Title 20--Employees' Benefits



TEXT PDF410.101 Introduction.
TEXT PDF410.110 General definitions and use of terms.
TEXT PDF410.120 Disclosure of program information.
TEXT PDF410.130 Periods of limitation ending on nonworkdays.
TEXT PDF410.200 Types of benefits; general.
TEXT PDF410.201 Conditions of entitlement; miner.
TEXT PDF410.202 Duration of entitlement; miner.
TEXT PDF410.210 Conditions of entitlement; widow or surviving divorced wife.
TEXT PDF410.211 Duration of entitlement; widow or surviving divorced wife.
TEXT PDF410.212 Conditions of entitlement; child.
TEXT PDF410.213 Duration of entitlement; child.
TEXT PDF410.214 Conditions of entitlement; parent, brother, or sister.
TEXT PDF410.215 Duration of entitlement; parent, brother, or sister.
TEXT PDF410.216 ''Good cause'' for delayed filing of proof of support.
TEXT PDF410.219 Filing a claim under State workmen's compensation law; when filing such claim shall be considered futile.
TEXT PDF410.220 Claim for benefits; definitions.
TEXT PDF410.221 Prescribed application and request forms.
TEXT PDF410.222 Execution of a claim.
TEXT PDF410.223 Evidence of authority to execute a claim on behalf of another.
TEXT PDF410.224 Claimant must be alive when claim is filed.
TEXT PDF410.226 Periods for which claims are effective.
TEXT PDF410.227 When a claim is considered to have been filed; time and place of filing.
TEXT PDF410.228 Requests and notices to be in writing.
TEXT PDF410.229 When written statement is considered a claim; general.
TEXT PDF410.230 Written statement filed by or for a miner on behalf of a member of his family.
TEXT PDF410.231 Time limits for filing claims.
TEXT PDF410.232 Withdrawal of a claim.
TEXT PDF410.233 Cancellation of a request for withdrawal.
TEXT PDF410.234 Interim provisions.
TEXT PDF410.240 Evidence.
TEXT PDF410.250 Effect of conviction of felonious and intentional homicide on entitlement to benefits.
TEXT PDF410.300 Relationship and dependency; general.
TEXT PDF410.310 Determination of relationship; wife.
TEXT PDF410.311 Determination of relationship; divorced wife.
TEXT PDF410.320 Determination of relationship; widow.
TEXT PDF410.321 Determination of relationship; surviving divorced wife.
TEXT PDF410.330 Determination of relationship; child.
TEXT PDF410.340 Determination of relationship; parent, brother, or sister.
TEXT PDF410.350 Determination of dependency; wife.
TEXT PDF410.351 Determination of dependency; divorced wife.
TEXT PDF410.360 Determination of dependency; widow.
TEXT PDF410.361 Determination of dependency; surviving divorced wife.
TEXT PDF410.370 Determination of dependency; child.
TEXT PDF410.380 Determination of dependency; parent, brother, or sister.
TEXT PDF410.390 Time of determinations.
TEXT PDF410.391 Legal impediment.
TEXT PDF410.392 Domicile.
TEXT PDF410.393 ''Member of the same household''; ''living with''; ''living in the same household''; and ''living in the miner's household.''
TEXT PDF410.395 Contributions and support.
TEXT PDF410.401 Scope of subpart D.
TEXT PDF410.410 Total disability due to pneumoconiosis, including statutory presumption.
TEXT PDF410.412 ''Total disability'' defined.
TEXT PDF410.414 Determining the existence of pneumoconiosis, including statutory presumption.
TEXT PDF410.416 Determining origin of pneumoconiosis, including statutory presumption.
TEXT PDF410.418 Irrebuttable presumption of total disability due to pneumoconiosis.
TEXT PDF410.422 Determining total disability: General criteria.
TEXT PDF410.424 Determining total disability: Medical criteria only.
TEXT PDF410.426 Determining total disability: Age, education, and work experience criteria.
TEXT PDF410.428 X-ray, biopsy, and autopsy evidence of pneumoconiosis.
TEXT PDF410.430 Ventilatory studies.
TEXT PDF410.432 Cessation of disability.
TEXT PDF410.450 Death due to pneumoconiosis, including statutory presumption.
TEXT PDF410.454 Determining the existence of pneumoconiosis, including statutory presumption--survivor's claim.
TEXT PDF410.456 Determining origin of pneumoconiosis, including statutory presumption--survivor's claim.
TEXT PDF410.458 Irrebuttable presumption of death due to pneumoconiosis--survivor's claim.
TEXT PDF410.462 Presumption relating to respirable disease.
TEXT PDF410.470 Determination by nongovernmental organization or other governmental agency.
TEXT PDF410.471 Conclusion by physician regarding miner's disability or death.
TEXT PDF410.472 Consultative examinations.
TEXT PDF410.473 Evidence of continuation of disability.
