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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Lynx found on the Hopi Reservation
Region 2, September 15, 2005
A collared female lynx was found on the Hopi Indian Reservation on September 15. This female was one of the first lynx to be released as part of a relocation program that began in Colorado in 1999. The lynx was estimated to be between 8-9 years old and was caught in a tribal member's hen house where the cat had already killed 10 chickens and 1 turkey. Unfortunately, the cat met her fateful end that day, but her spirit will live on. The lynx will be returned to the Colorado Division of Wildlife for plague and tooth analysis. She was trapped in the Yukon and was released in Creed, Colorado in 1999, one of a total of 204 released (67 have since died). She had 3 litters of kittens, but this year she was challeneged for her territory and lost. In mid August, her radio signal was picked up in Rico, Colorado and she was heading south. Arizona is not within the range of lynx, and Colorado Divison of Wildlife was very surprised that she had been found on the Hopi Reservation.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599, martin_valdez@fws.gov