF44.124 Strengthening bond.
TEXT PDF44.125 Superseding bond.
TEXT PDF44.126 Extension of coverage of bond.
TEXT PDF44.127 Approval of bond and extension of coverage of bond.
TEXT PDF44.128 Termination of liability of surety under bond.
TEXT PDF44.129 Release of bonds, notes, and obligations.
TEXT PDF44.141 Sign.
TEXT PDF44.142 Records.
TEXT PDF44.143 General.
TEXT PDF44.144 Opening.
TEXT PDF44.145 Special.
TEXT PDF44.146 Closing.
TEXT PDF44.147 General.
TEXT PDF44.148 Opening.
TEXT PDF44.149 Monthly.
TEXT PDF44.150 Special.
TEXT PDF44.151 Closing.
TEXT PDF44.152 Claim for remission of tax liability.
TEXT PDF44.153 Claim for abatement of assessment.
TEXT PDF44.154 Claim for refund of tax.
TEXT PDF44.161 Discontinuance of operations.
TEXT PDF44.162 Suspension and revocation of permit.
TEXT PDF44.181 Packages.
TEXT PDF44.182 Lottery features.
TEXT PDF44.183 Indecent or immoral material.
TEXT PDF44.184 Mark.
TEXT PDF44.185 Label or notice.
TEXT PDF44.186 Tax classification for cigars.
TEXT PDF44.187 Shipping containers.
TEXT PDF44.188 General.
TEXT PDF44.189 Transfers between factories and export warehouses.
TEXT PDF44.190 Return of shipment to a manufacturer or customs warehouse proprietor.
TEXT PDF44.191 To officers of the armed forces for subsequent exportation.
TEXT PDF44.192 To vessels and aircraft for shipment to noncontiguous foreign countries and possessions of the United States.
TEXT PDF44.193 To a Federal department or agency.
TEXT PDF44.194 To district director of customs for shipment to contiguous foreign countries.
TEXT PDF44.195 To Government vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
TEXT PDF44.196 To district director of customs for consumption as supplies on commercial vessels and aircraft.
TEXT PDF44.196a To a foreign-trade zone.
TEXT PDF44.197 For export by parcel post.
TEXT PDF44.198 Preparation.
TEXT PDF44.199 Disposition.
TEXT PDF44.200 Transfers between factories and export warehouses.
TEXT PDF44.201 Return to manufacturer or customs warehouse proprietor.
TEXT PDF44.202 To officers of the armed forces for subsequent exportation.
TEXT PDF44.203 To noncontiguous foreign countries and possessions of the United States.
TEXT PDF44.204 To a Federal department or agency.
TEXT PDF44.205 To contiguous foreign countries.
TEXT PDF44.206 To Government vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
TEXT PDF44.207 To commercial vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
TEXT PDF44.207a To a foreign-trade zone.
TEXT PDF44.208 For export by parcel post.
TEXT PDF44.209 Diversion of shipment to another consignee.
TEXT PDF44.210 Return of shipment to factory or export warehouse.
TEXT PDF44.212 Delay in lading at port of exportation.
TEXT PDF44.213 Destruction of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes.
TEXT PDF44.221 Application of drawback of tax.
TEXT PDF44.222 Claim.
TEXT PDF44.223 Drawback bond.
TEXT PDF44.224 Inspection by an appropriate ATF officer.
TEXT PDF44.225 Delivery of tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes for export other than by parcel post.
TEXT PDF44.226 Delivery of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes for export by parcel post.
TEXT PDF44.227 Customs procedure.
TEXT PDF44.228 Landing certificate.
TEXT PDF44.229 Collateral evidence as to landing.
TEXT PDF44.230 Proof of loss.
TEXT PDF44.231 Extension of time.
TEXT PDF44.232 Allowance of claim.
TEXT PDF44.241 Shipment restricted.
TEXT PDF44.242 Responsibility for tax on cigars.
TEXT PDF44.243 Bond required.
TEXT PDF44.244 Amount of bond.
TEXT PDF44.245 Strengthening bond.
TEXT PDF44.246 Superseding bond.
TEXT PDF44.247 Termination of liability of surety under bond.
TEXT PDF44.248 Packages.
TEXT PDF44.249 Lottery features.
TEXT PDF44.250 Indecent or immoral material.
TEXT PDF44.251 Mark.
TEXT PDF44.252 Label or notice.
TEXT PDF44.253 Tax classification for cigars.
TEXT PDF44.254 Shipping containers.
TEXT PDF44.255 Consignment of cigars.
TEXT PDF44.256 Preparation.
TEXT PDF44.257 Disposition.
TEXT PDF44.258 To officers of the armed forces for subsequent exportation.
TEXT PDF44.259 To noncontiguous foreign countries and possessions of the United States.
TEXT PDF44.260 To a Federal department or agency.
TEXT PDF44.261 To contiguous foreign countries.
TEXT PDF44.262 To Government vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
TEXT PDF44.263 To commercial vessels and aircraft for consumption as supplies.
TEXT PDF44.264 To export warehouses.
TEXT PDF44.264a To a foreign-trade zone.
TEXT PDF44.265 For export by parcel post.
TEXT PDF44.266 Return of cigars from export warehouses.
TEXT PDF44.267 Return of cigars from other sources.