TEXT PDF410.474 Place and manner of submitting evidence.
TEXT PDF410.475 Failure to submit evidence.
TEXT PDF410.476 Responsibility to give notice of event which may affect a change in disability status.
TEXT PDF410.490 Interim adjudicatory rules for certain part B claims filed by a miner before July 1, 1973, or by a survivor where the miner died before January 1, 1974.
TEXT PDF410.501 Payment periods.
TEXT PDF410.505 Payees.
TEXT PDF410.510 Computation of benefits.
TEXT PDF410.511 Certification to dependent of augmentation portion of benefit.
TEXT PDF410.515 Modification of benefit amounts; general.
TEXT PDF410.520 Reductions; receipt of State benefit.
TEXT PDF410.530 Reductions; excess earnings.
TEXT PDF410.535 Reductions; effect of an additional claim for benefits.
TEXT PDF410.536 Reductions; effect of augmentation of benefits based on subsequent qualification of individual.
TEXT PDF410.540 Reductions; more than one reduction event.
TEXT PDF410.550 Nonpayment of benefits to residents of certain States.
TEXT PDF410.560 Overpayments.
TEXT PDF410.561 Notice of right to waiver consideration.
TEXT PDF410.561a When waiver may be applied and how to process the request.
TEXT PDF410.561b Fault.
TEXT PDF410.561c Defeat the purpose of title IV.
TEXT PDF410.561d Against equity and good conscience; defined.
TEXT PDF410.561e When an individual is ''without fault'' in a reduction-overpayment.
TEXT PDF410.561f When an individual is ''without fault'' in an entitlement overpayment.
TEXT PDF410.561g When an individual is at ''fault'' in a reduction-overpayment.
TEXT PDF410.561h When adjustment or recovery of an overpayment will be waived.
TEXT PDF410.563 Liability of a certifying officer.
TEXT PDF410.565 Collection and compromise of claims for overpayment.
TEXT PDF410.570 Underpayments.
TEXT PDF410.580 Relation to provisions for reductions or increases.
TEXT PDF410.581 Payments on behalf of an individual.
TEXT PDF410.582 Submission of evidence by representative payee.
TEXT PDF410.583 Responsibility of representative payee.
TEXT PDF410.584 Use of benefits for current maintenance.
TEXT PDF410.585 Conservation and investment of payments.
TEXT PDF410.586 Use of benefits for beneficiary in institution.
TEXT PDF410.587 Support of legally dependent spouse, child, or parent.
TEXT PDF410.588 Claims of creditors.
TEXT PDF410.589 Accountability.
TEXT PDF410.590 Transfer of accumulated benefit payments.
TEXT PDF410.591 Eligibility for services and supplies under part C of title IV of the act.
TEXT PDF410.601 Determinations of disability.
TEXT PDF410.610 Administrative actions that are initial determinations.
TEXT PDF410.615 Administrative actions that are not initial determinations.
TEXT PDF410.620 Notice of initial determination.
TEXT PDF410.621 Effect of initial determination.
TEXT PDF410.622 Reconsideration and hearing.
TEXT PDF410.623 Reconsideration; right to reconsideration.
TEXT PDF410.624 Time and place of filing request.
TEXT PDF410.625 Parties to the reconsideration.
TEXT PDF410.626 Notice of reconsideration.
TEXT PDF410.627 Reconsidered determination.
TEXT PDF410.628 Notice of reconsidered determination.
TEXT PDF410.629 Effect of a reconsidered determination.
TEXT PDF410.629a Expedited appeals process; conditions for use of such process.
TEXT PDF410.629b Expedited appeals process; place and time of filing request.
TEXT PDF410.629c Expedited appeals process; parties.
TEXT PDF410.629d Expedited appeals process; agreement requirements.
TEXT PDF410.629e Expedited appeals process; effect of agreement.
TEXT PDF410.629f Effect of a request that does not result in agreement.
TEXT PDF410.630 Hearing; right to hearing.
TEXT PDF410.631 Time and place of filing request.
TEXT PDF410.632 Parties to a hearing.
TEXT PDF410.633 Additional parties to the hearing.
TEXT PDF410.634 Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF410.635 Disqualification of Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF410.636 Time and place of hearing.
TEXT PDF410.637 Hearing on new issues.
TEXT PDF410.638 Change of time and place for hearing.
TEXT PDF410.639 Subpenas.
TEXT PDF410.640 Conduct of hearing.
TEXT PDF410.641 Evidence.
TEXT PDF410.642 Witnesses.
TEXT PDF410.643 Oral argument and written allegations.
TEXT PDF410.644 Record of hearing.
TEXT PDF410.645 Joint hearings.
TEXT PDF410.646 Consolidated issues.
TEXT PDF410.647 Waiver of right to appear and present evidence.
TEXT PDF410.648 Dismissal of request for hearing; by application of party.
