Title 27--Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms



TEXT PDF24.1 General.
TEXT PDF24.2 Territorial extent.
TEXT PDF24.4 Related regulations.
TEXT PDF24.10 Meaning of terms.
TEXT PDF24.19 Delegations of the Director.
TEXT PDF24.20 Forms prescribed.
TEXT PDF24.21 Modified forms.
TEXT PDF24.22 Alternate method or procedure.
TEXT PDF24.25 Emergency variations from requirements.
TEXT PDF24.26 Authority to approve.
TEXT PDF24.27 Segregation of operations.
TEXT PDF24.28 Installation of meters, tanks, and other apparatus.
TEXT PDF24.29 Claims.
TEXT PDF24.30 Supervision.
TEXT PDF24.31 Submission of forms and reports.
TEXT PDF24.32 Records.
TEXT PDF24.35 Right of entry and examination.
TEXT PDF24.36 Instruments and measuring devices.
TEXT PDF24.37 Samples for the United States.
TEXT PDF24.40 Gauging and measuring.
TEXT PDF24.41 Office facilities.
TEXT PDF24.45 Use on returns.
TEXT PDF24.46 Application.
TEXT PDF24.47 Execution of IRS Form SS-4.
TEXT PDF24.50 Payment of special (occupational) tax.
TEXT PDF24.51 Rates of special (occupational) tax.
TEXT PDF24.52 Exemption from special (occupational) tax.
TEXT PDF24.53 Special (occupational) tax returns.
TEXT PDF24.54 Special (occupational) tax stamps.
TEXT PDF24.55 Changes in special (occupational) tax stamps.
TEXT PDF24.60 General.
TEXT PDF24.61 Assessment of tax.
TEXT PDF24.62 Notice.
TEXT PDF24.65 Claims for wine or spirits lost or destroyed in bond.
TEXT PDF24.66 Claims on wine returned to bond.
TEXT PDF24.67 Other claims.
TEXT PDF24.68 Insurance coverage.
TEXT PDF24.69 Filing of claims.
TEXT PDF24.70 Claims for credit of tax.
TEXT PDF24.75 Wine for personal or family use.
TEXT PDF24.76 Tax exempt cider.
TEXT PDF24.77 Experimental wine.
TEXT PDF24.80 General.
TEXT PDF24.81 Filing of formulas.
TEXT PDF24.82 Samples.
TEXT PDF24.85 Essences.
TEXT PDF24.86 Essences produced on wine premises.
TEXT PDF24.87 Essences made elsewhere.
TEXT PDF24.90 Taxpaid products.
TEXT PDF24.91 Conveyance of untaxpaid wine or spirits.
TEXT PDF24.92 Products in customs custody.
TEXT PDF24.95 General.
TEXT PDF24.96 Use off premises.
TEXT PDF24.97 Use on premises.
TEXT PDF24.100 General.
TEXT PDF24.101 Bonded wine premises.
TEXT PDF24.102 Premises established for taxpaid wine operations.
TEXT PDF24.103 Other operations.
TEXT PDF24.105 General.
TEXT PDF24.106 Basic permit requirements.
TEXT PDF24.107 Designation as a bonded winery.
TEXT PDF24.108 Bonded wine warehouse application.
TEXT PDF24.109 Data for application.
TEXT PDF24.110 Organizational documents.
TEXT PDF24.111 Description of premises.
TEXT PDF24.112 Name of proprietor and trade names.
TEXT PDF24.113 Description of volatile fruit-flavor concentrate operations.
TEXT PDF24.114 Registry of stills.
TEXT PDF24.115 Registry number.
TEXT PDF24.116 Powers of attorney.
TEXT PDF24.117 Maintenance of application file.
TEXT PDF24.120 Amended application.
TEXT PDF24.121 Changes affecting permits.
TEXT PDF24.122 Change in name of proprietor or trade name.
TEXT PDF24.123 Change in stockholders.
TEXT PDF24.124 Change in corporate officers.
TEXT PDF24.125 Change in proprietorship.
