Title 20--Employees' Benefits



TEXT PDF216.1 Introduction.
TEXT PDF216.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF216.3 Other regulations related to this part.
TEXT PDF216.11 General.
TEXT PDF216.12 When current connection is required.
TEXT PDF216.13 Regular current connection test.
TEXT PDF216.14 Regular non-railroad employment that will not break a current connection.
TEXT PDF216.15 Special current connection test.
TEXT PDF216.16 What is regular non-railroad employment.
TEXT PDF216.17 What amount of regular non-railroad employment will break a current connection.
TEXT PDF216.21 General.
TEXT PDF216.22 Work as an employee which affects payment.
TEXT PDF216.23 Work which does not affect eligibility.
TEXT PDF216.24 Relinquishment of rights to return to work.
TEXT PDF216.30 General.
TEXT PDF216.31 Who is eligible for an age annuity.
TEXT PDF216.32 Who is eligible for a disability annuity.
TEXT PDF216.33 What is required for payment of an age or disability annuity.
TEXT PDF216.40 General.
TEXT PDF216.41 Who is entitled to a supplemental annuity.
TEXT PDF216.42 How a private railroad pension affects a supplemental annuity.
TEXT PDF216.43 Effect of a supplemental annuity on other benefits.
TEXT PDF216.50 General.
TEXT PDF216.51 Who is eligible for a spouse annuity.
TEXT PDF216.52 Who is eligible for an annuity as a divorced spouse.
TEXT PDF216.53 What is required for payment.
TEXT PDF216.54 Who is an employee's wife or husband.
TEXT PDF216.60 General.
TEXT PDF216.61 Who is eligible for an annuity as a widow(er).
TEXT PDF216.62 Who is eligible for an annuity as a surviving divorced spouse.
TEXT PDF216.63 Who is eligible for an annuity as a remarried widow(er).
TEXT PDF216.64 What is required for payment.
TEXT PDF216.65 Who is an employee's widow(er).
TEXT PDF216.66 Who is an employee's surviving divorced spouse.
TEXT PDF216.67 ``Child in care.''
TEXT PDF216.68 Disability period for widow(er), surviving divorced spouse, or remarried widow(er).
TEXT PDF216.70 General.
TEXT PDF216.71 Who is eligible for a child's annuity.
TEXT PDF216.72 What is required for payment of a child's annuity.
TEXT PDF216.73 Who may be re-entitled to a child's annuity.
TEXT PDF216.74 When a child is a full-time student.
TEXT PDF216.75 When a child is a full-time student during a period of non-attendance.
TEXT PDF216.80 General.
TEXT PDF216.81 Who is eligible for a parent's annuity.
TEXT PDF216.82 What is required for payment.
TEXT PDF216.90 General.
TEXT PDF216.91 Entitlement as an employee and spouse, divorced spouse, or survivor.
TEXT PDF216.92 Entitlement as a spouse or divorced spouse and as a survivor.
TEXT PDF216.93 Entitlement to more than one survivor annuity.
TEXT PDF216.94 Entitlement to more than one divorced spouse annuity.