TEXT PDF410.649 Dismissal by abandonment of party.
TEXT PDF410.650 Dismissal for cause.
TEXT PDF410.651 Notice of dismissal and right to request review thereon.
TEXT PDF410.652 Effect of dismissal.
TEXT PDF410.653 Vacation of dismissal of request for hearing.
TEXT PDF410.654 Administrative Law Judge's decision or certification to Appeals Council.
TEXT PDF410.655 Effect of Administrative Law Judge's decision.
TEXT PDF410.656 Removal of hearing to Appeals Council.
TEXT PDF410.657 Appeals Council proceedings on certification and review; procedure before Appeals Council on certification by the Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF410.658 Evidence in proceeding before Appeals Council.
TEXT PDF410.659 Decision of Appeals Council.
TEXT PDF410.660 Right to request review of Administrative Law Judge's decision or dismissal.
TEXT PDF410.661 Time and place of filing request.
TEXT PDF410.662 Action by Appeals Council on review.
TEXT PDF410.663 Procedure before Appeals Council on review.
TEXT PDF410.664 Evidence admissible on review.
TEXT PDF410.665 Decision by Appeals Council or remanding of case.
TEXT PDF410.666 Effect of Appeals Council's decision or refusal to review.
TEXT PDF410.667 Dismissal by Appeals Council.
TEXT PDF410.668 Extension of time to request reconsideration.
TEXT PDF410.669 Extension of time to request hearing or review or begin civil action.
TEXT PDF410.670 Review by Appeals Council.
TEXT PDF410.670a Judicial review.
TEXT PDF410.670b Interim provision for the adjudication of certain claims filed prior to May 19, 1972.
TEXT PDF410.670c Application of circuit court law.
TEXT PDF410.671 Revision for error or other reason; time limitation generally.
TEXT PDF410.672 Reopening initial, revised or reconsidered determinations of the Administration and decisions of an Administrative Law Judge or the Appeals Council; finality of determinations and decisions.
TEXT PDF410.673 Good cause for reopening a determination or decision.
TEXT PDF410.674 Finality of suspension of benefit payments for entire taxable year because of earnings.
TEXT PDF410.675 Time limitation for revising finding suspending benefit payments for entire taxable year because of earnings.
TEXT PDF410.675a Late completion of timely investigation.
TEXT PDF410.676 Notice of revision.
TEXT PDF410.677 Effect of revised determination.
TEXT PDF410.678 Time and place of requesting hearing on revised determination.
TEXT PDF410.679 Finality of findings with respect to other claims for benefits based on the disability or death of a miner.
TEXT PDF410.680 Imposition of reductions.
TEXT PDF410.681 Change of ruling or legal precedent.
TEXT PDF410.682 General applicability.
TEXT PDF410.683 Certification of payment; determination or decision providing for payment.
TEXT PDF410.683b Transfer or assignment.
TEXT PDF410.684 Representation of party; appointment of representative.
TEXT PDF410.685 Qualifications of representative.
TEXT PDF410.686 Authority of representative.
TEXT PDF410.686a Proceedings before a State or Federal court.
TEXT PDF410.686b Fee for services performed for an individual before the Social Security Administration.
TEXT PDF410.686c Petition for approval of fee.
TEXT PDF410.686d Payment of fees.
TEXT PDF410.686e Services rendered for an individual in a proceeding before the Administration under part B of title IV of the Act.
TEXT PDF410.687 Rules governing the representation and advising of claimants and parties.
TEXT PDF410.687a Effective date.
TEXT PDF410.688 Disqualification or suspension of an individual from acting as a representative in proceedings before SSA.
TEXT PDF410.689 Notice of charges.
TEXT PDF410.690 Withdrawal of charges.
TEXT PDF410.691 Referral to the Deputy Commissioner for Programs and Policy, or his or her designee, for hearing and decision.
TEXT PDF410.692 Hearing on charges.
TEXT PDF410.693 Decision by hearing officer.
TEXT PDF410.694 Right to request review of the hearing officer's decision.
TEXT PDF410.695 Procedure before Appeals Council on review of hearing officer's decision.
TEXT PDF410.696 Evidence admissible on review.
TEXT PDF410.697 Decision by Appeals Council on review of hearing officer's decision.
TEXT PDF410.698 Dismissal by Appeals Council.
TEXT PDF410.699 Reinstatement after suspension or disqualification.
TEXT PDF410.699a Penalties for fraud.
TEXT PDF410.700 Background.
TEXT PDF410.701 Jurisdiction for determining entitlement under part B.
TEXT PDF410.702 Definitions and terms.
TEXT PDF410.703 Adjudicatory rules for determining entitlement to benefits.
TEXT PDF410.704 Review procedures.
TEXT PDF410.705 Duplicate claims.
TEXT PDF410.706 Effect of the Social Security Administration determination of entitlement.
TEXT PDF410.707 Hearings and appeals.