TEXT PDF24.126 Change in proprietorship involving a bonded wine warehouse.
TEXT PDF24.127 Adoption of formulas.
TEXT PDF24.128 Continuing partnerships.
TEXT PDF24.129 Change in location.
TEXT PDF24.130 Change in volatile fruit-flavor concentrate operations.
TEXT PDF24.131 Change in building construction and use of premises.
TEXT PDF24.135 Wine premises alternation.
TEXT PDF24.136 Procedure for alternating proprietors.
TEXT PDF24.137 Alternate use of the wine premises for customs purposes.
TEXT PDF24.140 Notice.
TEXT PDF24.141 Bonded wine warehouse.
TEXT PDF24.145 General requirements.
TEXT PDF24.146 Bonds.
TEXT PDF24.147 Operations bond or unit bond.
TEXT PDF24.148 Penal sums of bonds.
TEXT PDF24.149 Corporate surety.
TEXT PDF24.150 Powers of attorney.
TEXT PDF24.151 Deposit of collateral security.
TEXT PDF24.152 Consents of surety.
TEXT PDF24.153 Strengthening bonds.
TEXT PDF24.154 New or superseding bonds.
TEXT PDF24.155 Disapproval and appeal from disapproval.
TEXT PDF24.156 Termination of bonds.
TEXT PDF24.157 Application by surety for relief from bond.
TEXT PDF24.158 Extent of relief.
TEXT PDF24.159 Release of collateral security.
TEXT PDF24.165 Premises.
TEXT PDF24.166 Buildings or rooms.
TEXT PDF24.167 Tanks.
TEXT PDF24.168 Identification of tanks.
TEXT PDF24.169 Pipelines.
TEXT PDF24.170 Measuring devices and testing instruments.
TEXT PDF24.175 General.
TEXT PDF24.176 Crushing and fermentation.
TEXT PDF24.177 Chaptalization (Brix adjustment).
TEXT PDF24.178 Amelioration.
TEXT PDF24.179 Sweetening.
TEXT PDF24.180 Use of concentrated and unconcentrated fruit juice.
TEXT PDF24.181 Use of sugar.
TEXT PDF24.182 Use of acid to correct natural deficiencies.
TEXT PDF24.183 Use of distillates containing aldehydes.
TEXT PDF24.184 Use of volatile fruit-flavor concentrate.
TEXT PDF24.190 General.
TEXT PDF24.191 Segregation of operations.
TEXT PDF24.192 Process and materials.
TEXT PDF24.193 Conversion into still wine.
TEXT PDF24.195 General.
TEXT PDF24.196 Formula required.
TEXT PDF24.197 Production by fermentation.
TEXT PDF24.198 Blending.
TEXT PDF24.200 General.
TEXT PDF24.201 Formula required.
TEXT PDF24.202 Dried fruit.
TEXT PDF24.203 Honey wine.
TEXT PDF24.204 Other agricultural products.
TEXT PDF24.210 Classes of wine other than standard wine.
TEXT PDF24.211 Formula required.
TEXT PDF24.212 High fermentation wine.
TEXT PDF24.213 Heavy bodied blending wine.
TEXT PDF24.214 Spanish type blending sherry.
TEXT PDF24.215 Wine or wine products not for beverage use.
TEXT PDF24.216 Distilling material.
TEXT PDF24.217 Vinegar stock.
TEXT PDF24.218 Other wine.
TEXT PDF24.225 General.
TEXT PDF24.226 Receipt or transfer of spirits.
TEXT PDF24.227 Transfer of spirits by pipeline for immediate use.
TEXT PDF24.228 Transfer of spirits by pipeline to a spirits storage tank.
TEXT PDF24.229 Tank car and tank truck requirements.
TEXT PDF24.230 Examination of tank car or tank truck.
TEXT PDF24.231 Receipt of spirits in sealed bulk containers.
TEXT PDF24.232 Gauge of spirits.
TEXT PDF24.233 Addition of spirits to wine.
TEXT PDF24.234 Other use of spirits.
