Title 27--Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms



TEXT PDF25.1 Production and removal of beer.
TEXT PDF25.2 Territorial extent.
TEXT PDF25.3 Forms prescribed.
TEXT PDF25.4 Related regulations.
TEXT PDF25.5 OMB control numbers assigned under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
TEXT PDF25.6 Delegations of the Director.
TEXT PDF25.11 Meaning of terms.
TEXT PDF25.11 Meaning of terms.
TEXT PDF25.15 Materials for the production of beer.
TEXT PDF25.21 Restrictions on location.
TEXT PDF25.22 Continuity of brewery.
TEXT PDF25.23 Restrictions on use.
TEXT PDF25.24 Storage of beer.
TEXT PDF25.25 Operation of a tavern on brewery premises.
TEXT PDF25.31 Brewery buildings.
TEXT PDF25.35 Tanks.
TEXT PDF25.36 Empty container storage.
TEXT PDF25.41 Measuring system required.
TEXT PDF25.42 Testing of measuring devices.
TEXT PDF25.51 Right of Entry and Examination.
TEXT PDF25.52 Variations from requirements.
TEXT PDF25.53 Submissions of samples of fermented products.
TEXT PDF25.55 Formulas for fermented products.
TEXT PDF25.56 Filing of formulas.
TEXT PDF25.57 Formula information.
TEXT PDF25.58 New and superseding formulas.
TEXT PDF25.61 General requirements for notice.
TEXT PDF25.62 Data for notice.
TEXT PDF25.63 Notice of registration.
TEXT PDF25.64 Maintenance of notice file.
TEXT PDF25.65 Power of attorney.
TEXT PDF25.66 Organizational documents.
TEXT PDF25.67 Statement of process.
TEXT PDF25.68 Description of brewery.
TEXT PDF25.71 Amended or superseding notices.
TEXT PDF25.72 Change in proprietorship.
TEXT PDF25.73 Change in partnership.
TEXT PDF25.74 Change in stockholders.
TEXT PDF25.75 Change in officers and directors.
TEXT PDF25.76 Change in statement of process.
TEXT PDF25.77 Change in location.
TEXT PDF25.78 Change in premises.
TEXT PDF25.81 Alternation of brewery and bonded or taxpaid wine premises.
TEXT PDF25.85 Notice of permanent discontinuance.
TEXT PDF25.91 Requirement for bond.
TEXT PDF25.92 Consent of surety.
TEXT PDF25.93 Penal sum of bond.
TEXT PDF25.94 Strengthening bonds.
TEXT PDF25.95 New bond.
TEXT PDF25.96 Superseding bond.
TEXT PDF25.97 Continuation certificate.
TEXT PDF25.98 Surety or security.
TEXT PDF25.99 Filing powers of attorney.
TEXT PDF25.101 Disapproval of bonds or consents of surety.
TEXT PDF25.102 Termination of surety's liability.
TEXT PDF25.103 Notice by surety for relief from liability under bond.
TEXT PDF25.104 Termination of bonds.
TEXT PDF25.105 Release of collateral security.
TEXT PDF25.111 Brewer's special tax.
TEXT PDF25.111a Special tax rates.
TEXT PDF25.111b Reduced rate of tax for small brewers.
TEXT PDF25.112 Wholesaler's special tax.
TEXT PDF25.113 Each place of business taxable.
TEXT PDF25.114 Exemptions from dealer's special taxes.
TEXT PDF25.117 Special tax returns.
TEXT PDF25.118 Preparation of ATF Form 5630.5.
TEXT PDF25.119 Multiple locations and/or classes of tax.
TEXT PDF25.120 Signing of ATF Forms 5630.5.
TEXT PDF25.121 Employer identification number.
TEXT PDF25.122 Application for employer identification number.
TEXT PDF25.123 Preparation and filing of IRS Form SS-4.
TEXT PDF25.125 Issuance of special tax stamps.
TEXT PDF25.126 Distribution of stamps for multiple locations.
TEXT PDF25.127 Examination of special tax stamps.
TEXT PDF25.131 Change in name.
TEXT PDF25.132 Change in proprietorship.
TEXT PDF25.133 Persons having right of succession.
TEXT PDF25.134 Change in location.
TEXT PDF25.141 Barrels and kegs.
TEXT PDF25.142 Bottles.
TEXT PDF25.143 Cases.
TEXT PDF25.144 Rebranding barrels and kegs.
