Title 20--Employees' Benefits



TEXT PDF228.1 Introduction.
TEXT PDF228.2 Tier I and tier II annuity components.
TEXT PDF228.10 Computation of the tier I annuity component for a widow(er), disabled widow(er), remarried widow(er), and a surviving divorced spouse.
TEXT PDF228.11 Computation of the tier I annuity component of a widow(er) with a child in care, remarried widow(er) with a child in care, or a surviving divorced spouse with a child in care.
TEXT PDF228.12 Computation of the tier I annuity component of a child's insurance annuity.
TEXT PDF228.13 Computation of the tier I annuity component of a parent's insurance annuity.
TEXT PDF228.14 Family maximum.
TEXT PDF228.15 Reduction for age.
TEXT PDF228.16 Adjustments in the age reduction factor (ARF).
TEXT PDF228.17 Adjustments to the widow(er)'s, disabled widow(er)'s, surviving divorced spouse's, and remarried widow(er)'s tier I annuity amount.
TEXT PDF228.18 Reduction for public pension.
TEXT PDF228.19 Reduction for a social security benefit.
TEXT PDF228.20 Reduction for an employee annuity.
TEXT PDF228.21 Entitlement as a spouse or divorced spouse and as a survivor.
TEXT PDF228.22 Entitlement to more than one survivor annuity.
TEXT PDF228.23 Priority of reductions.
TEXT PDF228.40 Cost of living increase applicable to the tier I annuity component.
TEXT PDF228.50 Tier II annuity component widow(er), child, or parent.
TEXT PDF228.51 Takeback amount.
TEXT PDF228.52 Restored amount.
TEXT PDF228.53 Spouse minimum guarantee.
TEXT PDF228.60 Cost-of-living increase.