TEXT PDF24.235 Taxpayment or destruction of spirits.
TEXT PDF24.236 Losses of spirits.
TEXT PDF24.237 Spirits added to juice or concentrated fruit juice.
TEXT PDF24.240 General.
TEXT PDF24.241 Decolorizing juice or wine.
TEXT PDF24.242 Authority to use greater quantities of decolorizing material in juice or wine.
TEXT PDF24.243 Filtering aids.
TEXT PDF24.244 Use of acid to stabilize standard wine.
TEXT PDF24.245 Use of carbon dioxide in still wine.
TEXT PDF24.246 Materials authorized for the treatment of wine and juice.
TEXT PDF24.247 Materials authorized for the treatment of distilling material.
TEXT PDF24.248 Processes authorized for the treatment of wine, juice, and distilling material.
TEXT PDF24.249 Experimentation with new treating material or process.
TEXT PDF24.250 Application for use of new treating material or process.
TEXT PDF24.255 Bottling or packing wine.
TEXT PDF24.256 Bottle aging wine.
TEXT PDF24.257 Labeling wine containers.
TEXT PDF24.258 Certificates of approval or exemption.
TEXT PDF24.259 Marks.
TEXT PDF24.260 Serial numbers or filling date.
TEXT PDF24.265 Losses by theft.
TEXT PDF24.266 Inventory losses.
TEXT PDF24.267 Losses in transit.
TEXT PDF24.268 Losses by fire or other casualty.
TEXT PDF24.270 Determination of tax.
TEXT PDF24.271 Payment of tax by check, cash, or money order.
TEXT PDF24.272 Payment of tax by electronic fund transfer.
TEXT PDF24.273 Exception to filing semi-monthly tax returns.
TEXT PDF24.274 Failure to timely pay tax or file a return.
TEXT PDF24.275 Prepayment of tax.
TEXT PDF24.276 Prepayment of tax; proprietor in default.
TEXT PDF24.277 Date of mailing or delivering of returns.
TEXT PDF24.278 Tax credit for certain small domestic producers.
TEXT PDF24.279 Tax adjustments related to wine credit.
TEXT PDF24.280 General.
TEXT PDF24.281 Consignor premises.
TEXT PDF24.282 Multiple transfers.
TEXT PDF24.283 Reconsignment.
TEXT PDF24.284 Consignee premises.
TEXT PDF24.290 Removal of wine as distilling material.
TEXT PDF24.291 Removal of wine for vinegar production.
TEXT PDF24.292 Exported wine.
TEXT PDF24.293 Wine for Government use.
TEXT PDF24.294 Destruction of wine.
TEXT PDF24.295 Return of unmerchantable wine to bond.
TEXT PDF24.296 Taxpaid wine operations.
TEXT PDF24.300 General.
TEXT PDF24.301 Bulk still wine record.
TEXT PDF24.302 Effervescent wine record.
TEXT PDF24.303 Formula wine record.
TEXT PDF24.304 Chaptalization (Brix adjustment) and amelioration record.
TEXT PDF24.305 Sweetening record.
TEXT PDF24.306 Distilling material or vinegar stock record.
TEXT PDF24.307 Nonbeverage wine record.
TEXT PDF24.308 Bottled or packed wine record.
TEXT PDF24.309 Transfer in bond record.
TEXT PDF24.310 Taxpaid removals from bond record.
TEXT PDF24.311 Taxpaid wine record.
TEXT PDF24.312 Unmerchantable wine returned to bond record.
TEXT PDF24.313 Inventory record.
TEXT PDF24.314 Label information record.
TEXT PDF24.315 Materials received and used record.
TEXT PDF24.316 Spirits record.
TEXT PDF24.317 Sugar record.
TEXT PDF24.318 Acid record.
TEXT PDF24.319 Carbon dioxide record.
TEXT PDF24.320 Chemical record.
TEXT PDF24.321 Decolorizing material record.
TEXT PDF24.322 Allied products record.
TEXT PDF24.323 Excise Tax Return form.