TEXT PDF25.145 Tanks, vehicles, and vessels.
TEXT PDF25.151 Rate of tax.
TEXT PDF25.152 Reduced rate of tax for certain brewers.
TEXT PDF25.153 Persons liable for tax.
TEXT PDF25.155 Types of containers.
TEXT PDF25.156 Determination of tax on keg beer.
TEXT PDF25.157 Determination of tax on bottled beer.
TEXT PDF25.158 Tax computation for bottled beer.
TEXT PDF25.159 Time of tax determination and payment; offsets.
TEXT PDF25.160 Tax adjustment for brewers who produce more than 2,000,000 barrels of beer.
TEXT PDF25.163 Method of tax payment.
TEXT PDF25.164 Semimonthly return.
TEXT PDF25.164a Special rule for taxes due for the month of September (effective after December 31, 1994).
TEXT PDF25.165 Payment of tax by electronic fund transfer.
TEXT PDF25.166 Payment of reduced rate of tax.
TEXT PDF25.167 Notice of brewer to pay reduced rate of tax.
TEXT PDF25.168 Employer identification number.
TEXT PDF25.173 Brewer in default.
TEXT PDF25.174 Bond not sufficient.
TEXT PDF25.175 Prepayment of tax.
TEXT PDF25.177 Evasion of or failure to pay tax; failure to file a tax return.
TEXT PDF25.181 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF25.182 Kinds of containers.
TEXT PDF25.183 Determination of quantity transferred.
TEXT PDF25.184 Losses in transit.
TEXT PDF25.185 Mingling.
TEXT PDF25.186 Record of beer transferred.
TEXT PDF25.191 General.
TEXT PDF25.192 Removal of sour or damaged beer.
TEXT PDF25.195 Removals for analysis.
TEXT PDF25.196 Removals for research, development or testing.
TEXT PDF25.201 Removal by pipeline.
TEXT PDF25.203 Exportation without payment of tax.
TEXT PDF25.205 Production.
TEXT PDF25.206 Removal of beer.
TEXT PDF25.207 Removal from brewery for personal or family use.
TEXT PDF25.211 Beer returned to brewery.
TEXT PDF25.212 Beer returned to brewery from which removed.
TEXT PDF25.213 Beer returned to brewery other than that from which removed.
TEXT PDF25.221 Voluntary destruction of beer.
TEXT PDF25.222 Notice of brewer.
TEXT PDF25.223 Destruction of beer off brewery premises.
TEXT PDF25.224 Refund or adjustment of tax.
TEXT PDF25.225 Destruction of taxpaid beer which was never removed from brewery premises.
TEXT PDF25.231 Finished beer.
TEXT PDF25.232 Basic permit.
TEXT PDF25.241 Production.
TEXT PDF25.242 Markings.
TEXT PDF25.251 Authorized removals.
TEXT PDF25.252 Records.
TEXT PDF25.261 General.
TEXT PDF25.262 Restrictions and conditions on processes of concentration and reconstitution.
TEXT PDF25.263 Production of concentrate and reconstitution of beer.
TEXT PDF25.264 Transfer between breweries.
TEXT PDF25.271 General.
TEXT PDF25.272 Application.
TEXT PDF25.273 Action on application.
TEXT PDF25.274 Bond.
TEXT PDF25.275 Special tax.
TEXT PDF25.276 Operations and records.
TEXT PDF25.277 Discontinuance of operations.
TEXT PDF25.281 General.
TEXT PDF25.282 Beer lost by fire, theft, casualty, or act of God.
TEXT PDF25.283 Claims for refund of tax.
TEXT PDF25.284 Adjustment of tax.
TEXT PDF25.285 Refund of beer tax excessively paid.
TEXT PDF25.286 Claims for remission of tax on beer lost in transit between breweries.
TEXT PDF25.291 Records.
TEXT PDF25.292 Daily records of operations.
TEXT PDF25.293 Record of ballings and alcohol content.
TEXT PDF25.294 Inventories.
TEXT PDF25.295 Record of unsalable beer.
TEXT PDF25.296 Record of beer concentrate.
TEXT PDF25.297 Brewer's Report of Operations, Form 5130.9.
TEXT PDF25.298 Excise tax return, Form 5000.24.
TEXT PDF25.299 Execution under penalties of perjury.
TEXT PDF25.300 Retention and preservation of records.
TEXT PDF25.301 Photographic copies of records.
