Title 5--Administrative Personnel



TEXT PDF591.101 Purpose.
TEXT PDF591.102 Definitions.
TEXT PDF591.103 Governmentwide maximum uniform allowance rate.
TEXT PDF591.104 Higher initial maximum uniform allowance rate.
TEXT PDF591.201 Definitions.
TEXT PDF591.202 Areas covered.
TEXT PDF591.203 Employees covered.
TEXT PDF591.204 Establishment of allowance areas.
TEXT PDF591.205 Comparative cost index.
TEXT PDF591.206 Establishment of allowance rates.
TEXT PDF591.207 Allowance categories, eligibility, and adjustments.
TEXT PDF591.208 Post differential.
TEXT PDF591.209 Eligibility for a differential.
TEXT PDF591.210 Payment of allowances and differentials.
TEXT PDF591.211 Periodic review.
TEXT PDF591.212 COLA Partnership Pilot Project.
TEXT PDF591.301 Purpose.
TEXT PDF591.302 Coverage.
TEXT PDF591.303 Responsibilities of agencies and the Office of Personnel Management.
TEXT PDF591.304 Criteria for determining remoteness.
TEXT PDF591.305 Allowance rates.
TEXT PDF591.306 Employee eligibility for an allowance.
TEXT PDF591.307 Payment of allowance rate.
TEXT PDF591.308 Relationship to additional pay payable under other statutes.
TEXT PDF591.309 Effective date for payment of allowances.
TEXT PDF591.310 Effect of regulations in this subpart on allowances established under previous statutes.
TEXT PDF591.401 Purpose and applicability.
TEXT PDF591.402 Definitions.
TEXT PDF591.403 Amount of payment.
TEXT PDF591.404 Method of payment.
TEXT PDF591.405 Responsibilities of agencies.
TEXT PDF591.406 Records and reports.
