Title 20--Employees' Benefits



TEXT PDF222.1 Introduction.
TEXT PDF222.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF222.3 Other regulations related to this part.
TEXT PDF222.4 Homicide of employee.
TEXT PDF222.10 When determinations of relationship as wife, husband, widow or widower of employee are made.
TEXT PDF222.11 Determination of marriage relationship.
TEXT PDF222.12 Ceremonial marriage relationship.
TEXT PDF222.13 Common-law marriage relationship.
TEXT PDF222.14 Deemed marriage relationship.
TEXT PDF222.15 When spouse is living with employee.
TEXT PDF222.16 When spouse is living in the same household with employee.
TEXT PDF222.17 ``Child in care'' when child of the employee is living with the claimant.
TEXT PDF222.18 ``Child in care'' when child of the employee is not living with the claimant.
TEXT PDF222.20 When determination of relationship as divorced spouse, surviving divorced spouse, or remarried widow(er) is made.
TEXT PDF222.21 When marriage is terminated by final divorce.
TEXT PDF222.22 Relationship as divorced spouse.
TEXT PDF222.23 Relationship as surviving divorced spouse.
TEXT PDF222.24 Relationship as remarried widow(er).
TEXT PDF222.30 When determinations of relationship as child are made.
TEXT PDF222.31 Relationship as child for annuity and lump-sum payment purposes.
TEXT PDF222.32 Relationship as a natural child.
TEXT PDF222.33 Relationship resulting from legal adoption.
TEXT PDF222.34 Relationship resulting from equitable adoption.
TEXT PDF222.35 Relationship as stepchild.
TEXT PDF222.36 Relationship as grandchild or stepgrandchild.
TEXT PDF222.40 When determinations of relationship are made for parent, grandchild, brother or sister.
TEXT PDF222.41 Determination of relationship and support for parent.
TEXT PDF222.42 When employee is contributing to support.
TEXT PDF222.43 How the one-half support determination is made.
TEXT PDF222.44 Other relationship determinations for lump-sum payments.
TEXT PDF222.50 When child dependency determinations are made.
TEXT PDF222.51 When a natural child is dependent.
TEXT PDF222.52 When a legally adopted child is dependent--general.
TEXT PDF222.53 When a legally adopted child is dependent--child adopted after entitlement.
TEXT PDF222.54 When a legally adopted child is dependent--grandchild or stepgrandchild adopted after entitlement.
TEXT PDF222.55 When a stepchild is dependent.
TEXT PDF222.56 When a grandchild or stepgrandchild is dependent.
TEXT PDF222.57 When an equitably adopted child is dependent.
TEXT PDF222.58 When a child is living with an employee.

